Warm hearts

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



The day today wasn’t really on my side, I realized as soon as I took the first glance outside. Rain was pouring from the sky, soaking the pavement and everything else in it’s reach that wasn’t covered by something. With a sigh I leaned against the kitchen counter, the cup filled with coffee warming my hands.

“And no coffee for me, Teodora?” As soon as her voice filled my ears, I couldn’t help but smile. Amelia. My girlfriend of 3 years now, standing in front of me pouting with her hair messy as ever and crossed arms. “I’m sorry.” I apologized; a hint of amusement layered in my voice but I couldn’t suppress my laugh as her arm hit my chest with a small smile. “Take it, I’ll make myself a new one.” I smiled at the redhead that stood in front of me and I couldn’t help but adore her.

We were opposites and everyone could see that with just a look. Amelia was the beauty in person, long cherry locks falling over her shoulders, beautiful pale skin, freckles almost covering every inch of her body and just the right curves. I, for that matter, had short ebony hair, tanned skin and was a hell lot taller than her. But everyone knows opposites attract, even though I still couldn’t explain how someone like her could date someone like me, I was a plain mess but that is a story for another time.

“Thank you!” She smiled, her voice higher than usual as she stood on her tippy toes, pressing a kiss onto my lips before going to the living room. “This woman will be the death of me.” I chuckled, more to myself as I once again turned on the coffee machine, now making myself a second cup of coffee.

“What are you doing?” I busted out laughing as soon as I entered the living room, seeing my chaotic girlfriend build a literal blanket fort in our living room. “I’m building a fort, duh!” She answered, her voice layered with excitement. “And now get your pretty butt over here and help me!” With a sigh I obeyed, still chuckling as I placed my coffee on the coffee table.

“I know one thing, I’m not gonna build a house with you.” I groaned as I laid down in the fort, we just finished building, Amelia crawling in with me. “Why?” She asked shocked as she sat in front of me, once again pouting and once again I realized why we got together in the first place. This woman was just more than adorable and lovable, I wouldn’t want to imagine where I would be without her. “Because you’re bossy!” I answered, grinning at her pouty face as she crossed her arms. “C’mere.” I smiled as I sat up, wrapping my arms around her before pulling the both of us down, our coffees long forgotten as she straddled me, her torso laying on top of mine as she laid her head on my chest, my arms crossing behind her back.

“What are we going to watch?” “I decide!” “Oh, come on!” I groaned as Amelia was once again faster than me, grabbing the remote as she turned on the TV. “I wanted to decide which movie we’ll watch.” Now I was the one pouting and Amelia the one laughing as she propped herself up a bit now sitting on me, my hands almost instantly finding their way to her hips. “Look who’s pouting now!” Amelia laughed and honestly, I couldn’t be mad at her, ever. Just her laugh was enough to make me forgive her instantly.

“Oh, we’re watching Marvel! I’m not complaining anymore.” I grinned as Amelia once again made her way into the fort, dropping the tons of sweets she had brought beside us. “Better call yourself lucky.” Amelia murmured, fake angry as she tried to suppress a smile. I knew that one thing she didn’t like at all were superhero movies, especially Marvel. So, I knew she did this for me. “You know that I love you, right?” “Of course, I do.” Amelia answered with a soft smile before bending down, pressing a kiss onto my lips.

“This doesn’t make any sense!” Amelia shook her head, munching on some gummy bears as she watched the movie. “It actually does if you had watched all the other movies with me.” I remarked, earning a slap against my thigh. “Abuse.” “It’s only the beginning baby.” Amelia laughed as she looked at me. “Now watch the movie, I promise after this one we can watch something you like, game of thrones or something.” A screech escaped her mouth and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Are you tired?” I asked, trying to look down to her the best I could as her red locks were sprawled across my chest and her breathing was getting heavier. “No.” She muttered, her voice was more than drowsy, and I knew for a fact that she was just about to fall asleep. “Let’s at least get in bed, babe. The ground is nice, but ain’t that comfortable.” I said, my voice soft as I let my hand ran over her back. “I don’t want to get up.” She muttered, her leg draped over mine. “I’ll carry you.” A low chuckle escaped her mouth as she shook her head slightly. “You won’t be able to carry me.” Somehow that stung. Amelia has always been self-conscious about her weight and somehow, I hoped that her self-esteem has gotten better since we were together, but there were still moments like this. “Are you testing me?” I asked as I sat up, making her whine. “Teodor-“ “No, we are going into the bedroom.” I answered as I stood up.

A squeak escaped her mouth as soon as I picked her up in bridal style, carrying her into the bedroom, hoping not to throw everything off the walls with her feet or head in the process. “Since when?!” She asked, her voice filled with confusing and fright of me dropping her. “I don’t lift for nothing, do I.” I chuckled before laying her down onto the sheets softly, hovering a few seconds over her and just appreciating her. “I love you.” “I love you too.” Amelia answered, her cheeks still pink before I pressed my lips onto hers.

With a groan I let myself fall beside her before I scrambled the blanket from under us, laying it over us. “Hold me?” Amelia asked with the softest voice almost making me melt on the spot. “Of course.” I smiled before I spooned up behind her, my arms tightly wrapping around her waist, my face pressing into the back of her shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re in my life.” I sighed into the back of her shoulder. With a swift move her hand was wrapped around the mine. “I’m glad too, Teodora.”

March 27, 2020 06:39

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