The Great Ardèche Canoe Catastrophe

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Write about a summer vacation gone wrong.... view prompt



The Thompson family was buzzing with excitement. After months of dreary weather and monotonous routines, they were finally on their way to the Ardèche region in France for a much-needed vacation. Steve and Laura Thompson, along with their two kids, Emily and Jack, had planned every detail meticulously. They were particularly thrilled about the canoe trip they had booked down the scenic Ardèche River, inspired by a glossy pamphlet Steve had picked up from a charming local at a roadside café.

The brochure featured stunning images of canoes gliding through a serene, fast-flowing river flanked by towering rock walls. "It’ll be an adventure!" Steve had exclaimed, convincing his initially sceptical family. The promise of thrilling rapids, peaceful stretches of water, and breathtaking views was too good to resist.

The day of the canoe trip dawned bright and early. The Thompsons were picked up by a rickety van that already smelled of sweat and dampness. They were handed life vests that had seen better days—Steve joked they might have been used by Napoleon’s army. With their picnic packed and spirits high, they set off, the driver assuring them it would be a day to remember.

As they arrived at the launch site, their excitement waned slightly. There were hundreds, no, thousands of tourists milling about, all clutching canoes and paddles. The "serene river" from the brochure was a mere trickle of water, crowded with a seemingly endless sea of brightly coloured canoes.

"Well, this is... popular," Laura said, trying to keep her tone light as she adjusted her ill-fitting life vest.

The Thompson family awkwardly clambered into their canoe, wobbling precariously as they pushed off into the crowded stream. Within minutes, they realized this wasn’t going to be the tranquil experience they had imagined. They were caught in a slow-moving traffic jam of canoes, each manned by equally confused and disgruntled tourists.

"38 kilometers?!" Jack exclaimed, reading the route details on the map. "That’s like paddling from one end of the world to the other!"

Emily, trying to paddle, ended up splashing water all over her mother. "Mom, I think I saw a fish back there!"

"Probably a tourist," Steve muttered, paddling furiously to no avail.

The first set of rapids loomed ahead, more a bottleneck than a challenge. Dozens of canoes crammed together, jostling and bumping as they squeezed through the narrow gap. Firemen stood at the ready, pulling out capsized tourists, overturned canoes, and even a terrified cat someone inexplicably had brought along.

"Hold on tight, kids!" Steve yelled as their canoe approached the rapids. With a lurch, they were wedged between two other canoes. A particularly burly tourist tried to shove them forward, causing a chain reaction of shouts, splashes, and general mayhem.

They emerged on the other side, soaked and bedraggled, but miraculously still afloat. "Only about 37 kilometers to go," Laura said with forced cheerfulness.

By midday, the sun was beating down mercilessly, and the once-refreshing river felt more like a warm bath. The picnic break was a disaster. Finding a private spot along the overcrowded banks was impossible. Steve ventured into the bushes to find some relief, only to discover he wasn’t the first to choose that spot.

"Steve, what's taking so long?" Laura called out.

"I, uh, found someone else's toilet," Steve replied, emerging from the bushes with a grimace. "Let's just say it was fresh."

"This is a nightmare," Emily complained, holding her nose. "There’s no way this is the same place as in the brochure."

After what felt like an eternity of paddling, dodging other canoes, and surviving a few more chaotic rapids, the Thompson family finally saw the end in sight. Their arms were sore, their backs ached, and their spirits were thoroughly dampened.

As they clambered out of the canoe, Steve spotted the charming local from the café, now dressed as a guide. "How was it?" he asked with a broad smile.

Steve glared at him. "False advertising at its finest," he grumbled.

"Steve, let’s just get back to the van," Laura said, patting his shoulder. "At least we survived."

That evening, back at their rental, they collapsed on the couch. Emily and Jack were too tired to bicker, a rare occurrence. Steve looked at Laura and chuckled. "Well, it wasn’t quite what we expected, but we did it."

"And we’re all still in one piece," Laura added, smiling.

"Let’s never do that again," Jack said, and everyone laughed.

Despite the fiasco, the Thompsons knew this would be a vacation they’d never forget. And while the Ardèche canoe trip wasn’t the serene adventure they’d imagined, it had given them a story to tell and a new appreciation for the comforts of home.

The next morning, the Thompsons woke up feeling the effects of their arduous canoeing adventure. Every muscle ached, and even lifting their arms felt like a monumental task. Steve groaned as he rolled out of bed, rubbing his sore shoulders. "I think I pulled something," he mumbled.

Laura, still in bed, winced as she tried to stretch. "I feel like I’ve aged twenty years overnight. I thought vacations were supposed to be relaxing."

Emily and Jack, surprisingly, seemed to be in better spirits despite their exhaustion. "Can we just have a lazy day today?" Emily asked, her eyes pleading. "No more adventures, please."

"Agreed," Steve said with a nod. "I think we’ve had enough excitement to last us the rest of the trip."

They decided to spend the day exploring the local town, enjoying a leisurely breakfast at a quaint café. The pastries were divine, and the coffee was just what they needed to revive their spirits. As they wandered through the cobblestone streets, they stumbled upon a local market brimming with fresh produce, handmade crafts, and delightful trinkets.

"This is more like it," Laura said, smiling as she picked up a delicate piece of pottery. "Peaceful and stress-free."

Steve chuckled. "And no canoes in sight."

The rest of the day passed pleasantly as they meandered through the market, chatted with friendly vendors, and sampled delicious local cheeses and fruits. Emily and Jack even found a stand selling homemade ice cream, which quickly became the highlight of their day.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the town, the Thompsons made their way back to their rental. They sat outside on the patio, enjoying the cool evening breeze and the sounds of the countryside. It was a stark contrast to the chaos of the previous day, and they were grateful for the serenity.

"Well, this is definitely more our speed," Steve said, raising his glass of local wine. "To a relaxing and uneventful rest of the vacation."

"Here, here!" Laura and the kids echoed, clinking their glasses together.

Just as they were about to call it a night, they heard a commotion from the direction of the river. Curious, they walked down to the water’s edge, where they saw a group of tourists struggling with their canoes, much like they had the day before. Firemen were once again pulling out capsized tourists and rescuing stranded canoes.

"Looks like the next batch of adventurers," Laura said with a smirk.

Steve laughed. "Better them than us."

As they watched the scene unfold, they couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of camaraderie with the hapless tourists. They had survived the ordeal and come out stronger for it, with a story they would laugh about for years to come.

The rest of their vacation was blissfully uneventful. They explored charming villages, visited ancient castles, and indulged in delicious French cuisine. The Ardèche River adventure became a fond, if slightly traumatic, memory that they would recount to friends and family with a mix of horror and humour.

On their last day in France, as they packed their bags and prepared to head home, Steve found the brochure that had started it all. He chuckled as he showed it to Laura. "Remember this?"

Laura rolled her eyes but smiled. "How could I forget?"

Steve tossed the brochure into the trash with a grin. "Here’s to never trusting a glossy pamphlet again."

As they boarded the plane, the Thompsons looked forward to returning home, but they also felt a sense of accomplishment. They had faced an unexpected challenge and came out stronger as a family. The Great Ardèche Canoe Catastrophe, as they jokingly called it, had turned into a bonding experience that brought them closer together.

As the plane soared into the sky, Steve leaned over to Laura. "So, where should we go next year?"

Laura raised an eyebrow. "Somewhere with a lazy river and no rapids."

Steve laughed. "Sounds like a plan."

And with that, the Thompsons embarked on their journey home, ready to share their epic adventure with the world, knowing that sometimes the best memories are made when things don’t go according to plan.

August 05, 2024 08:31

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Frances Gaudiano
18:27 Aug 16, 2024

Great description of the crowded river and a really good choice of topic for the story. I'd like a bit more drama - maybe a capsized canoe or an injury.


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Julie Grenness
22:13 Aug 14, 2024

So well written. The scenario and characters were totally credible, good dialogue, effective conclusion. Overall,worked well for this reader.


Samantha Red
07:42 Aug 15, 2024

Thank you so much, Julie!


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Nita A Mozzi
16:18 Aug 13, 2024

This is so funny because I actually had a college professor named Laura Thompson. I feel like this story would be a premise for an Adam Sandler comedy film.


Samantha Red
07:07 Aug 14, 2024

Wow, what a coincidence! Thank you for your like and review!


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Shirley Medhurst
21:42 Aug 12, 2024

Great disaster story, Samantha, you had me laughing AND sympathising all the way through. The addition of the poor terrified cat was hilarious! I’ve been to the Ardèche myself & canoed there too - my experience wasn’t QUITE as bad as in your story, but not very far off it. I could totally picture the scene 🤣


Samantha Red
07:04 Aug 14, 2024

Thank you so much! Of course I laid it on a little thick compared to the reality, but I thought that would be a great addition to the story's hilarity.


Shirley Medhurst
07:16 Aug 14, 2024

Absolutely ! After all, a tale based on truth, laced with a touch of poetic licence here & there is what makes fiction (& creative non- fiction) such a pleasure to read, isn’t it?


Samantha Red
07:20 Aug 14, 2024

I 100% agree!


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17:51 Aug 12, 2024

False advertising at its finest! It's never as good as in the brochure!! This was a great fun read. Thanks Samantha


Samantha Red
07:07 Aug 14, 2024

Thank you for your like and review!


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Chris Sage
17:00 Aug 11, 2024

Humour is sometimes about the little details - I particularly enjoyed the terrified cat and the chaos from the burly tourist, really painted a picture. Really got the sense of farce in a tourist trap!


Samantha Red
18:01 Aug 11, 2024

Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it!


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Mary Bendickson
12:07 Aug 08, 2024

Sounds like something that could have happened. Did something like this with my family of husband and four kids. Ended up tying our three canoes together and my husband rowing and maneuvering for all.😁 Thanks for liking 'Thank You Reedsy'.


Samantha Red
12:30 Aug 08, 2024

It is based on a true story someone once told me; the prompt reminded me of it. Thank you for liking and commenting! This community is really amazing.


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