Romance Teens & Young Adult Fiction

Brook was there, in the beaming lights, in front of the pressuring cameras. She was there to win that reality show. All she had to do was date him. The handsome person that shined like the sun. There are a million fish in the sea, but only one of him. James. Such a gentleman. He was willing to do anything for her, even to die.

“CUT!” Bellowed the director. “Brook, can you come here please?”

Brook briskly skipped her way towards the imperious director. “Brook. I know this is a reality show, and I know that you get paid to love James, but this is just fake. You’re not really falling in love with him are you?” The director put forward, envying James.

“No! Of course not!” Brook stated with disappointment in her heart. “I understand that.” She walked away when the director interrupts again.

“Are we still gonna get coffee later?” He requested lovingly. “I can take you to that new place in town.”

“Sure.” Brook replied happily, feeling dejected deep inside. Her love for James was becoming more connected. “I’ll see you around, Derek.”

Brook then went to do her make up, her brush stroking her cheek, hoping James would do the same. A sudden thud deafened the room as Amy sat down on the creaky seat next to her. “I’ve got one thing to say and one thing only, Miss Jones.” She said with a smirk on her face. “Oh yeah? What’s that?” Brook riposted as her smirk matched Amy’s, as if looking in a mirror. “You have a crush on him.” She chuckled mildly, pointing her heavily painted nail at Brook. “No I don’t.”

“Yes you do. Just break up with Derek and get with James. You’d be happier with him. It’s that obvious!” She insisted, desperately trying to make her happier.

“It’s just that Derek asked me out for coffee literally half an hour ago and I said yes. Now I’d feel bad if I broke up with him.”

“I’m just sayin’. You’d be a lot happier with James than the guy that bosses you about for life.” She sassed, getting up and walking away. As she got up to stride to the main studio, Brook thought about the words that were spoke. She sighed, heading out to continue her work.

After the final rehearsal, it was time to leave the studio. Derek interrupted Brook’s journey to freedom. “Hey. Remember what I said about that coffee?” He asked with a wide grin on his face.

“All right.” Brook uttered, with unhappiness deep down.

In the coffee shop, they both sat with no connection between them. A futile relationship in their hands. As the shop bell rang, he was there again. Still has his muscles, his good looks still equipped along with his acting skills. “I’m… gonna go and get more coffee.” Brook remarked with her face reddening with love. Heading to the queue gleefully, she stood next to James. “Hi. I’m Brook.” She announced. James looked at her, a twinkle in his eye. “James. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He replied as he received his coffee, stunned by the tense heat emitting from the cup, dropping it. In unison, they both picked up the cup at the same time. Holding hands, they both stared at each other, love dancing between them. Brook chuckled with brittle nervousness. “So. Do you want to come here again sometime?” She requested, as she pays for another coffee for him.

“Normally, I don’t go for people that I’ve just met in seconds, but I do consider people who are kind enough to buy me a fresh coffee. Sure. When will it be?” He answered.

“I don’t know. Will 6 ‘o clock be fine?” She asked, being aware of his other intentions.

“Sure. See you then.” He agreed. As he walked out of the door, Brook gave a sigh of relief and love. Her relationship will no longer be when Derek finds out. It was only a few minutes, but it felt like hours with Derek. So unentertaining and boring. She had to quickly make an excuse. “Oh, uh… my phone is dead. I have to go and charge it. I’ll pay the tab.”

“No. Let me.” Derek interrupted, as he looked into his wallet for the sufficient money to pay for the coffee.

At home, Brook sat down and looked back on the day that sat behind her. Wine in hand, swirling around like a whirlpool. As a blanket of fatigue covered her, she decided to go to bed as silence covered the house. What a night!

Waking up, feeling groggy and being not motivated, she got up, got dressed into her casual clothing for the day. In her car, she was listening to her album of Michael Jackson on her way to the prison known as work. In the congested car park, she noticed a familiar and high-quality car next to her. James’ car. She smiled, remembering that she had her date at 6 o clock.

At work, she encountered James. Her face lit up with glee as the group were about to rehearse the part where James proposed to Brook.

“3, 2, 1. Action!” Derek yelled at the top of his voice.

“You look great tonight, Sam.” James complimented with a twinkle in his eye, like from before.

“I’m not the only one.” Brook answered, looking at James’ suit up and down.

“OK. And a few hours pass by, blah blah blah.” The director babbled as he flicked through the pages.” A mild pause amongst the group. “OK carry on.”

“Oh, Aaron, this is fun. We have got to do this more often.” Brook insisted. “I’m starting to have a great time with you.”

“I know. Which is why I want to do this.” James declared, crouching on his knees. “Samantha O’ Nealle. Will you be my lawfully wedded wife until we die?” He asked with meaning in his tone.

“Ohmygod, yes! Of course!” Brook squealed with joy as she jumped, holding James’ hands.

“CUT! That’s a wrap, folks. Have your break and meet back here soon.” The director ordered.

In the break room, Brook is yet again putting make up on. “That scene sure was genuine.” Amy heckled, startling Brook.

“Ha ha. Look, it’s just part of the act. What makes you think this is genuine?” Brook inquired. “Although… I’m going to dump Derek tonight.”

“See? I’m glad you came through eventually.” Amy said with relief. “And I’m right. As always.” She shrugged and walked into the main rehearsal room yet again to leave Brook with more thoughts.

At 6 o clock, the bell rang. The scent of coffee loomed over Brook, as if trying to choke her. She ordered a Frappuccino which was her usual as she heard a familiar and soothing voice call her name. “Brook. Over here.”

“Coming.” She responded. She carefully stepped over all of the chairs that were outside of the tables, eventually reaching him. “So. How was your day?”

“It was good. Especially because I rehearsed with you for most of it.” James replied, making Brook blush, adding onto what she already had on. “And… might I say, you look great tonight, Brook.” James said.

“I’m not the only one.” Brook smiled as she looked him up and down. At that moment, they both saw a familiar figure walk past the window. And the figure looked back. It was Derek! He rushed in fury inside of the shop.

“Excuse me, Sir. These tables are for customers only.” The cashier demanded.

“I don’t want your damn coffee!” Derek raged. “I want you to tell me what the hell is going on?! I thought we were dating! Not you and… him.”

“Brook. You never told me about—”

“Now hold on, babe.” Brook interrupted. “Now do you know why I am here? And do you know why I am dating this man? Because he’s not as boring as you are. He actually puts his passion into his job and cares about it! And mostly, he doesn’t date people for their looks! These are all things that you could have worked on. Do you know how last night felt? I felt bored out of my mind. Minutes turned into hours with you. At least when I’m with James it’s the opposite way round! So before you fire me, this was intentional. This is how I wanted to break up with you. I have had enough! Goodbye!” She ranted, sitting down to breathe.

“Well done. That’s exactly what I wanted. I wanted that passion into this show. I would have fired you, but this is exactly what I wanted. See me tomorrow?” He stated calmly.

“Sure. But just know, that this is a work relationship. Not a loving one.” She sighed aggressively.

He left calmly, feeling mildly disappointed about the situation.

“Sounds like you have some anger to work out.” James chuckled with a smile spreading across his face.

“Sounds about right.” She replied, her lip curving up a little bit. “I just want you to know that even after that, I’m still having fun being with you. We should do this more often.”

“I know. Which is why I wanted to do this.” He declared, crouching on his knee. Brook looks at him oddly. “Brook Johnson, will you be my lawfully wedded wife until death do us part?” He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“Ohmygod! Yes! Of course!” Brook squealed, holding his hands firmly. The crowd around them stood up to applaud and cheer.

At the wedding, they were stood next to a floral arch, ready to spend the rest of their life together.  When the Reality TV production was over, they became international wedded stars, having a successful life prepared in front of them.

November 11, 2020 23:45

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