The Last Of Us (based off ‘the 100’)

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt

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Adventure Romance Science Fiction

Finn and Clarke stood where the camp the 100 built once was, no one was left, the grounders had won. The ark was gone too, they were alone on an earth filled with threats. Finn looked at Clarke, “Who knew we’d be the last of us, I would’ve thought Bellamay would have made it at least, but no it’s just us princess.” Clarke looked back at him, “That name died with Bellamay.” Finn was stunned, was she really not over Bellamay? “Sorry.”

“It’s fine, right now I’m just worried about that bullet, and yes I’m over Bellamay.” She said as she kissed him. “H-how did you-”

“Shut up and kiss me.” This is all he ever wanted, but not like this, he loved Clarke but she wasn’t thinking, he pushed her away, “Clarke all our friends, and family are dead how are we supposed to survive, we’ll run out of food or worse, what if the grounders come back?” Tears fell out of her eyes as she said, “your right, we need to find food and shelter, and-” Finn hugged her while she cried in his arms, “not just yet we’ll stay here for the night, some of our tents are still standing.”

“Okay but first thing tomorrow...”

“We’ll look for supplies I know.” Clarke looked into his eyes he was about to cry but he held it together for her, she realized that and said, “Hey Finn?”

“Yes Clarke?”

“I Love You.” He kissed her forehead and said, “I’ve waited a hundred years for you to say that, I Love You Too.” They kissed. Then, they headed toward the tents and went to sleep. The next morning Clarke shook Finn awake, “We have to go now!” Finn opened his eyes and yawned, “Why? It’s not like the grounders will get us if we don’t leave right this minute.” Clarke looked around nervously. “That’s exactly what it’s like, isn’t it?” Clarke looked back at him, “I saw the flares, their on the way here as we speak.” Finn groaned, “there goes spending time in bed with my girlfriend.” Clarke half smiled, “Girlfriend?” Finn grinned, “Yea.” Clarke was serious again, “Ok lover boy lets get a move on, we have to be gone before they get here, they know that we’re alive.” Finn darted out of the tent, to get supplies, but came back a few seconds later, and kissed Clarke, “lets go, princess.”

“That name is still dead!” she yelled because, he was already half away across camp, “Its making a comeback, now lets go princess!” He yelled Back. Clarke caught up to him, “Where are we even gonna go, Finn?” He pointed at the map, “Exactly where Lincoln told us to.” Clarke looked nervous, “Come on, Finn that was years ago, before he totally betrayed us, and Octavia, plus we don’t even know if it’s still there.” Finn turned and looked at Clarke, “We’ll never know if we don-” A voice interrupted him, “It’s there, trust me.” Clarke spun on her heels “OCTAVIA! I thought you were dead. Wait if your here does that mean Bellamay isn’t?” Clarke had a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Then Octavia said “I wish I could say your right, but Bell didn’t make it.” Octavia looked down, at the ground. Clarke started crying quietly. Finn hugged them both and said, “I know, but theres no time to mourn right now, the grounders are coming and they will kill us.” They stood there for a few seconds then Octavia said, “What if we go to Mount Fraught?” Clarke looked astonished “Are you insane!?!? Danté is the reason theres only three of us, he’s the reason Bellamay is dead!” Octavia stared her down, “I know but, Danté is dead.” Clarke was surprised, “How do you know that?”

“I have my ways.” Finn felt left out and said, “who cares, how she knows lets get to Mount Fraught.” He put his arm around Clarke and they started walking. They were almost to Mount Fraught when they saw a not so friendly face. Clarke looked at her and said, “Anya?”

“Ah, You remember.” She sound way to relaxed to be trying to kill them “of course I remember the face that haunts my dreams every night. Leave now.” Octavia leaned into Clarke and whispered, “oh so Lincoln is a threat but ‘Mother Nature’ gets a free pass? I don’t think so.” She pulled back her bow” Finn heard her and said, “Octavia I know what she did to Lincoln but put the bow and arrow down now.” Octavia didn’t even glance at him, “fine” she sighed. “I’ll be going now.” Anya said without giving them a chance to reply she walked away. “Are you ok?” Finn asked Clarke checking for wounds that he knew weren’t going to be there. Clarke smiled “I’m fine but I love that you care.” Finn just smiled, thankful that Clarke wasn’t hurt. Octavia interrupted them, “Alright lovebirds lets go.” They all laughed and started walking up the mountain. By the time they got up Mount Fraught it was nighttime. Clarke looked at Octavia and said, “Your sure there’s no one left right, Octavia?” Octavia just looked at her and said, “I’m pretty sure, but only one way to find out right?” Finn looked really nervous but he said, “Right.” And he grabbed Clarkes hand and the three of them went in. Once, they got in it was completely deserted, it was the same as it was when they first came to Mount Fraught, except for the fact that there were no people. “Told you guys, no one.” Clarke still looked nervous “for now.” Finn saw how nervous she was and said, “I know how you feel about this place but Danté is gone. Let’s just try to make this home for now.” Clarke just hugged him and said, “I really hope your right.” Once, the three of them walked in further they found two old beds and went to sleep. “Goodnight, Clarke.” Finn said, kissing her forehead.

September 21, 2020 19:49

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Jojo Leibundguth
22:25 Sep 22, 2020

Mount Weather* sorry I was recently watching “a series Of unfortunate events” but the mountain from “the 100” is Mount Weather


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