Gratitude versus Court Martial

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Start your story with someone being presented with a dilemma.... view prompt


Fiction Drama Thriller

Rocky wasn't too sure what to do at that juncture when all of a sudden the full speed running express train he was travelling in stopped with a big thud in the middle of the Lacandon Jungle and through both the entrances of his compartment a large number of cops fully equipped with automatic guns rushed in. He was sitting right in the middle of the compartment and could smell easily something was badly wrong. He was in a sort of a fix at that moment. The situation presented him with a dilemma whether to take out his automatic revolver from the holster and use it or not. He was really unsure whether all these cops who rushed in suddenly are searching for him or they are on some other business.

One thing that Rocky was dead sure of was that this Crimson Trace laser grip revolver in his holster alone would not be enough to handle this large number of cops. Though he had two more heavy-duty automatic guns and a Snubnosed revolver in his bag lying right under his seat but to use them he needed some better space and a little more time to take them out. One of the cop who entered last waved at somebody standing outside and the train started moving and soon picked up its normal speed. Rocky was a level 3 commando in the US army for 13 years before he was expelled. All his stars, medals, and rest of the official things were taken back. But they could not take his expertise in various fields like handling a large number of enemies singlehandedly, using heavy duty machine guns, his skills as a top sniper, and a lot more.

His expulsion had happened 2 years ago when on duty he disobeyed Alex, his Commanding Officer, to use a grenade in a hotel where two terrorists were hiding. Rocky was fully aware that terrorists might have skipped by now and even if not, the grenade would cost life of many of innocent people in the hotel including hotel staff and guests. These two terrorists had captured some high officials of that hotel in one of the maintenence rooms in the basement of the hotel and were taking government at ransom to accept their demands in lieu of them. Army commandos were pulled in to handle the situation when the local police had not been able to handle the situation for more than 7 hours. Rocky suggested his superior to adopt another method to capture terrorists and that method would be much safer in terms of saving lives of the innocents. But that was to no avail. 

For a while, Rocky was in a dilemma at that time also whether to listen to his commander or go by himself. He knew very well that going by himself might cost him his job. At that moment, taking right decision and adopting a better option was more important for him. That's when he clearly told the commander to give him one hour before ordering use of any grenades. He promised to get hostages released within an hour along with taking both the terrorists in his custody. He left the room immediately after telling this to the commander without waiting for his nod or disapproval. By the time he was out of that room, he had formulated his strategy. For the next one hour, that was going to be a single man's mission with rest of the team put on hold. As per commander's order there was no action to happen from their end. 

Rocky went to the staff room and changed his uniform. He was now appearing as one of the staff from maintenence department of the hotel. He straightaway went to the basement and knocked the room where terrorists and hostages were there. The room was locked from inside. One of the terrorists opened the room with his gun pointing towards Rocky. Rocky begged for his permission to take hose pipe and some necessary tools to save some of the staff members of the hotel who were trapped in a room on the top floor where fire had broken out and the floor had got auto-locked with no access possible. The other terrorist peeped outside the window and he noticed heavy black fumes on the top floor. Rocky was allowed to take his tools that were lying on the other corner of the room. One terrorist was following him with his gun pointing at Rocky's back. The hostages were tied right in the center of the room and the second terrorist was right behind them at the other end, near the window.

Both the guns were pointing towards Rocky. By the time Rocky crossed half of the room, he got the right opportunity when the other terrorist was accessible with no obstacles in between. In that spur of the moment he took out a sharp knife from his pocket and threw straight towards the terrorist at a distance. It hit straight on his forehead right between the two eyes and he fell down immediately. At the same time Rocky's left leg went up in the air that splashed gun from the hands of the terrorist behind him. By the time the other terrorist could understand what had happened, Rocky's arm went around his neck and with the other hand he pressed his nerve on the neck that made the other terrorist loose his senses.

Within a few seconds both the terrorists were in his custody, both unconscious and helpless. Everything was finished within the stipulated time. All the hostages were released. There were no casualties and the operation was over successfully. Still, Rocky was summoned and rusticated from the army on the complaint of his commander for disobeying him on duty. That was it. Along with the successful completion of his last operation like all other previous operations, Rocky had to pay a hefty price this time by losing his job instead of getting awarded like in all his previous operations. Rocky didn't give up easily. He moved to Mexico and joined Special Task Force there working directly under the President there to curb drug trafficking in the Mexico state.

It was one of the missions for which he was travelling by this train to curb a heavy transaction of drug deal that was about to happen at the border. All of a sudden there was loud noise from the seats near the rear exit of his compartment. By the time anybody could understand, all the cops had taken out their guns and pointed towards the passengers at various positions. By that time it was clear that those were not cops and were members of a terrorist group with a mission to capture a few of the US army high officials traveling in the same compartment. This was again action time for Rocky to use his special skills to win over the situation.

After a fight for next 15 minutes and a bullet in his right arm, Rocky was finally able to gun down all the terrorists. A few of the army officers helped him in this mission. No casualties happened. The train was stopped at the next station. Bodies of terrorists were handed over. Apparently, it was clear the it was Commanding Officer Alex and his team for whom the terrorists were there in the train. Alex had become senior commanding officer by then. The moment Alex wanted to convey his gratitude to the brave man who had saved their life that day without knowing it was the same person whom he got rusticated a few years ago grin the US army, Rocky also understood whose life he had saved that day. Rocky was sure this time Alex won't be able to order a count martial against him. 

May 28, 2021 17:57

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