Creative Nonfiction Teens & Young Adult Sad

Storm clouds were hanging up on the sky, coloring the whole atmosphere deep black. The vultures were flying up on the head, and both of them were groaning continuously.

Schools, houses, hospitals, everything around that city was demolished and turned into the old quarries.

Didn't matter we see, everything was covered with blood and bodies. The nature was presenting it's anger, without granting mercy. The entire place was silent and only the wail of a mother emitted the painful sound after losing her child, and those wails were mixing with the screams of some people who are still buried under that huge detritus of the destructed building. Wails, tears and screams were spread around the whole place. And we were able to do anything, except witnessing the sorrow.

People were running everywhere to get help or to help there loved one's but in the end there hands remains empty. Screams were resonating in the horizon and we could feel the pain stabbing our mind sharply.

While the atmosphere is witnessing the mass destruction, a child is waking all alone on the street. The path, that's covered with the splashes of blood. Some leftover recollections, broken glasses, ripped up telephone poles and the wind with wails, he's walking all alone on them.

A boy with torn clothes, ragged shoes and untidy hairs stepping up on that way, his eyes were glistening with emotions but those emotions weren't able to cover his face. His walking with his blank face and worm eyes which were flowing sorrowful tears.

His owning an old backpack with him, which was also torn and few parts were covered with dirt. The holes on that bag showing some ripped clothes, a folded picture and blood.

The dry blood spots on those ripped clothes were showing one more heart break, one more shattered future and one more lost hope. But that boy is strong enough to walk alone on that path and also hear the wimps of people. But it's not only the bravery which was presented, the fear, pain and sadness was also the reason of the continuity of his steps.

The folded picture on the bag was his and his mother's. In the picture his mother cuddling him, softly and it's showing the affection between them. The photograph hold memories of the past.

That picture fell down from that tattered bag and dropped on the ground, that boy picked it again and after a bit looked it. The last worm moments with her mother he spends were pictured in front of his eyes. There smiling faces were filled with happiness which was ruined a while ago. And the last photo of them only forced him to scream inside himself, questioning him why he can't save her mother, why he can't stop her to be eaten by death.

There smiles, there words and there love. He's reminding everything. And every recalling cause him sorrow and hollow feeling inside his heart.

The pictures were flowing inside that boy's head and his tears weren't stopping, even for a moment.

He's thinking about how his life changed.

Few hours ago he and his mother was preparing to moveing out his stuff, for his hostel and now the house he leave that morning has no trace of life left. The thing left behind is a destroyed old house.

The life he lived with his mother isn't described as a perfect one but both were trying to make it perfect.

That boy, never had chance to spoil by his father. But, her mother cherished him every way in parenting, to did't let him feel lonely.

But, somehow the boy who is walking on that street is looked different from the boy who is smiling on the picture. It's not about smile, it's not about pain. The thing is different in both of them is guilt. That boy's eyes were filled with regret. He's facing grief of her mother.

The destruction caused by nature was a mejor earthquake. That disaster consume many people in the blink of an eye and one of them is, that child's mother.

The kid lost her mother a while ago, but regret was not for her mother's death the regret was that he didn't show courage towards her mother, he didn't led her mother a hand to help her out. He was scared to the death.

The moment when disaster appeared he was inside his house, everything started shaking. He ran out of that place immediately, without thinking and when he's at the gate he heard, her mother, she was still stuck at the basement and she was screaming for help. He was standing on the entrance, thinking what to do? Save my mother or save myself, decision was though but he chose to live.

The minute he get out of that house, the whole place is turned into scraps. The boy was facing his back toward his dead home, and he didn't collect enough courage to even view them. His body swiftly started feeling heavy, he collapsed on his feet and try to let out all pain at one's but only a tear came out and his mind goes blank. Questions, memories, heartache and sorrow all flowing up at the same time in his head and with a wail his all torment came out.

He cried and scream a lot, he was feeling uneasy and wanted to destroy his life but something stopped him, the picture of them showed up in front of him. He smiled, but tears again find there path to flow down. That kid hugged the photo, he stared shedding tears and calling out her mom,

"It's painful mom. There is no one. I miss you. I miss you a lot.

Mom,..... I'm so sorry, I couldn't come to save you. Sorry. Please mom......

I want you. I want you, right now mom."

But no one's gone hear him out. His sorrow never get witnessed by anyone because everyone at that city facing the same trauma that time. And the house is far from city, so no matter how much he cry there is no one who's there to comfort him. But, his whines were became wordless when he heard a familiar utter,

"Honey, no need to cry. I am there for you. Don't worry about me, okay.

I love you, my sweetheart. I love you very much."

That voice, felt like a day dream but it's able to stop that boy's tears for a bit. He stands up, tears still crossing there paths and guilt stays on his face but looks like something's new.

He gathered some stuff to travel and started his journey. When, he's about to leave, he turn back to take a final look of his mother and when he turn he couldn't stop sobbing. It's hard for him to leave that house but he had to leave. He covered his mouth with his hands to stop his voice came out and he run away without looking back.

When he's running against the house, he felt like his mother waving his hand to say good bye to him, like she always did when he off to the school. He thanked her mother to forgive him but he still regrets and maybe he never forgive himself for committing such a sin, and after few moments he despair, far away from his home.


"Ok! So, that the building collapsed earlier due to the flood. And that place is also, demolished maybe many people stills under those buildings. We had to hurry up, after we get the location. So, let's start.

And remember we had to save them, they trust us. Did, you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

And with the last command of the chief, everyone was came out of the vehicle and get back to take there positions, to save people after flood.

They were rescuing people who still stuck under the building and taking them to the save places. The work is very hard but the chief Andy Nicloes, making it possible.

It was getting dark, and the rescue work is almost completed. Many lives destroyed already but many were saved. And everyone relaxing for a while.

After viewing all work, for the last time Mr. Nicoles sits alone near the camp seeing a picture, with same regret in his eyes. Like that boy, who is walking alone. But something is new. His face was smiling and thanking his mother for absolving him, for letting him secure many moms out there.

Another emergency calls rang in the camp and mr. Nicoles came out of his world. He folded that picture and with a last sentence he run away to rescue,

"It's an emergency, time to get back to the work, boys."

Lee's Conclusion,

"Life sure changed pretty quickly, and give people the wounds that were never filled by anyone, those wounds leave nasty scars on body which were always stays as a reminder of there loved one's pain.

But, some times those scars guide our life to a totally new opportunities."

July 16, 2021 03:23

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