Fantasy Fiction Contemporary

As the hiking tour guide spoke, Astrid looked around. She had signed up with her fiance, but he had broken up with her a week ago. Deciding to go it alone she listened as he he told the group about the legend of the Tomb of Truth. Only those who needed it would find it for it appeared out of nowhere. The stories said that if you went inside and asked what you truly wanted to know, it would tell you. Inside the cave it was said that a huge flame was lit and the sound of drums played.

Astrid laughed to herself. She didn’t believe in legends. In fact she didn’t believe in much right now. All she wanted was to hike up to the mountains and lose herself in nature. She needed to keep herself from thinking too much or she would break down. It had hurt when Brad came over and said he no longer loved her. At first she was in shock as she hadn’t even seen any signs. They were always going places, he was very affectionate, and their love life was wonderful. He was the one who wanted to get married and said they were good together. She asked for a reason but he just said it wasn’t what he wanted. No apology or actual reason. Just like that after three years.

The hiking guide walked on as he spoke and she concentrated on the trail and finally getting to the mountains. It was a warm day and looking up she admired the sky which was clear. Sounds of birds were all around her. She kept walking and not paying attention, stumbled and looked down to see the tie on her hiking boot was loose. Bending down to fix it she stood up to continue walking only so realized she was alone. She only took a few minutes. Where was everyone?

Calling out she only heard the birds and other animals. How could they have left her. Sighing she She walked on faster try to see if they were up ahead. Nobody was there. Suddenly, she saw a path and walking towards it came to a cave. Looking around once more she turned back towards it. It was so out of place and didn’t belong there. Hoping to hear someone, she called out again. Nothing.

Moving slowly towards the cave she heard drums beating. What if there were some crazy people inside? Nobody would know where she was. Looking up she noticed that the clear sky grew darker and she didn’t want to be outside so taking a chance she walked into the cave. Hopefully nobody was waiting there. The minute she entered, she heard voices. and chanting. A large flame stood in the center and the sound of drums continued playing though lower now.

The flame flickered as she said, “Hello? Anyone?” A whisper in her ear had her jump. “You have a question Astrid. Ask it.” Eyes wide she wondered if this place was what the guide had spoken about. “Is this the Tomb of Truth? If so, I have nothing to ask. You have made a mistake.” Laughter surrounded her. “There are no mistakes Astrid. Now ask your question. There is something you want to know.”

She closed her eyes, knowing what she wanted to ask. It may not be the most important but to her it was. She needed to know and get closure so the hurt would go away. “Why did he leave me? What did I do wrong?” She felt tears in her eyes and wiped them away. She didn’t want to think about it and now there was no choice. What if the Tomb of Truth wouldn’t let her leave?

Now that she asked it felt important to have an answer. Watching the flame changing colors from orange, to blue, to red, it rose up and flickered as a voice spoke to her. “You did nothing wrong. Some men can’t love a good woman and only want things from her.In the end he hurt himself. Let you heart be cleansed of the the pain. It was meant to be. In the near future, you will find the one who seeks you Astrid. That man was not who he claimed to be. One day, you will know that this is so.”

Not understanding some of it she let the tears fall and cried, all the hurt and pain releasing and cleansing her . Her hands covered her eyes. Taking deep breathes, she was about to say thank you when she heard her name being called.

Moving her hands away from her face to look up she saw the hiking guide. “We turned and you were gone. Are you alright? Did you get lost for a bit?” Astrid wiped her face. “I went to tie my boot and looked up to see all of you gone. Probably did lose my way for a bit. I’m fine thought. Now. Thank you for looking for me.” He smiled and she walked back to the group turning once and only seeing a path. The rest of the day was amazing and she got to see a gorgeous view on top of a mountain.

Astrid never told anyone about the Tomb of Truth and what had happened there. Everything it said had come true. A year later she met someone new and they fell in love eventually marrying. She never thought of Brad again until a few years later when she heard Brad had ended up going to jail for embezzling. He dated vulnerable wealthy females and promised them marriage only to break up with them after taking their money. He had many aliases and Brad was one of them.

Shocked to her core Astrid wondered. She had not been wealthy when they met and were engaged. Brad or whatever his real name was had loved her in his way and saved her from a worse heartbreak. One of betrayal and lies. Looking up she whispered, “Thank you”, grateful to the Tomb of Truth.

January 27, 2022 22:32

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