Normal Apocalypse Life

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story in the form of a top-ten list.... view prompt

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Drama Crime Teens & Young Adult

Day 1: Today I got a job at Dangerously Good Wholesale and Pet Supplier It was going pretty good until Cathy got mad at me for stealing her life and dream job and dumped juice on the ground that made me slip into the shelves. Dangerous is true, bumping into the shelves made 11 of them fall over and some people in the aisles got caught under them and the cashier called the ambulance then my manager paid off the news reporter to not say anything. They got so much money, they retired and moved abroad.

Day 2: My girlfriend is upset with what happened and wants me to go tell the truth to a journalist, we got into an argument over it. I decided to go to the pet store and cuddled with the cats. After hearing their sad story, I adopted all twelve cats that I was cuddling with. I spent all my savings to get pet toys, food and litter. My girlfriend decided she hates cats and tried to get rid of them so I dumped her.

Day 3: My ex-girlfriend, Samara came by with some people and adopted 4 of the cats, she even paid me to let her take them for the people. She said that she thinks I will become a crazy cat person and she can’t live to see me become homeless with nothing but cats. I and my friend Jason went speed dating and I met someone who likes cats, we are planning another date but at my house, so she can meet my cats, she was eerily excited about it.

Day 4: My friend Jason told the animal shelter that I was open to taking in new cats and set me up with an account at Fostering New Hope for Cats. They had some kittens that needed nursing and I had Mommy cats in my collection so I took in 4 litters of kittens, now I have 27 cats at the house. My dating started excitedly screaming that I should accept but after my excitement from making such a decision died down, I noticed she was whispering something weird and acting strange with the cats and saying we should have all cat guests at the wedding, I think she scared the cats cause they went into hiding.

Day 5: Jason helped me find someone to hire since the foster association is paying me to keep the cats, with my new free time I took some of the original cats for a walk with me and they behaved very well at the park when I got a phone call. My date broke into the house while I was out and tried to bag up some cats, the police got called and she went to the psych ward, apparently, she had escaped from there and was staying at a drug house. The drug dealers also own the police and took to the new and streets to deal with growing crime rates.

Day 6: I stayed with Jason last night and when I came home at noon there were only 22 cats, my worker said some of the kittens got adopted. An email came from the foster association, thanking me for helping the cats find new homes and stay safe, they also sent a cheque for my hard work. I can’t help but miss those kittens that went away, hopefully, I can spend some time with the other ones before they get adopted.

Day 7: My routine seems to be the same every day but the cats need new litter and I’m going to start saving for a new home. Samara texted me today that I should avoid going out but that’s too bad for her, the cats have needs too. I went to Dangerously Good Wholesale and Pet Supplies as they are very cheap for litter. Some random lady came up to me in the pet aisle asking if I was the new foster home, I could feel my ego growing until another person started screaming that I was a serial killer. Their screaming attracted others who came and started screaming questions at me, they listened to what I had to say but turned violet against the store for their dangerous ways. The drug dealers are now influenced by the mafia who run the city, they burnt down the building and gave me 5 bags of litter for my good deeds.

Day 8: It was discovered after the owner of the wholesale got taken into the police station that he was an ex-convict that was targeting random people in the city and was trying to sell dangerous goods to the city. Several stores have now been burnt down following the confession, The foster association for pets paid me a lot of money, so I was finally able to get a bigger house, I also fired my work for missing two days of work. Samara came by crying so I let her in and she told me how worried she was after the mafia took over and all those stores got blown up or burnt down. She no longer minds the cats and after a long talk, we got back together.

Day 9: I didn’t have a lot in my old house so moving went by fast, Jason and Samara worked together to set up a new area for the cats while I watched them during the moving. After moving in, Samara and I went online and got a mover to bring in and set up some new furniture for us. The mafia also sent groceries for us for being outstanding citizens and some movers and people from the mafia adopted the cats, there were only three left in the end that I and Samara kept.

Day 10: A lot of the city now looks very modern and some like an apocalypse happened, The animal shelter sent me the last of the cats before they shut down due to pressure from the mafia, one of the old workers applied to work for me and told me about the mafia hearing about the store Doggone Goods getting angry and had apparently started getting mad because there were cats all around the city that were more fearsome and loyal than the dogs. Some new stores came in to replace the old ones and the entire city is now at peace more so than before they took over, Samara and I will be getting married next year, Charlie, Dean and Sammie (our cats) usually spend the week with the police or going for walks with Samara as I manage the business. I don’t know how exactly everything started to change or if I only noticed it because of the cats but I’m happier now than I was before they took over.

December 24, 2020 21:00

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Febe Anouk
21:08 Jan 11, 2021

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