Drama Romance Mystery

I pulled the french doors open. "New school New life" I repeated to myself. I was greeted only by suspicious looks and judgmental eyes. I coward away into the shadows but ended but colliding with someone accidentally. "HELLO!" They shouted a little too loudly. "Hey" I replied quietly. "I'm Amalee!" She held out her hand eagerly without a trace of suspicion like many of her classmates. I shook it carefully. What's your name?? "Hailey Thomas" I choked. I think we have the same first-class let's walk together! She linked her arm with mine and tugged me down a dark hallway. We stopped at the end of the hall and she tossed me like a ball into a dark windowless room. Start talking. Excuse me? I tried to stand and regain my composure but she gave me a look that made me shiver I sat back down. Who are you really? The words stung a surprising amount. I-I but I was interrupted by a deep male voice. "Leave her alone Amalee shes brand new" The figure stepped out of the shadows. He was handsome Straight brown hair that swept over his head he was tall and muscular with cloudy green eyes, I blushed. He grabbed me away from Amalee's reach. Sorry about my sister. He shrugged it off "I'm Hunter". "Hailey" I stated. You've probably already missed french Hunter sighed. Wait how do you know my schedule? People here tend to keep tabs on anyone new He mentioned casually. You have Geometry next right? I think so. He leads me through the surprisingly winding halls of this foreign highschool. Once we reached our destination he only let go of my arm and darted off. I touched the spot on my arm where he had been holding me. I smiled goofily and stumbled into class in a daze. That daze kept a hold on me until I heard the lunch bell. A skinny boy with reddish hair came up to me and tapped my shoulder nervously. "Hey Hailey, I'm Alyx you wanna sit with me at lunch?" Desperate for friends I agreed. He leads me to the cafeteria. A place that would normally disgust the average teenager but somehow make tears well in my eyes. It brought back memories of my old life. I missed Maia and Harlowe. There where so many memories back in Denver. But that's over now a not very reassuring voice popped into my head. Shut up, I muttered. What? Alyx puzzled Nothing. I sat down at an empty table. He was quick to follow. We had started a nice conversation when the whole cafeteria stopped, they had to. Hunter is walking in slick and handsome per-usual. He is immediately swarmed by a group of girls that clearly made up the "Hunter Fan Club" To my astonishment he doesn't seem phased at all he starts to walk over to where Alyx and I are sitting. But is stopped by at least three obsessive girls on the way shouting things like "I'm Roxie!" or "Wanna sit with me?!" He pushes through the mob and plops down beside me. This gives way to a flash of jealousy and anger on Alyx's face. He glares at Hunter briefly then pretty much doesn't acknowledge he is sitting here. Hunter looks ready to pound Alyx to the floor so I try to spark small talk. So... the weather right?. Hunter ignores my comment How do you know Hailey? Hunter blurts "Uhh just saw her in geometry" He seems defensive yet nervous. Well, I saved her from Amalee! Hunter boasts. "Wow" I can hear the faint sarcasm in his tone. Are they fighting over me? I pushed the thought away. I started thinking about them both Hunter's Dark clean-cut hair and hazy green eyes. Alyx's Thoughtful blue eyes and freckled face, the way his hair was sloppily laid across his forehead. Obviously, Hunter won in the looks department I think to myself blushing at her own thought. But from what she could tell about their personality Alyx won he was sweet, thoughtful, honest, and smart. Hunters character? It was mysterious, she could tell he was tough and secretive he seemed so closed maybe if she got to know him..She laughed at herself. The first day at Northwood High and she already was thinking about boys. "Typical Hailey" Maia would have said. Torn between my newfound friends I randomly grab Hunters' wrist. I tug him into the hallway. Is there bad blood between you two? Sort of he rushes. We used to be...friends from kindergarten until junior year. What happened? I push. He said that I was hanging out with the wrong crowd. I contemplated this. So? I didn't agree. That's it? End of a lifelong friendship because of one stupid comment? Pretty much. Look, Hailey, he is a nerd anyway. This comment hits me hard for no apparent reason. I Haven't talked to Hunter for the rest of the day. As soon as the last period ends I am pretty much jumping for joy today has been rough. My new house is basically right behind the school, in the middle of the forest. I trudge through trees until I see our little house I rush inside. "Hey Mom" I let out an exasperated sigh dropping my bag by the stairs. "Hailey" My mother is using the, don't even think about it look. I grab my bag and try to run up the stairs but am stopped once again. "I need you to watch Eric and Amara". I groan but do not dare be combative. Mom is wearing her best dress clearly a job interview. Ever since Dad went to jail Mom has been a wreck. But can you blame a husbandless pregnant mother of three to not be stressed, no. She works three jobs but is looking for a decent job, just one so she has more time for Amara, Eric, I, and the new baby. Mom smiles at me and kissing my head once more before leaving me with my younger siblings. Amara has all her stuffed animals scattered across the living room and Eric is running around in circles like a wild animal.

Do you wanna play a game?! they both stop. You have to race whoever picks up the most wins! I see the toothy grin on Amara's face and the eager look Eric beholds. Once they have cleaned up their mess I put them both to sleep. Free at long last I whisper collapsing on my bed but am careful not to wake Eric or Amara. I have a text from Hunter. I almost forgot I'd given him my number. Hey, what's up? "nothin," I wrote back. "Wanna come over?" The words made me turn red. But I was still mad, was I? Amara and Eric. I suddenly remembered. "Sry can't can you come here? I immediately regretted the text. But it's too late now. I had to clean and get ready. Meet me in 30 minutes. I sent him my address and rushed to clean the house I looked at my phone 20 minutes left. How nice should I look? It's not really a date right? I occupied Eric with a video game and Amara with her dolls then ran to my room. I had to look decent. I search through my closet. Until I find a striped tee and my favorite skinny jeans. Just as I finish my makeup I hear the doorbell. I skitter down the stairs. And throw open the door. Hunter is wearing a tight v-neck t-shirt leather jacket and the most expensive pair of jeans, ever. I immediately look at my outfit and get nervous. "Nice place" Nope I reply. "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" I am internally hitting my head against a wall. So..Why did you want to meet up I utter with my skin crawling. I wanted to apologize Alyx is a great guy and your an incredible girl you two-. Wait a minute I interrupt. You think my first day here I already have a boyfriend? You don't? His eyes light up. Is that all you came for? Yup, he smiles and promptly shows himself out. "That was strange". after he leaves I make Eric Amara and I some dinner and doze off early. I started on a Friday so I had the weekend to figure stuff out. I spent Saturday with Alyx everywhere we went I got odd looks I wasn't sure why. Everyone in this town was so on edge explains why I only have two friends. I spent Sunday with Hunter and once again I could swear there were eyes at my back. Today is the dance. My second day and they are already having a dance. I walk to school again. I share my first class with Alyx. But he is nowhere in sight. I have my second class with Alyx too still no sign of him. Thankfully I see him in the cafeteria he waves me over. Relieved I rushed to the table I am surprised to see him and Hunter pleasantly having a conversation. We talk excitedly about the dance all of lunch. I don't care to pay attention past lunch I'm to busy thinking about the dance, I am going with Hunter. Once schools out I run through the pine trees out of breath when I reach the door. I rush to get ready I throw on my nicest red dress then I wait and wait for Hunter. Finally, eight o'clock comes. He is precisely on time. He stars all the casual small talk with my mom until Amara starts crying he tells me I look nice and were off. He drives through the woods. But he isn't going in the direction of the school. Eventually, he stops. You're going wrong- but he hushes me. I see a police car pull up. "Miss Hailey Thomas you are under arrest for breaking into cell number 334- Denver City Prison'' He grips my arm tightly. I catch a glimpse of a wicked smile on Hunter's face. He framed me. And I had a feeling I wouldn't live to tell about it.

September 13, 2020 23:55

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