
When I look up, I see the stars.

Not in the night sky, but within your eyes.

Like poetry through my pen, your light flows in me.

Like lyrics from your lips, your love holds me.

You are the flowers bright, dazzling colors alight with life.

From the cool of evening to the early dawn you cover me, like a blanket of mist lies across the dew stained hills of green.

Like the scent of fresh baked bread, a warm fireplace and a blanket beside, your presence satisfies my every sigh.

When I feel the touch of your hands on my skin, it is like I am floating through those nebulae above, every brush taking me further.

With your arms linked around me and your sweet sounds below my chin, I can't help but breathe you in, you intoxify me.

Your kisses, like shooting stars, send fiery heat flying inside of me.

Your lips like cider, tongue coated with spice, your breath warming, my heart is soaring.

Galaxies are born between our hips, every touch a star made brighter.

With hair in my hands, like silken strands of gold, your body beneath mine, our skin is melded as our souls cradle, rocked in our tender time.

With you as my sun, every ray is a touch of hope. I wish to forever bask in your heavenly glow, your pull drawing me through dizzying twirls in the solar system's boundless hold.

Your laughter is the twitter of birds, your smile, shimmering pearls. You make my heart wander and my mind fly asunder.

If you are the stars then lord, make me an astronomer so that I might watch your very life.

May I see you every day and hold you every night, in comfort and in pain, I would never go away.

You call me your angel but you are my savior, guiding me through every hardship, every tear I cry.

To wipe the streaks of salt away is a blessing, to see you is to wash away my every ache.

Like the warming kiss of the summer sun, not a cloud may mark your beauty away.

If I am your summer's day then you are my winter's night, like the frost that crisps my window panes as I look to the northern sky, you mystify my eye and hold me in your gaze.

You embolden me, showing me every day how to give compassion, to show attachment, to prove my feelings to you, if only to show you such will that you might find me your one true mate.

You are my power and my strength. My creative flow. My dearest know that without you, there would be no beauty in the ink of night. 

The world will always change when your hand is in mine, the sky turns supernova, the sight a brilliant fire, every sunset inspires, within your eyes I see brilliant desire. You show me a new way to seize each day.

I see every color with you by my side. Every fruit is sweeter, every word holds dearer, the sight of you makes my heart sing, I feel I can dance without teaching, every step a lyric of my own making, love ebbing from the swing of my hands through the air.

With every song you sing, my heart grows wider, each beat an ode to my love, a rhythmic drum to pace our steps through time.

The webs you weave are the strings that pull me. Every story you tell becomes my lullaby, dreams to be had on the wings of your words, I wish to be drawn away.

Your hum lulls me, your touch soothes me, your shine forever holding my gaze. The fire inside you, I was dying to find you, please don't take your light away.

In my darkest times you found me, through my worst nights you held me. How I came to know you will always remain my favorite day.

Without your ribbons to tie me I fear I would fly too far away. The scent of your skin holds me, the rise of your chest binds me, the well of your wisdoms never fails to fill my bucket each day.

The way you move my heart is the way the ocean kisses the shore, the way the sunbeams glow with the early dawn, the way a flower's nectar drips over the honeysuckle's lip, ambrosia to the birds and bees.

With each moment you are not near, I grow all the fonder of the words you say, a yearning inside of me that never goes away, to hear you speak again is my one wish in the hush of my stay.

You make me whole as much as my own soul, the missing piece to the puzzle of my mind and body.

Without the bridges you've built me, I know that I could never be in the places I am today.

Thank you dear, for never leaving me to fend away my fears in the coldest times on the darkest days.

With your strong grip, you ground me, with your scent, you charm me, you take away the alarm, the harm, the fear of my fluttering heart.

To watch you sleep beside me is innocence imbued in braids of sweet rose and sage, a lure to guide me to rest weary eyes and interwine our legs in bonds beneath a warm duvet.

You are the kind glow of the moon across my face, the warm sun on my skin and the stars in my eyes.

Our dreams will merge like a storybook, our lives a tale such that princes told, I will protect you as a fierce knight and guide you to the safety of the highest stronghold, I'll never see you harmed, by my guard you'll remain in the warmth of my dream home, a safehaven from the terrors of your nightmares untold.

You dance like the fireflies and laugh like the cricket's cry.

To me you are perfection.

What anyone else thinks is mere lies. For if I am to believe you, then what we say is the only truth to find.

For you princess, I would kill any troll, to keep you by my side, through sleep or daytime, I couldn't care less who thought us mad, so long as you share in the love that I have, it will keep us safe through the worst of our time, a life shared in a world of bliss, if only you'll give me one last kiss.

When I look to the starry sky, all I see are your eyes. What had once held fear has become bright, for without you, I would never believe there could be light even in night.

When I look to you and meet your eyes, the stars glow brighter than ever in my life. A glimmer of hope in the pools of your iris, I see a sky enviable to anyone's mind. For with you as mine, there will always be light, even in the darkness of the quietest night.

Love me forever.

Live on in my heart.

April 29, 2020 10:26

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07:43 May 08, 2020

The every word described is kind of withdrawing a sword from the heart of man and killing that man .No words to describe


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Pranathi G
13:38 May 04, 2020

I love it!!! So is the italicized for the girl and the regular for the boy?


Lala Jenkins
14:48 May 04, 2020

That's what I was going for! I hope it came across well :) Idk if it was clunky or not, I don't write a lot of poetry!


Pranathi G
14:49 May 04, 2020

It was great - just the way you wrote! I hope you can write more of these poems! I would love to read them!


Lala Jenkins
15:31 May 04, 2020

Oh thank you so much!!! you are so sweet <3 I think I will!!


Pranathi G
15:55 May 04, 2020

You're welcome! When you do, just let me know, so I can read them! I love poems!


Lala Jenkins
18:41 May 06, 2020

ahyayy!! I will! <3


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