The Road Most Taken gets taken by a Road-Least-Taken Person

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write about a reluctant party-goer who ends up being the star of the show.... view prompt


Fiction Funny Kids

NO WAY! I tried to explain it to her, but she didn't understand. There is no way that she will get me to go. I remember thinking that. I should have just agreed, right away. I mean, why would Lena ever do something bad to me? Or make it difficult for me? She had never done it before. I was just way too stubborn, then. I was just like my mother, but that's a different story for later.

"C'mon," Lena (My best and only friend) begged, she was a good friend, even if sometimes we had different views (sometimes is code for a lot of times, by the way), "It'll be fun!"

I crossed my hands, and at the time I thought she was crazy, and I stared at her in disbelief, too, "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Yes," She had stubbornly stared back, "I am talking to my best friend, who doesn't want to hang out at a small party."

"No," I shook my head, "I'm the girl who stays in the corner, doesn't go to parties, and only has one friend (And that friend is out of her mind, right now!)," I add, trying hard not to let myself be roped into something she wants to do.

"It will be fun," She ignored my comment about her being out of her mind. "We get to meet new people, and dance."

"Exactly," I had explained, "I don't want to dance, or talk to anyone else."

"Please?" She asked one last time, "I need someone to go with, and you're perfect. No one I know is not busy, right now or at the party time. Plus, as you said, you don't go to parties—"

"—so why should I start now?" I interrupted.

"You need to start going at one point. They are fun, and you have to go to them." I had to think for a moment, about it. I sympathized with her because I have had the same thing happen, just not with parties. I knew how she felt, and it wasn't fun to feel that. "So?"

"Fine," I sighed as she cheered, "But only this once. Deal?"

"Deal!" She said, "I'll text you the details later. Bye!" Then, we left for home, I mean we couldn't stay together, forever.

Now, I look back on that time and think I was such a scaredy-cat. But, I know the only reason I feel like this now, is because of what happened next.


I, at the time, couldn't believe I agreed to go there. There were stands with food on them and a lot of people talking in big groups. Finally, Lena had arrived in a pretty dress.

"Thank you for agreeing to come." Lena looked happy.

"You're welcome," I said, I remember thinking why should I have agreed. "One thing, though."

"What?" She asked, chewing on a piece of candy.

"You lied to me." I glare at her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, confused.

"You said it would be a small party." I was stalling so she wouldn't remember the dancing. "Remember?" The only problem was that Lena knew me way too well. She knew full well why I was saying that. At the time, I wished I hadn't said anything.

"Do you want to dance?" Lena looked and sounded hopeful.

I stuff my mouth with candy, then look at her. I was getting desperate, and I had just finished swallowing the candy, so I asked, "Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure," She groaned, knowing why I had to use the bathroom—and it wasn't because I had drunk a lot of water. When I came back, though, she was like a tiger waiting to pounce. She blocked all my ways of exit, and I froze as she repeated the question.

"No," I said, "I thought I made it clear I don't want to."

"Pretty please?" She asked, "You never, ever, go places with me."

"I do!" I said shocked.

"No," She looked at the floor, "This is the first time you ever come out with me." I was about to object when I thought of the last time I went out with her. Most friends usually had sleepovers and went out, y'know stuff like that. But, we literally just liked to talk and didn't play much, even though Lena didn't like to do that most of the time. The only reason we were friends, is because we both liked to talk about some things. Still, I always managed to talk the most. I realized what I owed her then. She deserved it. I stood there thinking about it when she interrupted my thoughts.

"Can you please dance with me?" Lena looked up at me. "Please?"

I didn't realize I was agreeing to her until I was on the dance floor.

But, I am so glad I listened to her, even to this day. I never felt Once I managed to copy a few moves of what Lena did, I begin to feel the beat and make my own moves. I didn't realize that everyone was staring at me, and I danced until the end of the song. Then, I realized everyone was staring at me. Everyone paused for a moment, then started telling me, "Wow! You can really dance!" or "Great job!"

"Thanks!" was my reply, and everyone crowded me.

"C'mon," Everyone had yelled, "Let's dance!"

Then, the tune was a steady beat, and we all grabbed each other's hands and formed a big circle. We had jumped to the right, cheering, and singing to the song.

"See?" Lena grinned, proud she convinced me to come, and proud that I liked it, "I told you it would be fun."

"And you are right," I responded, I really enjoyed the music, right then and there. Now, I am a professional dancer, but that's also another story, for another time. Everyone was around me, and now I was the star of this show, even though it was a party.

May 13, 2021 21:57

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Sabrina Y
17:08 May 19, 2021



Violet Pierce
20:06 May 22, 2021

Thanks, what do you like best about it. Also, what do you think I can work on?


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Sabrina Y
02:34 Nov 23, 2021

I think the lesson is trying new things


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Violet Pierce
00:41 May 14, 2021

I even incorporated a lesson in there. Tell in the comments what you think it is. I'll follow whoever gets the lesson the best. If you don't submit it by May 21, it won't count. But, I'll still like it if you would comment. I just started and I would like to see comments. Thanks!


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Violet Pierce
22:18 May 13, 2021

I got the title idea from the poem, 'The Road Least Taken'.


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