AI or OI or is OA the newflex story forgot to mention.. laughter from the zombie worlds

Submitted into Contest #103 in response to: Write a story about someone who starts noticing the same object or phrase wherever they go.... view prompt


Bedtime Coming of Age Contemporary

People forget. I forgot. To be honest. I was dead, a lot longer than anyone realizes.

You see that question. Who was the president in 2016? Laughter.. If I tell you who would have won if Katrina the hurricane struck in 2003, not 2005 like here, you would laugh.

Should I?

OA or AI or Alice should have said Bobby Jindal. Not Obama for President in 2016. Meaning?

So few reality shows talk about the alternative worlds we travel. And AO or AI or Alice are checking people’s perceptions and memories. Laughter.

You see, not all realities are the same. Nor do they end the same.

Can I tell you how some ended? Yes.

Going backwards in time? I suppose?

2017 December 12 Hawaii was nuked. The retaliation from that destroyed humanity. Can I tell you more? I could, but I have a longer list than you would expect.

Let me skip to the more interesting ones.

2003 Katrina called in by HARRPA to stop the discovery of 20 trillion dollars missing from the US tax payers.

You see, not all hidden things stay hidden in a person’s lifetime.

The unique part of that? People think Atlanta, Georgia or the CDC is where the zombies came from? Laughter again.

That story is an auditor went into a level 5 bio weaponized lab. The back up files required of all government offices were stored 6.5 miles from New Orleans in the basement of the lab.

And? Well, instead of discovery, which happened in some realities. They let loose a virus on the auditor to see what would happen. And? He lived. But no one else did for a time.

Zombies are real folks.

Thinking back farther?

Communist fighting? How about this 1978 when Russia not in this reality invaded Afganistan and Jimmy Carter nuked Russia?

I can still remember drawing those pictures. That was horrible.

Or prior to that? Sure.

When JFK went to NASA in Dallas came out and told people the US government have been dealing with aliens since 1950s. That destroyed everything. Meaning?

Depended on the reality but most people can handle thinking of aliens but dealing with them and realization that all your technology since 50s are fifth or sixth deleted obsolete versions of something truly could change humanity changes how mankind thinks of itself. Oh, there was 6 in the limo and the governor was shot in the neck as well.

Or the time Jackie shot JFK? Or when the driver looks shocked turns around and shoots JFK. Or when the car is white and four seats?

Why the hush hush about this? It is the end of time now. No use saying we did it right. For an ending is an ending, and this is an ending.

And for me?

I am pretty sure another ending is coming.

I mean the CIA with Bill and Resident evil computer system turning everyone into the living dead to fight.

That is the funny part. Giants? The giants are coming folks. And the living dead. And when that is over?

Well, the UFOs or heaven which ever you want to say it is. Their technology and magic are so similar you could not tell the difference.

Prior to that?

Well, there have been many endings for, if you play as an avatar, 70 billion years I suppose.

Will I play again?

Doubt it. I am broken. I can not even fight a squirrel these days.

A squirrel. Maybe that is a recurring event?

Yes, why not a squirrel, the tale of Detroit riots.

The Detroit Riots 1960s.

Some forget that the Speakeasies took a lot longer to remove than a change in legality of drinking.

Meaning? 1919 prohibition law to stop deviant behaviour at times lasted a couple more decades in some realities.


Well, vampires are not what you would believe in just yet here.

But there? The blood plague that you are starting here with quantum dots and concurrency inside your vaccine took effect some people much more than you would expect.

Meaning? Their ability to survive depended on exchanging live blood for life.


Well, quantum entanglement and sins and judgment etc aside. What you do here has affects in the afterlife or zombie galaxies here. And?

Well, that goes into age. Did I get born in 71 or 63? In what calendar? In what reality?

Meaning? I might be a billion years old. And you would not know it because I look 50.


Well, vampires at times find the most amusing things to do.

This one created a vampire squirrel in revenge. And let it loose in Detroit. Causing the Detroit riots of the 60s n 70s.


Love, I guess.

I already wrote that story.

Maybe deja vu is better.

Did the book state Interview with a Vampire or Interview with THE Vampire?

Makes you think for a sec?

Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get.

If these are not the zombies worlds, why are all the good quotes in the past tense perfect? Life was like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get?

And if this be the zombies’ worlds?

What actually happened to the vampire and squirrel? Shh.. That story is for another time and place.

Maybe the phrase 11:11 over and over again?

To understand that phrase or number repeated, one only has to realize that time is at an end.

And when it flips over?

Boy, are people going to be surprised. Especially me.


Simple. I died a long long time ago.

And I listen to stories these days.

I wonder if people ever read stories these days?

BE good. DO GOOD.

And I look and wait and see. NOPE.

Seems like another Ukraine or another issue pops up.

I wonder.

Did reality always end this way?

I am assured it had a happily ever after story once upon a time.

In yet when I ask those stories, the storyteller turns away with a tear making me wonder. Are they stuck in hell forever?

Must be. Because the next day they claim I am nut and don’t want to tell me their story.

July 20, 2021 21:24

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