Drama Inspirational Speculative

The Survivor

A new day, Julie's sun shines on it with the same pain and suffering that she has lived with for more than five years .. a lean, tired body, a pale face .. and eyes that have thinned out staying up for long nights ..

Jolie opens the window of her room at six in the morning, and looked at the sky asking God to get a new result about her blood tests which will come out today, contain the true diagnosis that will eliminate her confusion and bring her back to life again ..

- Oh Lord, stop this pain that invades my bones .. Stop this wailing that only you knows ...

Only you can do this ..

You can , nobody but you ..

She returns to lie down again ... floating in an empty space that contains nothing but blackness and sorrows, which occupies the main part of her life.

She looks at the slowly sagging clock, praying to God and giving all her wishes that everything will be okay.

Her mother enters her room an hour before the doctor’s appointment, and gives her Analgesic treatment so that she can bear her pain in the way to hospital ..

Her mother was in the beginning like most of the, who did not believe her  pain, bone pain and the lack of focus that began to take the control in the last years of high school to let her lost and so confused ..

 they  were justify all the above as flimsy reasons .. Julie talks about her and only complains about constantly To attract attention and evasion of her responsibilities  ..

but then , her mother began to believe that the girl was in pain ..

Her father  still in his opinion ... denying any necessity urging the family to strive to this degree to find a cure for pain without no logical diagnose

On the way to the doctor's office, Jolie used to remember all her dreams, her ambitions, and the many promises of accomplishments that she had always promised herself to achieve after healing and surviving from her illness ..

the doctor looked at the blood test , then raised his head and looked at Jolie again, then at her mother as well .. and asked Jolie to get out and wait two minutes outside.

Julie went out and tried not to shut the door confirmly , and left it open a little to hear the doctor's conversation with her mother.

The doctor said : In fact Madam , there is nothing strange in the blood test results.. But if she start  through a depressive episodes again   I advise you to bring her to a psychiatrist and she will be fine, just pray for her  ..

This was not the first, nor the fifth, nor the tenth doctor whose saying the same thing when looking at Jolie's results.

But for some reason ... every letter in his speech was killing every speck of hope that remained in her soul.

She left them talking in the room, then she walked down the corridor of the hospital, sat on one of the chairs, and started again to look at life the same hated, empty look.

Here, all hopes and wishes of her life has ended ... and what remains after now is endless spiritual and physical pain, followed by inevitable death.

Jolie's mother came out of the doctor's room trying to fake a smile on her face .. She sat next to Julie on the bench and held her hand and told her not to stop praying ..Everything could be change from zero to  hundred and in one command from God ..

This is what Julie really needs .. She needs one miracle from God, changing the sides of the story , just as God healed our master Jacob with a drink of water ..

Yes, God Can .

However, despite Jolie's faith in God, his miracles must not be verified again in her condition.

 who was saved by God in that situation .. a messenger prophet ...

As for her, it is only a normal person .. who carries goodness in her heart, but not to the point of miracles occurring for her..

Julie and her mother arrived at the house, and as soon as they entered, Julie's father looked at them mockingly and then said:

As usual, the doctor certainly did not say anything new .. He must have asked us to take her to a psychiatrist who would treat her difficult life problems, and then he laughed loud ...

Jolie's mother couldn’t stay silence and responded loudly to Jolie's father in defense of her, and they start fighting.

Jolie went out of the house and started walking, lost, and aimlessly .. to stop suddenly from the severity of pain in her body in front of a building that she had never seen before .. But it contains at its entrance a huge library consisting of several floors

Jolie also wanted to go into the library to take a break and enjoy a little bit of calm that she would never be able to find at home ..

The library is the only place where no one will be able to speak or open any conversation with her.

She will be alone in a sphere of silence that nothing can penetrate.

She went in, and chose a book without even looking at its cover and

Then she went past all the seats and chose a chair in a long table containing many chairs, but most of them were empty.

She sat down and drank a little water and placed her head on the back of the chair, trying to take some rest.

 Shortly after her sitting, a young man carrying a medical liner and several books in his hand entered the library. He walked towards Julie's table and sat next to her on the same table .. and began to open the folders that were with him and began to read from it and write notes ..

Jolie was quietly watching his focus and movements and thinking of her youth lost in pain and suffering and the endless spirits of depression that she constantly lived inside ... She also could been a doctor busy with new research and discoveries in the world’s medicine ... and helping any patient who passes..

But her destiny had viewed her battle in life in a different way ... and chose for her to be the weaker side of the story ..

With Big curiosity prompted her to try to pull her chair in an unnoticeable calmness towards the young man and read from his book

It was clear that he was reading a paper in a book on a disease whose have a long difficult name  Julie couldn’t read.

She began by reading the following lines of the title, where the research dealt with the history of the disease and its associated causes and symptoms

Muscle and joint pain, stomach and intestinal pain, constant fatigue, depression and constant anxiety ..

She paused for a while ... then read the symptoms again.

Suddenly in the complete calm ... I Jolie got up and shouted loudly ... No, it's unbelievable?!!

The young man was looking at her with big amazement , she took the book from him   and started reading with more details about what was written in the book ..

All the people whose sitting in the library were looking at Jolie, amazed in her impulsive movements, which were not approvable  in the library ..

Jolie of course, was not alert to any of them.

With a spontaneous reaction, She caught the young man and asked him about the disease that he was just reading about in the book .. she told him that she had the same symptoms and that she was suffering from more than five years .. without any potential hope ..

The doctor took great care of her condition and asked her about the details of the symptoms she was feeling and her medical history .. in that time Julie made sure that what she was going through was a real disease called ‘Fibromyalgia’ and not an illusion or a psychological disorder as everyone told her ..

As it affects about 2-8% of the population around the world.

Many cases have been diagnosed, and there are still many cases that suffer silently without anyone feeling the pain that they are handling with it every single day ..

Julie and the young man went out to the clinic of the young man’s teacher in the university and had long experience as a doctor in diagnosing this type of case. He had taken his studies in developed countries and returned to apply what he learned in his Home.

And after confirming the condition through new analyzes, he began to apply a treatment for her, in order to return her to her dreams and ambitions ..

And started to believe again that miracles could be happen ..  

 Always remember m life could change real quick .. and all that happen in the silence library ..

May 01, 2021 00:05

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