
Submitted into Contest #260 in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

This story contains sensitive content

Caution: There is strong language, mental instability of a couple characters, and violence.

Note: The premise is to be like a manga/comic book style story.

In a world full of fighters with super soldier abilities that they attain by using an energy called eco, there are several groups lurking in the shadows with all sorts of different intentions. There are empires and government alliances that will be briefly mentioned throughout this narrative. There are characters named Carter and Emily who are two Bellators that defected from the Bellator Project years ago and are now encountering others who have destructive nefarious intentions. An organization named Virgo has put itself on the map as an intercontinental threat. These two Bellators have encountered a few members of this organization already. Two of which have been Necromancers. These necromancers are extremely dangerous and have various abilities that are a mystery to this world. With the help of Karii, a hyper-intelligent AI program, they have been able to gather intel on these ultra powerful Bellators.

From here on, The story will be narrated by a Character who works for one of the Bellator agencies. He acts as a speculator based on Karii's observations:

About a year ago, Carter earned his nickname known to many as "The Bull." He took down a renown dictator who planned on enslaving all people of the common species and he wanted to use the Bellators as his primary executive class to accomplish this. Carter fought this man valiantly, but that wasn't the end of his journey. After this, he had several trials and tribulations. The most noteworthy one up to this point was his takedown of one of the mentioned necromancers who went by the name of Darkthorne. This man was ruthless and fought and killed many within Carter and Emily's friend group.

Now they are facing off against a much more powerful opponent, known as The Cyclone. He was a member of Virgo, but went awol after going frantically insane. He went on a killing spree of several Bellators and was unstoppable up to this point. They faced off and it became clear that he was literally trying to annihilate all known life that exists. That’s right, the planet, with all of its inhabitants, was hours away from being obliterated by a super psycho maniac who killed dozens of Bellators over the previous week just for fun. Virgo was under the impression he was already dead and the governments across the world had no idea of how powerful he really was. Carter and Emily just got lucky and stumbled across this off-putting character who just wanted a quick fight, at first anyway.

After reading the notes from Karii, it appears that when The Cyclone almost killed Emily, Carter flew off the goddamn handle. I mean, he just about lost his shit and you’d think the way Carter was punching that the planet would fall apart just from the astronomical amounts of red eco he was releasing from his punches. The Cyclone enjoyed this, he liked to see others go on a frenzy. He protected himself with two different shields, a seemingly impenetrable sphere of mysterious heavy rock and ice-filled thunderclouds, which were somehow reinforced with all forms of eco. The other one consisted of pure eco of all forms and instead of a sphere surrounding his perimeter, it protected his physical body tightly.

The Cyclone had an odd liking for Carter. He looked at him and asked, “Carter the Bull.. Why not end it all?! Look at what they did to us! The people of this world, the people of this universe have created nothing but suffering. You and I have suffered enough. But there’s a way to start over, a way to destroy this timeline of disgusting people and start anew. As the ancient sayings go, ‘the day of reckoning will fall upon all of us. Only those who are wise and good-natured will breathe the air of life.’ Don’t you get it, Bull? The ‘air of life’ is eco. We have a duty to recreate this universe.” 

Carter responded with, “This universe? This universe has become its own thing long before we did anything to it! Forget about all of that Royalist crap! You have to decide for yourself what to hang on to and not. Nobody is going to create something perfect for you and hold your hand through it all.” 

The Cyclone, with a seemingly distasteful look on his face, pointed his palm at Carter and said:

“I will guide the hands of the newborn lifeblood. We live in a perfect universe, full of imperfect creatures! I will rid this plane of the existence of our species. I will serve as the catalyst to our new existence! I am the real Osh, all of the Boundations of creation the Royalists speak of, they are about me!” 

It's pretty obvious that The Cyclone lost his marbles. But what do our heroes do now?

Carter and Emily were immediately engaged by this maniac and his attacks were on astronomical levels. They tried just about everything they had in their playbook. Emily used various assassination techniques that she combines with her ability to levitate and Carter used his headstrong red eco attacks that have devastating effects, but nothing worked. After exchanging blows back and forth, The Cyclone overpowered Carter and Emily and tossed them around in a destructive sphere of dashing eco that ripped in and out of their bodies. He flung them around and slammed them into the ground. As they got up, they were assisted by one of their friends named Hikari Haru who has very impressive healing abilities. He was accompanied by their friend Barron, who is mostly their intelligence gatherer.

After being beaten up by this super psycho maniac, it seemed like all hope was lost.

The Cyclone floated above this group of friends who all went awol from the Bellator Project and agreed to an alliance to be-rid the world of its evil Bellators. The Cyclone states, "Foolish children. Each and every one of you. You have no idea what this world has done to me. I will compress and expand all of space time and will eliminate everything before us."

After this, they begin to panic, but try to remain calm on the surface.. 

Except for Carter. He lets it all out. He goes berserk. Frenzies up like a deranged bull.

“Enough!” He screams at his limits, scratching his voice with a roaring tone. “You think you’re destined for this?! Destroying all of life?! What kind of whack-job do you have to be?!” Carter yells. “None of this belongs to you! None of it! You're destroying everything!” 

“Carter, he’s not going to listen.” Emily consoles.

“NO! That’s It!” He yells, as he collapses in a controlled manner, his arms glow purple and black, suddenly covered with what looks like a series of strange patterned, unreadable tattoos, and starts to dig into the ground.

All of a sudden, a sight never before seen by anyone else, not Karii, not any of Carter’s friends, not even Emily, his own lover, has seen something like this before. He pulls out a body. That is, the living, breathing body of Darkthorne the Necromancer. 

“What. The. Fuck.” Barron says with sheer astonishment.

“Is that?!..” Emily questions with her eyes wide open.

“Darkthorne.. The Necromancer.. The man who put us through all of that trouble.” Karii declares. “It appears Carter figured out how to bring him back to life.” 

“Hey.” Carter says in a low volume.

“What do you want?” Darkthorne asks gruffly.

“I need to do that thing. You know, the purple ax thing.” 

“Violet Bladesong.” Darkthorne speaks as he sighs in a rather disappointed tone.

“Yeaa.. How does it go again?” Carter cluelessly asks.

“WHAT!” Barron comically yells at a distance. “You brought this serial killer back for that? For a demonstration?!”

Darkthorne responds, “Think of the weaver’s tale. The power of Rho compelling the-”

“Yea, yea the Bastion of hope and the power tower and river of esteem and all that stuff.” Carter interrupts. “How do I summon them by my side?”

“Do this.” Darkthorne motions his hands around in an aggressive and somewhat complicated choreographic display and lets out a loud “Hah!” Putting everyone else at alert.

Carter does the exact same thing and spawns out two large, purple eco-encapsulated axes and sheathes them into his back. “These are bigger than the last ones.” He says.

Darkthorne responds with, “You’re getting better at it and you can control your eco flow more masterfully now, just keep practicing and you’ll be surprised at what you can do.”

After hearing this, everyone is at a total loss. Barron’s jaw drops as he cannot even fathom the idea of Darkthorne teaching any of them anything after all those times they recall him trying to murder them with this same technique. 

“The clock is ticking!” Karii exclaims as she understands that everything is most likely at a total loss at this point. 

The Cyclone, levitating towards Carter and Darkthorne, says, “Brother! You have returned!” Immediately after that, Darkthorne instantaneously disappears and reappears behind The Cyclone and forces the blade of an ax into his back. This catches everyone except Carter by surprise. He yells in despair and at the next moment Carter is right before him, jolting at a speed that breaks the sound barrier. He swings an ax with relentless force and hits a shield protecting The Cyclone. He looks at Carter and says, “You’re a Necromancer. I should have known. You can control Darkthorne’s actions now.” He throws his arms up and down and lets out a massive wave of air that pushes Carter back down to the ground. “It’s over! Give up! This universe will now reset!”

Carter motions a strange hand sign and red and purple eco manifests all over his body. [His entire body? Since when did this happen?] Emily thinks to herself. 

“Emily! It’s do or die! We need to act now!” Carter yells.

“Too late!” The Cyclone screams as the ground shakes and erupts around them. Chunks of the planet now start crumbling from the surface and towards The Cyclone. He frantically laughs and shields himself with an even larger sphere of rock, ice, cloud, and eco. “You will now witness the greatest sight of compression and expansion of space time. The perfect display of mankind’s failures being thrown right back at it!” The rocks start violently flying at them as each of them scramble for a solution. “That’s it! Run like the little ants you are!” He yells.

Hikari shoots blazes of yellow eco at him, but is easily dismissed by his powerful shield. The Cyclone hits and grounds Hikari with an easy blow. Then he warps to Barron and throws him violently at Carter. Carter catches him, but they both take a hard hit from the impact. Emily takes a chance at stabbing and slicing at The Cyclone, but it works to no avail. The barrier is too strong and he creates an opportunity to grab her and vigorously swings her around and thrusts her own blade through her leg, then proceeds to throw her into Carter. He catches her too, this time hesitantly as the battle is wearing away at Carter’s will to fight. He stands there.. shaking.. he looks down at Emily, with her in his arms, bleeding out of her uncontrollable, twitching leg. 

“Damnit.” Carter speaks, then looks up at The Cyclone. “You.. son of a Bitch!” He begins to lash out as he lays her next to Hikari, “Fix that leg with whatever you have left!” Hikari looks at them, with tears in his eyes, the moment is here, they are about to die, all of them. 

Carter charges up with everything he has left, “Thorne! Let's go!” 

“Right.” Darkthorne affirms as they both lunge into the air.

The Cyclone quickly stops this advance as he smacks Carter around at a speed simply just too fast for him to keep up with. Darkthorne is then wrestled into the ground, his deformed and powerless body goes limp as The Cyclone grabs the back of his head and shoves it into a rock. Darkthorne dissipates and a flow of eco rushes through the air, straight to Carter. The Cyclone turns around and Carter bounces with twirling blue, orange, and red eco, through the air, a technique copied straight from the Megalachorin special forces. Carter hits one of the rocks in the barrier out of place “AHHHH,” then another one “AHHHH,” then another one “AHHHH,” until The Cyclone gets fed up and sends out another push of force. Carter stops himself, forming a barrier behind him as he hits it with intensity, harming himself, but bouncing right back into action. He lets out a roar, “You will not win!” He thrashes and dashes, what looks like a fluid stirring of fireworks in the air surrounding the perimeter of where The Cyclone is levitating. The Cyclone grabs Carter’s right arm and winds up a lethal blow that should finish the job.. but Carter tears his own arm off, flinging and twirling in a wildly unpredictable fashion that catches The Cyclone off guard. He misses a kick, misses another kick, then swings his head as hard as possible and headbutts the Cyclone’s shield, sending shivers down every observer within the vicinity. Carter screams, “Your limbs are next! I will tear every fiber of your being into shreds!” Lashing out with a chaotic, unidentifiable face, one that would force a demon to check under his bed at night for this psychotic Bull.  

“What is going on?” Hikari asks.

“He lost his marbles.” Barron responds.

“Which one?” 

“Does it matter anymore? It’s over.”

“He’s a monster.” Hikari states.

“I see a psychopath.” Barron rebuttals. 

“Karii, what do you see?..”

“I see..” 

Karii pauses for a moment then says.. 


She describes as she and the rest of their group stand there watching the helpless Carter fight for everything he and all living beings have ever wanted to be and known to have been.

Carter roars and throws himself down onto a large, still standing piece of ground. He breathes aggressively and black steam comes out of his nose. He loudly and painfully sheds a layer of Necromancing Eco from his body and another arm disgustingly grows out. Carter claps his palms together and interlocks his fingers. He speaks in a strange language then separates his hands and strongly digs them into the ground, now incoherently saying, “Emily.. I love you,” with nobody able to understand or even hear. “HAAAAAAA!” He yells as he pulls an entire Utanic imperial mausoleum straight out of the ground and The Cyclone looks at him saying, “What could you possibly do now? I have to admit, I have never seen anyone as dedicated as you in trying to take me down, but come on, it’s hopeless.” 

Carter grips his mysterious purple lanyard tightly with one hand and with the other hand he bursts open the gravesite structure. A moment later, a long dead first-gen Utanic General walks out. He’s one of History's most dangerous Bellators and known to be the Utanic Empire’s most skilled Vanguard. 

“What is this?” The revived General Okyrin asks. 

“I need you to move me at the speed of light.” Carter says.

“What? I’m not listening to a foolish child!”

“Your legacy dies here if you don’t. This man before us, he’s about to destroy everything.” Carter establishes as the revived General looks up and sees a faint, yet unsettling resemblance of the very apocalyptic nightmare he once feared. Something that would have happened in his lifetime had the Utanic Empire not been as ‘glorious’ as it was.

“What is that?” He asks.

“That.. is a planet. It’s about to destroy all of the things we have created. Everything, including your glorious empire, will be destroyed in just a few minutes.” 

“Everything? Where are my Warrior Saints?” 

“No time for that! We need to act! Give me what you got!” 

“Fine!!! Look at this! A kid! Giving me orders!” General Okeryn crosses his arms as the particles around him accelerate at intense speeds. This is important as this somehow allows Okeryn to give Carter the abilities of an elemental Bellator. He places his hand on Carter’s upper back and siphons vast amounts of eco into Carter’s body. “You must have incredible strength for a young man. All used up like this and you’re still fighting.” 

Carter doesn’t waste time. A flash of light is seen stringing around The Cyclone as Carter throws a fiery fist into the shield, then a rock-covered punch, then a strike of lightning, which penetrates and destructively annihilates the spherical shield surrounding the Cyclone. 

The Cyclone begins to react and Carter dashes behind him and swipes an open handed slice that cuts through his body shield. Carter used an advanced necromancing technique that Darkthorne taught him weeks ago. The Cyclone lets out a rush of madness and Carter says, "Lockpoint! Shadow Containment!" And The Cyclone implodes and warps out of sight. Carter used an advanced necromancing technique that Darkthorne taught him weeks ago.

They had no idea Carter’s been training under a former necromancing master by somehow inheriting his abilities and bringing him back to life. Apparently, the necromancing masters pass on their abilities to those who defeat them and it just so happened that Carter the Bull managed to defeat Darkthorne and, when he realized he inherited the necromancing powers, he trained with them in secrecy. 

The world is at peace.. for now.

Carter the Bull managed to defeat The Cyclone and convinced him to undo the destructive process he originally initiated to destroy the solar system and all of its inhabitants.

July 22, 2024 17:29

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Jeff Raderstrong
15:07 Aug 01, 2024

Very cool concept and world! It seems like you've got a lot more on this, so some of these comments may already be taken care of. But I think more on the motivations of the different factions, particularly the Bellator Project, would be helpful to understand the dynamics. But I also love the idea of Karii as an AI entity, kind of all seeing. Feel like you could leverage that character for a lot of interesting beats.


Branson Kennedy
17:44 Aug 01, 2024

That's a great observation. There is a much larger story I am working on and there are some in depth explanations on the Bellator Project and Carter's development, but it's hard as I am trying to keep a balanced introduction that I can still fit into these chapters or "arcs." Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you like it.


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