
The gods have two eyes and they’re always open.  Always, except every two hundred years or so.  See, then, for about five minutes the male god and the female god have sex and they cover each other’s light and they don’t know what we humans be doing.  See, that’s how all us humans be created;  the boy sun and girl moon mated and this planet, animals, bugs, everything be born.  But, the gods still be horny and still fuck each other and then, when the gods ain’t watching, we be free to do whatever we want.  There be no rules.  So, we be able to do stuff we shouldn’t be doing ‘cause the gods ain’t watchin’.  See, let’s talk ‘bout what we be doin’.  There ain’t no light so we be fucking who or whatever be closest to us.  Like, we be closest to our horse, we be fucking our horse.  Hell, the gods ain’t watchin’ and won’t punish us for no sin.  And we be takin’ anything from anyone, but people be takin’ shit from us since we can’t see nothing.  It only lasts four or five minutes, so we can’t do nothing real bad.  But, we and the animals be doing crazy shit.  Biting, licking, but it be okay.  The gods ain’t be watching.  

But, this time somebody did something no one ain’t never done when the gods be fucking.  See, people be from different places and they be got different things from different places and they be saying something about what year it be.  I ain’t never heard no one say nothing about no year before.  But, the gods ain’t watchin’, so they be makin’ something called a moll toe cock’s tail.  Hell, you be able to do anything you’s want when the gods be fucking.  Hell, that’s how Earth happened.  But, we be looking at this toe in the dark.  Well, we couldn’t see nothing at first, but then, there be fire like in the pits and he be throwin’ the fire.  Shit, what if the gods stop fuckin’ and see we be bad.  The fire be spreading in our tents.  It’s ok.  In a few minutes the gods won’t be fucking no more and they be punishing this bad man.  But, the gods separate from each other and we show the gods what this bad guy be doing, but the fires be continuing and we ain’t got no ideas what to do, so we be praying to the Sun and the Moon, but the fire be continuing.  We’s get some water from the river but it ain’t workin’ on the moll tail.  So, we all be prayin’ to the god and goddess, but they not be doing nothing.  Maybe they be embarrassed that we sees them fucking.  But, the fires be continuing.  Shit.  And the man with the weird toe have other men behind him be throwing moll toe cock tail. 

War?  This is war?  The War God, Doggq, must have awakened during the gods’ fucking.  Damn it.  So, we get the men to carry the sun and moon gods and gather the weapons.  The auq, gdf, spd, and other weapons native to our country.  They don’t seem to help against the toes though.  Damn it.  But, we pray to Sun and Moon for their help.  HELP!  But, then, it sems like Doggq hears our prayers as it starts raining.  Everyone knows rain puts out fire, but this is weird God fire of this evil tribe and fire from glass keeps going.  Damn it.  

Then, the men with the fires bring out penises and small metal comes from long penises and it hurts our men.  Wonder what they’re eating to have sperm that strong.  Wonder what wives do when the have sex?  Die?  Then, everything stops.  Fire stops and penises stop.  It just stops.  

But, the gods fight in the sky with pink clouds, black typhoons, haboobs, mud slides, and other shit you can’t imagine.  What the . . . See smoke from Toe’s is smoke from green weeds, so I throw more green weeds and smells nice.  

We take the mushrooms and consume them.  The mushrooms give us strength of gods. Things feeling good.  We gonna win war with evil gods.  Damn it.  World starts turning sideways, upside down, diagonal, all ways, always.  Like the Mother Earth is exposing her bosom to let the female moon in.  LLM?  The moon is moving.  Ekk!  Remember, 62, 42, 69, no?  Rules or positions?  Fires from green weeds going down means green weeds antidote to moll toe cock tails?  Maybe.  Gods angry we fighting during their fucking.  

Then, the Earth stops turning latitude and turns longitudinal.  Day and night at same . . .can’t explain.  Maybe this illusion of Moll Toe Cock Tail?  Enemy smart but we be smarter?  We be smarter.  We be smarter.  More Moll Toe Cock Tails, but no high and burnt buildings so we’s pray again but gods be fucking again, or half fucking?  Earth expands, Earth contracts.  Earth be like top kids be flipping upside down and Earth stops moving, but Moe Toe Cock Tails still there.  Damn it.  

We be retreating and working on saving kids and statues, not goat kids, kid kids.  Moll Toe Cock Tails gods of Sun and Moon can’t do nothing about.  Evil Moll Toe.  We need bring in other tribes’ gods so wes  run to neighbor tribe and they’s be running toward us since Moe Toll Cock Tails going from other side, too.  We no be fighting each other, we be fighting boys throwing Moe Toll Cock Tails.  Damn it and we both be losing.  

We be going crazy praying to each other gods and each other, stealing weapons, but we be in infermo. Fire, fire be everywhere and the Moll Toe Cock Tail be hitting be and I be wet and be on fire at same time and me be screaming and wife poors bucket of holy water, but it don’t do nothing and I see me legs burning and me hair.  I roll on ground but nothing.  Nothing.  

April 09, 2024 19:52

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