Fantasy Fiction Mystery

It was a quiet night here at Galveston, Texas as I walked home from work. I've been stationed at the Aquarium At Moody Gardens for a good while now (3 months to be exact), and I don't mind it. Especially since it's not far from home with my dear cousin Erica. Keeps my job as marine biologist interesting. I'm only going from here to Houston or whenever they need someone like me to for the job. Either me giving the sea life their shots, getting test examples or making lab results, anything really. It all pays the same.

I've been a marine biologist for as long as I could remember. It was right after high school that I got to do I wanted to do which was be by the sea and help the critters in anyway that I can. Ten years later and I'm still working with it . Quite honestly: I can't complain too much, considering it does pay for the monthly bills and I do love what I'm doing.

Erica has been going job to job, working whatever place needs hire. My cousin is only 40 years old but she never once complain about having a stable job or career. She's just so proud of her baby cousin more than anything and if she has to work at 50 odd jobs before she dies, she's content with it. No questions asked. That's what she told me numerous times after I told her that she can still go to college. However, after me suggesting that, she kept assisting I shouldn't worry. So eventually I just give it up and let her do her own thing.

Anyways I'm walking my usual route and just as I pass the first bridge, I turn to the back alleyway. I always heading this way cause it wasn't only the fastest to get to home but I needed to drop by my lab before entering the house. I left my comic there the night before. It was a good read too. It was about a boy lounging to be a knight and just when he comes one, his beloved Princess get kidnapped by an evil Dark Wizard.

I'm sure Erica is at home too after working a full 10 hour shift at the diner as a server. Soon, she's be cooking up some her famous meatloaf and will be asking me to help her out to whip some mash potatoes. She loves the way how I make them. I put whipped them up so there won't be chunks in it. Plus I do add some sour cream for a bit of flavor.

As I walked, I got to see a strip of water on my right. It's so nice to be by the sea where I can help my friends who come from there for whatever needs necessary. Since I was child, I always wanted to be a vet but somewhere along the way, I looked up the marine side of things and was completely blown away. I was sold and told himself I wanted to be a marine biologist when I grow up. Lord behold, here I am doing exactly that!

Thankfully both Erica's and mine help make that dream came true. The four of them paid for my tuition and everything I need at University of Texas - Houston to become as such. I just wish they were here, especially back when I graduated twice both in high school and college respectfully.

If only it wasn't for that plane crash, they'll all be here. They would have visited us every week to check on us. Plus, Erica wouldn't have not only lost her parents, but also not have to take care of a 17 year old just freshly out of high school. She told me I can go out to see the world but I told her, even back then, that my place is here with her and Galveston. Erica has been the luckiest cousin as she have told but she has no idea how much she has made an impact in my life too. She's one of the reasons I stayed.

Anywho, back to the subject at hand! As I was about to open the back fence door, I got out my 20 plus keys and looked for the right key. Dang it, I should be organizing this more. It shouldn't take so long to find a blasting key. Just before I found it, I heard a helpless chrip behind me. I quickly turn around and that's when I saw him.

He was just a little thing with a furry white face and adorable black marbles that shine with stars across his irises, all thanks to the night sky. This little guy was a sea otter, stranded and alone.

I double checked to make sure what I saw was right in front of me. It was pretty dark in that alleyway. Meanwhile also seeing if there were any rafts or any otters nearby. They normally come in pairs or a dime of dozen. Unfortunately, this little otter had no one and he looked extremely hungry, examining the state he was at.

Without a second thought, I get off my lab coat and bundle him up as a source of warmth. Once I got him gently wrapped up, I carefully pick him up and finally (also miraculously) grabbed the right key to open the back fence door. I next locked it up after the two of us were on the other side and proceeded to take us to my lab shack. After entering, I cautiously place him on the counter while dropping my lunchbox aside. I dug in and hand him a fresh green apple I didn't get to eat at all from work today. He didn't once complain and went into it.

It was time to check up on the little guy to make sure he was alright. First thing I did was give him shots. One of them being rabies, cause you never know. Safety first is always the main priority . By which, he clears out. Another shot was to get him some vaccines, all just in case he got sick from what the cruel world brought to him. All of which, his body checked out cause after eating the apple, he was as good as new.

"That's completely strange," I said this to myself and the little otter, "Where did you come, little one?" The otter tilts it's head as if he didn't quite understand.

The next thing to check is his blood and make sure he wasn't carrying anything from the inside. I drew blood from his front paw. He didn't even whelp but which most would when getting poked. That colored me surprised.

After drawing some examples of blood, I check his under the microscope in a timely fashion. Once I adjust the scope, I can see the cells were different than any original cells.

His eukaryotic cells were absolutely mutated. This cells were doubled the size and had a different color to them. This being the case of sky blue. I was astonished by what I say and ask him directly: "What kind of otter are you?"

Again, the little guy just tilts his head confusedly with his cute white furry face. I looked at him and his mutant contemplating what to do from here until Erica called out: "Maxwell James, are you home!?"

February 14, 2025 20:57

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