
Walking this earth, wondering why all the suffering, why all the hurt – what is the point? Where are the answers to this life of constant good, to be contrasted with any type of negative, whether it be a thought to make you spiral into a bad mood, or a person who was rude to you which turned your mood from happy to annoyed? What is this constant contrast in this life us humans are enduring? Why do we even let people ruin our moods? What is the point to all of this?

The world is overcome with negativity. We struggle with the people around us who don’t know how to be happy or grateful, while being one of those people. Go to bed, wake up, go to work, get home, go to bed, just to repeat. And the wonder is ‘what is the point of this life?’. Sure some people have more and seem happier, but are they really? Deep down are they actually happy and peaceful with this life? Being human is hard; it’s full of emotions that aren’t easy. There is illness, death, anger, heartache, fear, loss and evil in this world that does co-exist with the opposite, but the negative feels more powerful, more evident in our lives. 

As humans, we are born into a family, into a part of the world we will either love or loathe. We make tough decisions and risks throughout our lives looking for that peace and happiness, while striving for success, which for most people means money. Most humans have children, which is a beautiful experience also blanketed with extreme worry; extreme worry because the love is so extreme. Again, why do we mostly feel the opposite of love as stronger? Why are us humans like this? Negativity is easy; positivity is hard.

As a human, we keep walking this earth in search of the peace and happiness, with little pockets of pure joy, whether it be a trip, a new puppy, birth of a child, a promotion. But it never lasts does it? We are always brought down, nothing good lasts forever. Most of us love our parents, and they die. Some of us lose loved ones to tragic accidents.  Why??? Why is life so full of hardships and heartache that seem to overpower the good? Why do we constantly feel this struggle? Why does the good not last forever? Why do the best people always seem to struggle the most? Why is there so much addiction? Why is everyone not kind to one another? What is the point of this life? WHAT IS THE ACTUAL POINT? 

I wonder this daily as I read about and watch people struggle, hard workers, lazy people, positive people, rich people; it doesn’t matter, we all suffer throughout our lives. So what is the point of a human experience? To suffer? To worry? To stress? Most days that feels like the point, except for those moments which seem rare in our existence. 

The answer is at the mountains. Sure, the ocean is great. But the mountains….

Sit in front of a mountain, for example, the Rocky Mountains. The energy is alive, the energy is powerful, the energy envelops you. Give your struggle to the mountains and the mountains will give back exactly what you need. The answer is there for you. The mountains give you the answer to the point of being human.

You can’t even put the answer into words because you just feel the mountains. Negative energy is impossible to feel in the presence of a mountain. You feel extreme peace, the kind that washes over your whole being and gives you all the answers. You feel the point of being human, which is love, the kind of love you can’t put into words, the kind of love that is always surrounding us but we take for granted. The mountains remind us of this love. Your body just surrenders to the mountains, without the intention, it just happens, and the point of life enters your soul.

You sit and you stare at the mountain, forced to close your eyes, as the mountain heals you. The power of the mountain washes over you and reminds you of the constant beauty that is around us. It reminds you of the power of energy as this majestic being just stands in front of you giving you all that it has, giving you all the answers and all the love that is needed. You soak it up.

What happens when you leave the mountain? It stays with you, for a long time. It’s like the mountain pressed a reset button and you can see the point of life now. You feel love in everything that you do and see. You can even see and feel love in the pain and suffering. You see and feel love in unkind people and your perspective changes. It changes from resentment to understanding. The mundane is now the life that you get to live and enjoy; you can see love in the cup of coffee you pour, you can feel the gratitude for that mountain that is now carrying you through this life and keeping your perspective strong and in a place of love. Only the mountains can do that. Only the mountains can give you the answers while showing you and cleansing your soul back to when you were a child and everything was an adventure, and everything was beautiful and full of joy. 

Eventually you have to walk away from the mountain and carry that feeling with you in every aspect of your life. That is the way to live – to feel that mountain love inside of every cell of your body. To carry it with you, in your mundane routines, but now those routines are beautiful, and you are grateful for them. You see life with a different lens. It was a gift that you were even drawn to that mountain and were able to give it your struggles, just for the mountain to transform you. Now you can even see beauty in the suffering and know the whole point of this life is love; a love that you just felt that cannot be described in words. It’s a feeling, a knowing, a transformation; a feeling and power that you can now spread to the people and world around you.

Stand tall dear mountains, we are ever so grateful for your powerful gift.

January 21, 2023 00:03

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Wendy Kaminski
03:50 Jan 27, 2023

What an empowering and reverent love letter to the mountains, Kelly. :) I really enjoyed your story! Welcome to Reedsy, and good luck this week!


Kelly White
18:13 Jan 27, 2023

you are so kind! thank you so much!


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