Science Fiction Funny Happy

“Oh! OHHH!” I exclaim noticing my very 80s outfit, A-ha’s ‘Take On Me’ begins playing in my head as I look around in awe.

We’re in the 80s! “1982 to be specific.” Marina tells me with a smile. I smile back, I’m so FRICKIN excited to be here! It’s the 80s for goodness sake! “Ha! All my research on this era finally paid off!” I cheer. Benson scoffs. “Anyway, we need to figure out where we are.” “WOW! This place is so cool!” Benny yells. Everyone turns to us. “Geez, you turned way too many heads Benny… We should get outta here.” We start walking down the street. “I’m not sure where we are but the diner shouldn’t be to far… if we’re in Utah.”

“The di- isn’t that where you and Will first met?” Benson asks her, he doesn’t sound pleased at all. She turns to him with an annoyed expression. “Benson, you know that-“ “That what?! You two still love each other!?” He snaps at her. “Still?! What do you mean still?! We never at all did love-“

“Well then explain the little ‘meetings’ you two had together after you told me to leave?!” “Okay, so I spoke to him a bit more after you left but that’s because I needed to talk to someone after you left! Plus I told you it was okay to go if YOU wanted to leave if YOU didn’t feel the same anymore… if YOU were done with the love and relationship we had…” They both pause, Benson breaks the silence by asking, “… Had?”. They both end up lookin’ sad again. Me and Benny are just standing their awkwardly, glancing towards each other once in a while both thinking:

What the heck? Really? Right here? Right now?

Marina looks like she’s about to say something-

“Okay so, we still going to that… diner?” Marina sighs. “Probably not a good idea, whether we’re in Utah or not, my self from this time might be there…”. Benson places his hand on her shoulder. “I-…” He sighs. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I shouldn’t have said any of those things.” But before she can even respond, “We better get going though.” As if nothing happened. She crosses her arms before following him alongside me and Benny. “So, uh…” “Nothing you don’t already know. The relationship was your idea-“ “HEY, HEY! Look, I wasn’t gonna ask about anything of that, plus even if I… It didn’t need to get that deep..” I awkwardly look up at the sky before making eye contact with her again. Okay, this might sound weird. Cuz she’s my character and all… But, I really went all out with Marina. She’s beautiful and I mean beautiful! She’s gorgeous! She’s the Marilyn Monroe, the Elizabeth Taylor of my OCs!… Although most of them are teenagers and kids so… doesn’t really count y’know cuz she’s a young adult and all. She doesn’t dress all skimpy though just a blouse with puffy sleeves, a sleeveless dark blue sweater on top and some bell bottoms. Very 70s whilst in the 80s but that’s okay. I think the diner first opened in the 70s anyway that’s around the time she got involved, a few days after it opened. Hey, I forgot what I was gonna tell her… It’s okay I’ll ask her this, “Are you Native American?” Marina comes to a stop. “What kind of-”

She lifts her hand up for silence and Benson stops. “It’s fine, Benson.” She continues walking. Benny starts throwing a fit about how she didn’t answer me and now he wants to know too. “Uh, anyways…” I say. “I apologize for interrupting your besito!” I try holding in my laughter. Marina giggles. “No you’re not.” She continues walking down the street. “Where are we even going?” Benny asks me. I shrug. “Oh… Yeah me neither.” It’s an awkward silence down the street. I sneak a few glances at him whenever I can, trying to find something to talk about with him, I don’t know what he likes or…. 

“Why are you staring at me..?”


“Well, you-“

“Oh yeah sorry, I do that when I zone out sometimes.”  

We continue walking. “Do you like art?”

I ask him. I’m so socially awkward. “I used to do different arts and crafts as a kid.” “You were a kid?!” I was flabbergasted. “Sorry… Robots growing up and all that kind of stuff is still bit odd to me.” “Well, I-“. He turns to where Marina and Benson are standing. “Oh boy, they’re arguing again.” Benny looks very done with these two, kinda like a ‘I hate it when mom and dad fight’ type thing. He slumps over in disappointment. “Are YOU TWO DONE?! YOU’RE ARGUING LIKE AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE!” They both slowly turn to him. I actually remember him saying that to Benson and someone else… “Hey… You’re doing that weird staring thing again.” Benny would tap my shoulder and tell me. “Oh…” I shrug, do a weird hand gesture, shrug again, awkwardly wave my hands in the direction we should be going while muttering, not anything bad just feeling to awkward to speak. I walk away… cuz… yeah…  

Where the heck are we even going? Where are we? Hey, I recognize this name…. 

‘US Festival’…

And we’re in 1982…

. . .

I turn around to face the three of them. 

“We’re in San Bernardino, California!” 

“Really? How do you know?” Benson asks me, I point out how everyone is heading toward Glen Helen Regional Park, erm well most of them were shouting about heading there. “Do you know what this means?” Benny and Benson shook their heads. “There’ll be all sorts of bands playing there! Including Fleetwood Mac!” I get happy feet. “Well then, what are you waiting for little Ari?” Marina tells me. I smile so much, I can’t stop. IM GONNA SEE FLEETWOOD MAC LIVE! Look, I’d fast forward to the concert but then it would kinda ruin the story, but lemme tell you… we’re lucky we got here a bit early. We manage to squeeze in somewhere  near the front of the stage. It’s starting to get dark out, not exactly sure when Fleetwood Mac would come on. “I’m getting bored!” Benny blurts out, frustrated with all the waiting. “Go get yourself a snack or something, I’ve never been here before! All I know is that The Cars, Tom Petty and Fleetwood Mac will be performing here!” They all just kinda look at me, Benny just… 

“Okay.” And walks off. Benson seems a little upset with me for saying that to him but I mean, what was I supposed to say? “Oh, we can just leave then, even if we don’t know where to go!” Or just be like “Okay.” And left? No! WHY WOULD I? WHAT AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT RIGHT NOW? I feel a tap on my shoulder while I’m going insane. 


“Fleetwood Mac is up.”


I turn to face the stage and- and there… there they are! THE Fleetwood Mac! 

Look see! There’s Stevie, Christine- 

“Little Ari! You’re zoning out again!”

“Oh yeah, sorry..” 

I awaken from my daydreams and watch the show, it was so awesome to see them live! To see Gypsy live! Sure I might’ve missed some of the other bands but, I got to see Fleetwood Mac! 

“Hey, you saw your little band play, we need to go though.” Aw man. “Yeah, you’re right. Welp, where to next?” 

“I found Marina’s time and I guess you could say universe. We’re technically stuck in your thoughts and daydreams. So…” I look back toward the stage then back to him. “So…?” He turns to Marina, then back to me. 

“Lead the way.”  

We begin walking off but I notice Marina comes to a stop, placing her hand on Benson’s shoulder. I’m nosey so I listen in.

“There’s something I really need to tell you…” she says. He seems concerned. “And that is…?” She lifts up her hand revealing a ring on her finger, holding her head down. Now they know each other well so it’s shocking to see, especially for him. They usually tell each other everything…

“Marina, did you…?” She nods her head and looks up at him, tearing up. “This is so dramatic…” Benny whispers as he listens in alongside me. I smile. “It was the telenovela play.”. We continue listening. “Who did you…?” She sniffles and takes a deep breath. “Will…”. Me and Benny gasp, the two quickly turn around and we act like we never heard a thing. “Benson, I’m sorry but you packed up and left. I loved you, with all my heart, I gave you all I could give and you- you just left!” He hugs her. “I know… and I’m sorry, I know it’s too late. Too late to start again.” She’s holding on to him for dear life… should I be laughing? She’d laugh tearfully. “And I’m also going to have a kid.” Benson’s head bolted up when she said that. Me and Benny gasp again. “Really?” “Yeah. And I’d like you to be the godfather… if you can.” She smiles, he gently holds her hand. “I’d- I’d love to, and yes I can.” They start walking towards me and Benny, we run full speed away to make them think we weren’t listening in. So for now, we’re running at full speed through this giant crowd until-


July 22, 2024 02:58

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Arianna Casillas
03:48 Jul 22, 2024

Copy the link to see Gypsy live 1982 US Festival: https://youtu.be/mV_dnrxD6v4?si=O2S4dOYfC34suXcq :)


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Arianna Casillas
03:29 Jul 22, 2024

GAH! I forgot to mention Benny and Benson aren’t mine, this is very much like a fanfic, the two are from Fractured Franchise, a random game on Robloxia, I hope I don’t get in trouble but I’d like to credit them for it. I’ve also always wanted to see Fleetwood Mac live…


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