
“Hurry, Tim, hurry! We won’t make the plane if you don’t run!” Darby is yelling at the top of her lungs running through the maze of others. She drags along her pink fluffy suitcase behind her. Darby slides up to the counter and yanks her passport out of her bag. She hisses at the service worker, “Here, take it why don’t you.” Darby swishes her hair to the side as Tim is huffing and puffing behind her. She gives him an eye and a grumbled sigh as he reaches in his bag for his passport. He hands it in, and she grabs his hand, smiles at the woman, and giggles, “toodles”.

They were on the plane in minutes and sat down. Darby gets out her make-up kit and gets to work on making her face look fresh. She grabs her bright red lipstick and applies it to her big soft lips. She looks at Tim with an evil grin. She whips her hand from her face and smears a fat L on Tim’s forehead. “I think that suits you best, there are gyms you know in Cali. Let me guess, are you dumb enough, that you can’t get a pass yourself? What else is wrong with you, your slow, dumb, oh, and good at being fake. You know you're a lot different on the dating site than in person.” Darby laughs at her joke as she finishes the final touches on her make-up. 

Tim sighs, looking out the window and wondering what is different about him and the dating site he created. Everything is true. Did Darby get the wrong email or something? I don’t understand she seemed so nice, saying it was time to make a new friend and have a weekend filled with fun. I think she is the one that was being fake on the account. I mean, on the other hand, I have always wanted to go to Cali, I think I can deal with a 5’7’’ walking Barbie for a week. Tim gets comfy and watches the clouds float by, drifting off to sleep.

Tim and Darby jump up from their sleep from the plane's suspicious rattling. Darby looks around with fear in her eyes. Darby looks at Tim and wails, “No, I’m going to die today, no, no, no! This can’t be happening to me, Tim do something about it! Get up and figure out how to not get me killed NOW!” Now Tim is the one to get the look of fear in his eyes, he has no clue how to even unbuckle his seat belt. The Marshall gets up from the cab and comes out. “I’m sorry, we got everything figured out, sorry for the problem, we are all safe. Thank you” He goes back in the cab. Tim looks over very slowly to look at Darby thinking she will yell at him for not doing anything. He gets ready for the intake, but she looks over and smiles while, “Well ready to get off! First things first is going to the beach so I can try on my new swimsuit!” clapping, Tim moans, “Yep, can’t wait.” 

Getting off the plane in Cali is hectic. Everyone grabs their luggage and gets ready to get off. Darby pats Tim on the shoulder and makes a little noise in her throat. She whispers, “Tim, this is the moment you ask if you could take my bags… it’s okay I’m waiting.” She taps her foot on the ground. “You expect me to grab that huge bag of pink fluff and carry it for YOU!” Tim declares. Darby rolls her eyes, “Oh nonsense, poor Tim, grow up and be a man, it’s your job. Please Hurry!”

After what feels like decades with Darby blabbering on and on about her new swimsuit, they finally reach the hotel. Tim opens the door and stumbles to the bed falling face first. Nothing feels any better than the silky bed, in the air-conditioned room. He even catches himself drooling over the fact. “Hey! Get up, it's time for the beach. Get your best swim trunks. This is what we have both been waiting for!” 

Getting to the beach, Tim sets down the cooler of pink lemonade and even sets out Darby’s pink poke-a-dot towel on the sand. He yanks his shirt off and starts running towards the water. He stops dead in his tracks hearing the piercing scream of Darby. “My towel has wrinkles in it! Fix it Tim.. and I mean now!” He turns around and trudges up the hill back to Darby. “Can you be any louder, everyone is looking at us.” Darby smirks, “Well maybe if you put my towel down the way I wanted it, then we would not have a problem.” Tim just rolls his eyes and does as she says. “Oh and Tim, we don’t go to the beach to swim in that fungi filled swamp, we come to get tan and you're gonna help me be the walking beauty for the show in two days. Understand?” Tim looks at us and stares straight in her eyes, “Yes Ms. Barbie, anything you say, honey.” Darby flips her hair, “Mhm that's the way I like it! Maybe you not dumb after all.” Tim lays back in the sand and watches Darby walk like a complete loser for 3 hours straight.

It’s almost dark by the time they reach the hotel room again. Darby is on Tim’s nerves and he has had enough of her. He decided it’s time to mess with her. He opens the door and walks straight in, not holding the door for her. She looks at him with disgust and stands in the hallway waiting for him to come back and hold the door for her. This time Tim laughs, “Oh honey, what’s the matter, are you not strong enough to open the door. Don’t be ashamed, I heard there are gyms here in Cali, want me to get you a pass?” Darby stomps in, with her fists in balls. “Tim, not funny, you came here for the week to be here for me and do as I say.” Tim looks up with a smirk, “Yea, maybe you should have said that in your profile then. You said a weekend getaway to make a new friend and have fun.” Darby turns around, “Yes Tim, fun! Fun is helping me win the contest so actually, you're wrong. Now go start the water for me asap! I have sand in places it should not be!” Tim jumps up and down gracefully like a ballerina to the bathroom, “As you wish my darling.” 

Finally, with Darby in the bathroom, Tim can relax, he stretches out on the bed with a bag of popcorn. Tim reaches for his Dr. pepper and takes a big gulp. Darby comes out of the bathroom wearing a pink fluffy robe with matching slippers. Tim spits the soda everywhere laughing hysterically, “Are you wearing your suitcase! That looks exactly like your suitcase!” Darby frowned walking over to him, “Don’t be silly these are my favorite pajamas, they are so soft.” Tim looks her up and down, “Yea did you get them Justice, at the store for little teens.” Darby crosses her hands over her chest and sighs, “Whatever, and gets out of my bed, I get the queen and you can have the couch. The couch is okay, isn't it? I mean you probably sleep in the streets so I would think it would be more than okay.” Tim gets up and out of the bed, smirking, “I thought you wanted to share a bed", “Ew, you nasty, in your dreams, I would never share a bed with you, you're lucky I’m sharing a room with you. Now leave and get out of my hair. They fall asleep to the humming of the city outside their windows.

Tim wakes up to a rustling noise in the bathroom. He gets up and stretches. Tim makes his way to the bathroom, knocks on the door, and peers in, he sees Darby applying lotion and she smiles up at him, “Morning sleep head! Would you like some coffee today?” Tim rubs his head and eyes, is he going crazy? “Wait what, let me guess you want me to make your coffee?” Darby looks at him confused, “No silly, I made you some, just for you.” Tim walks away from the door, and to the mini table, and there is a coffee pot filled with steaming coffee awaiting his arrival. Tim just ignores the fact that she is being nice and pours himself a cup and sits down in the chair. Tim turns on the TV as Darby starts to make breakfast. He thinks to himself that maybe yesterday was just one of those days and she is the girl on her profile. 

After breakfast, the two are getting ready to go shopping to find an outfit for the modeling. As Tim is getting his sunglasses from the counter there is a knock on the door. Darby freezes for the slightest of a second and then runs to the bathroom whispering, “Sorry tell them I’m not here, will you answer the door for me?” Tim looks at her confused and goes to open the door.

He opens the door to a massive guy twice the size of him and is in all black. “Hello, my name is Damien! Ugh, I am here for Darby! She owes me 10 grand, and now!” Tim stumbles back but has a firm grip on the door and replies, “Sir, you got the wrong hotel number, I’m here alone for business.” Damien clinches his first and grumbles, “God Dammit, sorry sir, have a good day.” Tim closes the door and locks the deadbolt. He steps into the bathroom and sees that Darby is in the corner wrapped up in a ball. “Ms. Barbie, explain to me this instant what is going on.”

After hours of explaining to Tim that back in Massachusetts she was at another modeling show, she didn’t win because it was rigged. So when the girl was on the plane going back home she followed her and took the money from her, and ran. She changed her name and everything. Tim laughs, “You mean to tell me you didn’t win so you stole 10 grand over it. Wait..is that why you were being all nice because you knew that guy was going to show up. God Dammit what was I thinking. Well I saved your ass, what do I get in turn.” Darby reaches over to grab her make-up bag, um you can be my escort for the big event Tomorrow. She winks at him. Tim doubles over with laughter, “come on let’s go get that dress of yours.”

The two start to find interest in each other. Throughout the day Darby locks arms with Tim and kisses him on the cheek. When Darby is trying on the dresses, Tim admires her smile and her jokes. She comes out of the dressing room, and his jaw drops. The way she looks in that dress is outstanding. He gets up, walks over, and swings her around in his arms. “Darby, that’s the one, you look perfect!” He thinks to himself that this was not as bad as he thought it would be. Even though he can’t go to all the places he has dreamed of, spending time with Darby isn’t so bad after all. It turns dark and the two decide to go out to eat. They went to the best fine dining in a restaurant they could find. They shared a table lit with candles laughing the night away with sips of wine and bites of cake.

Tim has Darby’s shoes in his hands. They are laughing and stumbling their way up to their room. He opens the door, drops her shoes, and lifts her, and picks her up as they both laugh. He makes his way to the bed and then whispers in her ear, “I had fun today, and thank you for that. He moves his head and they lock eyes. She looks down at his lips and backup. She gently closes her eyes and their lips interlock. He lays her on the bed and they both fall asleep in each other's arms. 

Again, Tim wakes up to rustling noises in the bathroom. He tilts his head and looks at the floor to where Darby’s high heels are from the night before. All the memories fill his head and he gets up with a smile and heads to the bathroom. This time he does not knock and steps right inside watching Darby apply her make-up. He makes his way over to her and looks her in the eyes, his own eyes glistening. She looks back up at him as he picks her up to set her on the counter. Darby blushes, “Now Tim, don’t ruin my make-up, remember you don’t want to be the escort of a girl who does not win.” Tim just looks at her and brushes his lips, light against hers.

He lets her go, and helps her get ready. They make their way down to the building packed full of adults of all ages. Tim is dressed in a black tux perfectly ironed with a red tie. Darby walks with him, arms interlocked with the most perfect dress on. The dress is covered in red sequins that flow and sway with her every step. The dress brings out her big red lips and her tall structure. The two get in their places. Behind a girl who is shorter than her and has a dress the color of the ocean. She looks behind her and Darby smiles, “You look really pretty, good luck girl.” The girl smiles and nods looking forward. Darby decides at that moment that she is just going to go out there and have fun, it’s not about winning but about having fun. Just like she put on her profile, a weekend filled with fun and that's exactly what she is going to do. Tim deserves it. As they get closer Tim looks down and kisses her on the forehead, “You got this, you show them.” She smiles and they walk on stage together as her name gets called. She smiles and waves, blowing kisses to the crowd. Darby is out there having fun, and spending it with her escort, Tim.

All the contestants are standing on the stage waiting for their names to be called. Darby looks out into the crowd waiting for the winner to get the crown and applause so she can go back to the hotel and spend the rest of her night with Tim. The announcer takes the stage and grabs the mike. “Now ladies and gentlemen, what you have all been waiting for. The winner is…. Darby Garcia.” Darby is speechless, Tim lets go of her arm, and gives her a little push to the front, everyone around her is clapping and giving her compliments. She makes the front of the stage and looks out at the crowd. The announcer hugs her then passes her the mike. Darby raises the mike to her face, “I couldn't have done this without Tim. He taught me the true art of friendship, and how winning is not everything. We need to go out there and have fun, show the world who we are as a person. Thank you for sticking by my side and these last few days showing me what love is.” She hands the mike back and waves at the crowd once more before heading back to Tim. She runs into his arms and he picks her up twirling her around. “Looks like you did win after all!” 

The two head back to the hotel and Tim helps her out of the dress. She gets in the shower and rinses all her make-up off. She comes out of the bathroom in her pink, fluffy pajamas and lays next to him. He clicks the TV to mute, looks her in the eye, and says, “I like you better this way, no make-up, and no fancy earrings. You as you.” She then giggles and says, “Well, are my pajamas a problem, do I need to go switch them.” He throws his head back laughing, and envelopes her in a hug, we probably need sleep tonight, first thing first tomorrow, is getting up and packing for another long day. They fall asleep wrapped in the warmth of the other.

They get up together and pack all their belongings for the trip. Darby starts walking to the door with a snotty walk. She looks back and smiles, “Just kidding.” Tim grabs her pink fluffy suitcase this time without being asked and together they head down the stairs and out the door together. The two get on the plane and hold hands the whole ride. They finally get to New York and find their way to where they first met. Darby’s hand brushes against Tim’s hand as she takes her suitcase from him. She looks at him and a tear slides down her cheek. “So, is this the end, will I ever see you again?’ Tim looks her in the eye with tears streaming down his face, “Maybe, if I can find a girl again that her profile reads a getaway vacation weekend, full of fun.” Darby smiles and says, “Maybe Tim, Maybe.” She turns around but he grabs her arm and gives her one long last kiss on her perfect lips. He turns and walks the other direction but before leaving out the door, he turns around and yells, “Nice getting to know you Barbie! Farewell!” She throws her arm in the air and waves and giggles, “If you ever need help with getting a pass to the gym, let me know!” And the two turn around not looking back, going their separate directions.

November 13, 2020 23:55

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Michael Hayes
13:27 Nov 20, 2020

I enjoyed the story.


Kelsey Franklin
16:38 Nov 20, 2020

Thank you! I usually write mystery and crime. First time writing a romance story. I thought it was okay, some parts didn't make since, but I'm getting there!!


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