Funny Drama

Greg, a 32 year old man living back home with his parents was laying stomach down on the twin size bed that he has had since he was a kid. The alarm clock next to his head began to blare obnoxiously, echoing throughout the household. With a grunt, Greg rolled over, placing the pillow on his head to block out the sounds. 

Loud stomping made its way across the house as Greg's mother ripped the blanket off his body and with a surge of anger and annoyance she ripped the plug of the alarm clock straight out of the wall. “Greg! I swear to god! This is the third job you have had in the past six months and you are not going to start off badly on your first day at this one! Now get up and get ready because Your father and I are not going to keep babying you! You are 32 years old!” his mother screamed as she threw the alarm clock at him.

Greg was a college drop out that moved back home and never left so it is understandable why his mother went off on him for not caring. 

As he got up slowly out of bed, Greg's mother slammed the door to his room. He could hear her yelling to his father about how much of a disappointment he has been and that she should be living as an empty nester and not taking care of her son like the man child that he is. Greg yawned and scratched his stubbly chin as he made his way to the bathroom. Trash littered the floors of the bathroom and it looked as if nobody had cleaned it in years. He looked in the mirror at the bags under his eyes, he really shouldn't have stayed up all night playing fortnite again but he loses track of time so easily when he plays.

He brushed his teeth and made his way back into his room. Grabbing a random white shirt off the floor and giving it the sniff test. He flipped the shirt right side out and began to put it on as he began to cough. With a deep breath he put his black pants on that his mother laid out the night prior for his first day at the museum as the guard. He has to do well at this job, his mothers resources are the only reason he got this gig in the first place.

Opening the door of his bedroom he walked to the kitchen area where his mother was waiting to drive him to work. She held a lunchbox but she had such a stern look on her face. She looked angry and tired but as usual Greg brushed it off his shoulders. “If this job goes well I’ll buy a car momma I promise” Greg said trying to lighten her mood but she wasn’t buying it. He has been telling her this for years now and she lost hope a while ago. 

As the car pulled up to the museum Greg reminded his mother that his shift is until 5pm. He leaned over and kissed her forehead as he grabbed his lunch and began to open the door of the car. She wished him good luck in a softer tone than what she had earlier. Greg knows he’s stressing her out but with how much of a hole he got himself into he can’t seem to do better for himself. 

Walking up to the front door, Greg tripped on a small bump on the paved stairs. “Great! Haven’t even clocked in yet and this is how my day starts.” He says to himself as he picks himself up from the stairs embarrassingly. He looked at his lunch that he accidentally launched across the stairwell when he fell, thankfully it was still intact. As he bent down to grab it he heard a voice behind him. His new boss. “Greg! Welcome to the museum of the arts! Your uniform will be with Jerry, he’s in the back. Go to him and he will get you set up and ready.” He said to Greg in a very high pitched voice. Greg rolled his eyes as he watched him walk away. 

Greg made his way into the museum, as he walked toward the back he lost concentration, he has never been in a place like this before and the sight amazed him a bit. He stopped to look at the big center piece in the very middle of the room. Anne Boleyn’s crown it read on the plaque. “I don't know who this lady was but that's a nice crown she had,” he said with a sound of curiosity in his voice. He heard a voice behind him yell his name so he whipped around fast without any thought to it. A loud crash sound came soon after. 

Dread melted down Greg’s body as he stood there. Everyone in the whole museum stopped and was staring at him. Greg could feel his heart begin to race and sweat began to rain down his body. He replayed what just happened in his head. When he spun around, his arm holding the lunch box smashed right into the glass that was enclosing the crown causing the crown to go flying. 

He turned to run but didn’t look where he was going, his right foot landed on the crown causing it to cave in and he slipped and fell onto the ground. How does one's luck become so bad? I mean, it’s Greg so what do we expect? He barely graduated high school and dropped out of community college after two weeks of starting it. He got in a relationship with a girl but he wasn’t nice to her causing her to leave him. He treats his parents badly and has no care for the world. 

As Greg opened his eyes he found himself in handcuffs and his mother standing over him with the police officers. “We don't have the money to pay the museum for the damages. I’m sorry, there's nothing I can do” she said as Greg was escorted out.  

Posted Mar 15, 2024

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9 likes 1 comment

21:51 Mar 27, 2024

Greg's story is a lovely example of the importance of personal growth, accountability, and the impact of our actions on those around us. I enjoyed it.


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