Friendship Sad Horror

December 15th, 1987.

Sherry and I met again today. We discussed the road trip across the country we are planning for in January. The heat will be quite intense this year, according to the weather scientists. Sherry asked me if it was okay for me to be missing work in the lab most of the month. I had to laugh at her naïveté. Regardless, we would be departing Perth on the 5th. She’s already begun packing; she is so excited. As am I. “Jacob,” she said to me, “this is probably the most exciting time of our lives! Nothing is going to come even close in the future, I just know it!” I told her to calm herself, it’s merely a road trip to Sydney in New South Wales. I have known her almost 8 years, and as such I know a 40 hour trip there would have been almost unbearable. I guess it is a good thing I plan to stop halfway through.

January 4th, 1988.

My best friend Sherry and I depart tomorrow on our journey to Sydney, as she believes. I have noticed all the little signals she has been giving to show her gratitude and excitement for this time we’ll spend together before she moves to the US. I’ve no clue what could be there that’s so incredible that Sherry would want to leave Australia, but who am I to judge? Though, I will say I appreciated that she asked my permission before she took the job they have for her there. It really is a shame that we will have to stop halfway to Sydney. I really would have enjoyed a little extra time in being her friend.

January 6th, 1988.

We have arrived at the lab, finally. Sherry fell asleep in the car, so transport into the facility was simple and locking her in the test room was easy. She began to stir about 4 hours ago and noticed the restraints. She called for me quite loudly when she saw the blank room. I sent my assistants in a half hour later to administer the first dose of Trial C-84. Hopefully, this one doesn’t kill the subject within 72 hours. Symptoms after 3 hours are as follows: excessive perspiration; reddened eyes; pupils fully dilated; darkening of the skin around injection site; no visible bruises yet; and retained ability to recognize familiar faces. Subject No. 37 recognized my face when I entered to check the dilation of her pupils 15 minutes ago. This dose seems to be taking a much slower effect than previous tests. Though her voice has not changed yet, her screaming has made her hoarse. We await further instruction from Dr. Tanner on how to proceed if the subject survives after 24 hours.

January 7th, 1988.

Subject retains all symptoms from yesterday. Bruising around the veins has begun, and the darkness around injection site 1 has begun to spread. Second dose of C-84 in the neck induced immediate pain for Subject 37. Off the record, Sherry still looks like Sherry. When I entered the room, she pleaded for me. Asked for my help. She reminded me of the trip we took to camp 5 years ago, the music festivals we had attended through the years. Off the record, I can’t say it did not affect me. Previous test subjects hurled insults at me, unsuccessfully spat blood at my face, and screamed obscenities. Not Sherry. She was still my friend at this point. Still human. On record, Subject 37 remains unusually quiet most hours. Dr. Tanner has instructed for a third dose after 48 hours of the second.

January 9th, 1988.

Third dose of C-84 has been administered to Subject 37. Skin has darkened to shades of purple and green; all injection sites have turned entirely black; redness in the eyes has faded and pupils are now normal. Subject began screaming as I left the room 2 hours ago, still showing the ability to recognize familiar people. Subject has retained human qualities longer than all previous test subjects. That’s Sherry, I guess. Always stubborn. I drew her blood after 4 assistants failed to do so. Subject 37 kept acting out violently to the assistants but was calm around me. Very calm. It was almost heartwarming, except for how inhuman she looked. Reports have intrigued Dr. Tanner.

January 12th, 1988.

Fuck the reports. Symptoms are the same, but she’s still human. She has lasted much longer than every other subject. She could even speak in full sentences until yesterday and remember my face. Sherry screams my name at night, waiting until I come back into the room and sit next to the bed she is strapped to. I cannot believe Dr. Tanner convinced me to sacrifice one of my friends for this. Why couldn’t we have just continued with random subjects off the street? Homeless people, prostitutes, they all sufficed well enough for results. Why the fuck did I have to bring her here? My best friend. If she can even call me hers anymore does not matter to me, she is still mine. She’s less human by the day. Her voice is shrill, as if her vocal cords were shredded by C-84 itself. Fucking Tanner, I’m going to kick his ass when he gets back here.

January 15th, 1988.

Subject 37 has lost all human qualities. Symptoms are as follows: blackened eyes; dark purple and green skin; black circles around all 6 injection sites; non-human sounds and screams from subject; subject no longer speaks or pleads; obvious signs of distress; and sensitivity on injection sites. Off the record, everything about her condition has gotten worse. She doesn’t recognize me anymore. I have become a stranger to her, and her to me. I did not care that Tanner called me weak, that my assistants saw my obvious tears. Sherry is gone. My best friend is gone. Congratulations, Tanner. Your experiment worked. C-84 is a success at the expense of me and my best friend. See you in Hell, asshole.

May 30, 2021 18:10

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Cole Lane
23:36 Jul 20, 2021

Wow this was a wild ride, so many mysteries hidden in here. I really want to know what Sherry has become, what are they trying to create? This was an extremely imaginative way to use this prompt!! Excellent!


Allie Mae Sakry
00:26 Jul 21, 2021

Thanks, Cole! To be honest, even I don’t know what the drug is, but Tanner was basically making a monster. What its purpose and what it actually is, I have no idea. The world may never know. I got the idea from a random sentence that popped into my head one day just after the prompts were sent out, and it was “their vocal chords shredded entirely from the screams.” Then I saw this prompt and I said “welp, we’ll make it work.” Thank you for the praise!


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Aman Fatima
17:41 Jul 14, 2021

Its an intriguing story. I like the idea of experimenting on a friend.


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Josephine Samuel
07:14 Jun 02, 2021

Wow, this is a brilliant story Allie. It brings you into the world of it.


Allie Mae Sakry
03:33 Jun 05, 2021

Thank you! I really wasn't sure if it was immersive enough before, but I'm very glad you liked it!


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Dhwani Jain
05:52 Jul 10, 2021

Nice story! Allie Mae Sakry ~ I like your name. What does it mean? At first, I didn't quite understand what was happening but then I realized that the writer in the story is doing an experiment on his best friend. I would have liked a little bit more of an explanation for the experiment, but this was also great! Thank you for such an intriguing read and for following me.... Where are you from? Please read and comment you review on my stories too! :)


Allie Mae Sakry
11:51 Jul 10, 2021

Thank you for liking the story! I wanted to keep it mysterious and vague with the reason for experimenting and what the drug that’s being administered is. I feel that a mysterious element to a story like this gets the reader more engaged and thinking creatively about the different possibilities! As for my name, it doesn’t really have a meaning, it’s just my birth name. It’s kind of a common name where I am from, so it doesn’t have any special meaning. And I’m from Wisconsin in the United States. I’ll be sure to check out your profile and see...


Dhwani Jain
13:21 Jul 10, 2021

Cool! Ooo! nice.... Thanks!


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