Love is Blind

Written in response to: Set your story at a retirement or leaving party. ... view prompt


Fiction Friendship Romance

It’s evening time students are enjoying their farewell party. The place is decorated with black, white, and golden balloons, and “FAREWELL, DEAR FRIENDS, WE WILL MISS YOU ALL.” is hanging on the wall. Noha, a Young guy seems restless and constantly looking at the entrance as he is eagerly waiting for someone. His friend Ayesha arrived. She is looking amazing in a white shirt and a long blue printed skirt. “O Noha what are you doing here? I was looking for you everywhere. Come on, come with me.” She said and held his arm and tried to pull him.

“No.” He separated his arm from her and said, “I mean. I’ll join you later. You should go and enjoy the party.”

“Are you okay?”


“What are you looking for?”

‘Nothing, Aaish. I told you, I’ll join you later.”

“Are you waiting for someone?” she said.

“Come on Aaish. Leave me for some time. Just for some time.”

“Oh! Noha, it’s our farewell party. We are leaving school and you. You are behaving awkwardly.”

“I'm not behaving awkwardly.”

“Okay then let’s come inside.”

“I’m waiting for someone.” He said.

“What? I mean? For whom you are waiting?”

“Dil.” He replied.

“Dil?” she asked.

“Dilruba, I'm waiting for her.”

“Okay, but why? I mean, what’s wrong? Sorry, I mean. She is not in our gang. Then why? Why are you waiting for her?”

“Because.” He said.

“Because?” she repeated.

“I love her. I really love her.”

She turned pale. She was blank for a while. He called her “Aaish, Aaish” but she was lost in her thoughts he called loudly “Aaish” then finally she regained her senses. And replied “Sorry, what did you say?”

“I was telling you about my love.”

“Does she know about that?”

“No, not yet but.”

“But what?”

“Tonight I’m going to propose to her. Tonight I’ll confess my love for her. It’s my first and last chance. Oh! Aaish I don’t want to lose her.”

“Just shut up, why didn’t you tell me this before?” she asked.

“I was confused. I was confused about my feelings for her. That’s why.”

“O and now?”

“Now I’m clear, that she is the only one. She is my special girl. She is the one for whom I was waiting for a long. She is the one with whom I can spend my whole life, with whom I can share my everything, my every breath, my every heartbeat.” He held her hands and said in excitement “OO Aaish I’m in love. I’m in love.”

“What the hell, you know nothing about her and you are talking to spend your whole life with her. That’s called shit not love. Forget it and go inside.”

“You are not taking me seriously.” He said.

“I’m taking you seriously that’s why I’m saying to forget it. Just forget the shit.”

“Are you mad, Aaish. I thought you are my best friend. And you will help me out but you are talking shit.” He said.

“I'm your best friend that’s why I am telling you that she is not of your type. She doesn’t deserve your pure-love.”

“What the hell you want to say?”

“Take it easy. You will be alright within a few days. It’s okay. It happens at this age when you can’t differentiate between real love and infatuation.”

“I am not sick and I know the difference. What is next?”

“I’m not sure but I think she is already in a relationship.” She said.

“No,” he sighed.

“It’s okay.”

He took a deep breath and said, “you said that you are not sure. You must be mistaken.”

“No, I saw her twice with the junior fellow.”

“O come on, they must be friends like you and me. On this basis, you can’t say that she is in a relationship with that guy.”

“Stupid, they were not behaving like only friends.”


“They looked like partners, lovers.”

“I followed her everywhere each day. I didn’t see anything like that.”

“I don’t know.”

“Exactly, you don’t know anything.”

“Oh! Go to hell.” She said and went.

“Hey, where are you going? Can’t you see me happy? You are not my friend. You killed my happiness before its birth. Go, I don’t need you. I don’t need your help.” He shouted.

As he turned back he saw a beautiful, stylish girl in a wine velvet off-shoulder padded gown standing. “What happened?” she asked.

“O you, Dilruba. You are late. By the way, you are looking gorgeous.” He said.

“Thanks, you too are looking amazing.”

“Thank you.”

“I think, we should go inside, or perhaps you are waiting for someone?”

“No, I was just going.” He hesitated.

“Okay then, let’s go.”

“No. I mean.” Paused, “may we talk for a while? Please.”

“Okay,” she said and both sat on a bench.

“I never saw my mother. Aaish is the first woman, I met on this earth. She taught me that the love of a pure woman can change the life of a man. Then I met you, Dil, and I immediately fell in love with you. I want to be with you till my last. I love you Dil. You are my special girl.” He said.

“I’m surprised. Do you know, everyone in the school thinks that you and Ayesha love each other.” She said.

“We are friends. Just friends.”

“O I see.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

“What? No.”

“Thank God. I knew it. I knew it.” He whispered.

“Did you say anything?”

“No, Yes, I mean. You did not respond.”

“You didn’t ask.”

“Do you love me?”

“I must need some time to think, right?”

“No, I mean, I don’t have much time. You have to answer during the party. Because my life and my career now depend on your decision. If you accept my love, I’ll stay otherwise, I’ve to leave the city with my friend.”

“Are you leaving the city? But why?”

“Because Ayesha is leaving.”

“So your whole life depends on Ayesha.”

“My life doesn’t depend on her. I told you. I don’t have a family. I don’t have many friends. She is my family. That’s it.”

“So you are sure that you love me?”

“Of course.”

“Okay then, how can I break the heart of a handsome guy.” She smiled and said.

“Are you serious?”

“Damn serious.”

“I can’t believe it. I’m feeling too lucky tonight.”

“I think now we should go inside and enjoy the party.”

They both went inside.

Everyone is enjoying the party but Ayesha is sitting lonely at the corner table. A good-looking chubby boy arrived and said, “Hey Ayesha, is it true that Noha loves Dilruba? And he proposed to her and she accepted.”

“Oh, so she accepted.”

“I’m so stupid. I always thought that you and Noha love each other. That’s why I abandoned my love. Oh, I’m so stupid.”

“You abandoned your love because of us, how? I mean, how?”

“I was in love with you but I never express my feelings just because I thought you love Noha. But I was wrong.”

“Who said you that you were wrong?”

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing. Forget it.”

“No, I’ve to know. Do you have feelings for him? OO my God, do you? Do you love him?

“No, not at all.”

“He is stupid. He is blind. But why did you not tell him?”

“I think my love was not genuine which failed to connect with his heart.”

“No Ayesha, you had to express. Love becomes strong when you express it.”

“It’s too late.”

“Of course, now it’s too late. Now you should think about my proposal. Right.”

“Shut up. I am happy if he is happy but.”

“But what.”

“Dilruba is not the right girl.”

“I think she is a good girl.”

“You guys only see her innocent, beautiful, and charming face. Well, one day she will be exposed.”

“O you are feeling jealous.”

“Your imagination.”

On the arrival of Noha, Chubby boy departed by saying, ”Okay guys see you.”

“See you.” Ayesha and Noha replied.

“Where is your beloved?” she asked

“She is went out to receive a phone call. Do you know she accepted my love?”

“I know.”

“Sorry, Aaish. Now, I’m not going with you. I will stay here.”

“No problem.”

“I’m going to the bathroom if Dil comes and asks then, please tell her.”

“Why not, I’m sitting here to deliver your messages.”

“You are the best Aaish.” He said and went.

“You will regret.” She shouted.

He went to the bathroom and tried to open the door but the door was locked. He started knocking on the door. A boy who was passing through said, “They will not open the door until they have done.”

“What do you mean?” Noha asked.

“I mean love birds are behind the door. So you have to wait.”

“Who are they?”

“The boy is my classmate but the girl is perhaps senior. But she is beautiful.”

“Senior? Do you know her name?”

“I don’t know. You can use the ladies bathroom if it’s urgent.” He laughed and said.

“Don’t you worry, I’ll manage.”

“O yes, she was wearing a wine velvet gown.” He said while leaving.

He waited and then finally the door opened and a boy comes out. He went inside and saw a girl who is standing in front of the mirror and setting her hair. As she turned back, he whispered, “Aaish was right. She was right. She is a bitch.” And he began to move backward. He fled leaving the party behind.

October 07, 2022 11:13

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Nayab Sherazi
10:46 Oct 12, 2022



Current Leads
11:02 Oct 12, 2022

Well done...Keep it up❤


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Samreen Fatima
17:07 Oct 12, 2022

Thanks ☺️


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Samreen Fatima
17:07 Oct 12, 2022

Thank you ❤️


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Graham Kinross
07:05 Oct 20, 2022

Again, good story and dialogue, just remember to weave the description of what's happening and what people and the surroundings look like around the dialogue.


Samreen Fatima
04:35 Oct 21, 2022

Thank you again, Graham


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Mike Panasitti
17:52 Nov 27, 2022

I don't think anyone else here writes romance the way you do, Samreen. The pacing of the dialogue and suspense makes it difficult to stop reading.


Samreen Fatima
03:38 Nov 28, 2022

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.


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Helen A Smith
12:49 Feb 01, 2023

An interesting take on the complexity of romance and friendship. How could he be so blind about his friend’s love when everyone else could see it? Good ending.


Samreen Fatima
01:12 Feb 03, 2023

Thank you Helen


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