Horror Mystery Science Fiction

"I'm back mum" Alex said crouched by the graves.

she hadn't visited the graveyard in years not after what happened. Alex hadn't visited since the accident 10 years ago. Alex was 8 at the time her aunt had pulled her out of school in the middle of the day, she remembers being sat in her aunts car.

"where are we going? wheres mummy and daddy" Alex had said.

"they aren't coming, you'll be staying with me for awhile" her aunt said sadly.

Alex woke up in a cold sweat looking around her apartment to make sure everything was as she left it. as she got up she noticed her calendar.

"has it really been ten years" she thought to herself shaking the thought of what was in the house out of her mind.

She started her day as usual then a message from her aunt appeared, she hadn't heard from her aunt Charlie since she moved out a year ago.

"Alex you need to go back to the old house there is something you need to see."

Alex pondered the message, then she remembered a key Charlie had given her as she left,

"you'll know when you need this keep it safe" Charlies voice echoed through Alex's mind.

she knew it was only an hours drive back into Lancaster but she hadn't gone in years.

"All packed" Alex sighed, "I'm really doing this" she thought as she got into her car.

When she arrived in Lancaster she drove straight to the outskirts of the city arriving at her childhood home. As she looked up at the house the memories of that night she tried to forget came flooding back. its was a cold morning as Alex woke up her parents yelling as she got ready for school. Then after her aunt had picked her up from school her entire world collapsed, police were strewn around the house two stretchers were being loaded into the truck. the police chattered she heard all what was said, "one of his creations went wrong and it killed both of em i think" one officer said to his partner, "nah he killed the misses and then got the stupid bot to kill him" his partner replied letting out a laugh. she remembers what she saw a crimson liquid dripping down the stairs and a pool of red in the hall. She snapped herself back to reality and stepped into her old home after unlocking the door, "I'm home" she said regretting what she looked at, it was still there standing tall as ever. A metal skeleton with once blinding red eyes gone dark with age, a ghost holding the memories of the knife once in its metal hands, once pristine metal now rusted and falling apart. She wanted to scream when she stepped close to the metal monstrosity its dead eyes took on that red glare and it looked up at her. She was frozen, she had never seen it active but it didn't move it just gazed, then it started to limp towards the basement almost like it was filled with purpose.

After she got to the basement the lights turned on old presents from her 8th birthday lined up in front of her, with a click and a few grinding gears the metal monster let out a small tune which broke Alex to tears, "It's their voices" she looked at the machine as it mouthed the song her mother used to sing. then a message came over the song it was her fathers voice, "I'm sorry sweetheart but this invention will be my last, its main goal was to protect you but after the shouting it saw us as a threat to you." he let out a sigh, "I tired to power it off but it will be back online in a few hours so i wanted to say we love you and happy birthd" the audio stopped.

Alex left her house and went into town to get flowers, she sat at the graves tears streaming "hi mom im home hi dad" she said welling up. she took apart the machine as it only caused pain but a dark feeling is saying that her father made more. a note left by the presents confirmed her fears he had given the machines a purpose to protect Alex but the programming had tripped to kill her, the bots in sleep mode would awaken soon and she had to prepare for what could be the worse time in her life.

She awoke, "Just the dream again" she got up. then the thing she dreaded happened the message to go home from her aunt came. Alex packed a bat and a flashlight and headed to her old home. As she entered the door she saw the old red stains on the floor but thankfully there was no sign of the machine she dreamed of. she went to her fathers workshop the basement and looked around she saw the plans for the monster she dreamed about. he wanted a new type of machine to provide entertainment at kids restaurants he never finished it he just made the head. As she turned her back one eye lit up and played an eerie music box sound from its speaker then slowly died out as its power source gave in. "its gone" she thought. she went to the graves and was shocked there was only her mothers grave, her father had left a note on the grave for her. it was the bars to that horrid music box she heard in the basement with the word 2im coming for you soon" written at the end. She sat by her mum's grave and looked up "im back mum." Alex looked ahead wondering what her father had planned and what role she played in this mess. she sighed and walked back to her car driving home and sleeping humming that horrid song until she fell asleep. the old lullaby her father used to sing to her at night.

November 25, 2020 02:13

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