American Funny Drama

I watched them argue back and forth for a while before I got bored and went to get a drink of water.

All my stuff was packed, a trip that has been planned for me for over a month now, as finally arrived, and my roommate, Daisy, has been arguing with her friend who kept insisting on taking me to the airport for how knows how long now.

Walking back into the main room to see how the conversation was going I was suddenly being spoken to.

“You want me to take you to the airport, don’t you? I just got my wheels fixed I can get you there in minutes.”

I gave the friend a look I hoped came off as ‘I don’t care’. Just as long as I got there I guess.

I was about to go grab some food when I was suddenly picked up, Daisy now holding me.

“You are not taking her, I don’t trust your truck after last time.”

“I told you I got it fixed this morning she’s ready for anything now, come on Daisy, your car is in the shop and Jane is waiting. Just let me take Lu Lu, I’ll get her to the airport in record time.”

I wanted nothing more than to jump down and go watch the more entertaining birds outside than what was going on here, but Daisy was holding me too tight and I wasn’t the type to pick a meaningless fight. Unlike some.

Milo sighed. “Look, she’s like a brand new truck can you at least give her another chance?”

“Can you please stop calling your truck a her, if anything that bucket of bolts is a guy, not a gal.” Daisy retorted.

“Now that’s just sexiest.” Milo countered.

“I’m sorry Milo, but you know I don’t like your truck, remember just last month?”

Now this was a story I was well aware of, I might not have been there, but with as much as Daisy and Jane talked about it I might as well been.

Milo had offered to take Jane to work, she had just gotten new hours and newly promoted, she couldn’t afford to be late.

Daisy always the supportive one also offered but Jane put her trust in Milo and his truck Daisy now had a gauge against.

All seemed well as they drove down the freeway, but soon lost all control as one of his back tires flew off causing the truck to spin out and pile up to happen behind them.

No one was badly hurt according to Jane but in the end, she was late for work as Daisy and I were forced to go pick her up and drop her at her destination.

I wish I could say they were the only truck-related problem Milo had. Daisy always seemed to be upset at his truck, if she could I wouldn’t put it past her to sell the thing and force a new car on him.

“Come on Daisy, I get her all fixed up yesterday, let me prove to you she can be a good car.” Milo was now begging with puppy dog eyes. “If she breaks down, I’ll sell her.”

Daisy still holding me, much to my dismay sighed and looked at Milo. “You mean it?”

Milo “Cross my heart.”

“I felt Daisy loosen her grip on me slightly. “Okay, I’ll let you take her, but I’m going with.”

The friend did a fist pump in the air, “Sweet! My truck won't let you down!”

“It better not Milo.” Daisy threatened. “Or I’m going to keep you to your word about selling it.”

I wish I was allowed to have popcorn, I felt this show I was forced to watch would have been better with the buttery treat I got to testes once when Jane dropped a piece one night.

Daisy put me down at last and went to get my stuff together, at least that was my assumption. I knew it was going to be a long day no matter the turn out so I gabbled up as much wet food and water as I could before I was picked up and placed in my cat carrier.

I was moved into the brown Ford truck, at least, that's what I remembered Milo calling it once, Ms. Ford.

The vehicle interior was all black, but at least it wasn’t leather. Didn’t make it easy to clean, seeing there were chick nugget crumbles everywhere. The nose don’t lie.

I was placed on the floor of the passenger seat, Daisy slipping in right after as Milo got in the driver seat.

Personally, I was tired of the smell of old chicken and didn’t like how dark it was. I told Daisy how unhappy I was and she soon lifted my carrier up to be set on her lap.

“Okay girl okay, I hear you. There that better?” She asked me. And yes it was, I could see light and I could look out the window as she kindly had my carrier facing away from Milo. I guess she didn’t want me slightly judging him and instead enjoying the world passing by.

We were soon on the freeway and after a while I got sleepy, no longer interested in flying by cars. I closed my eyes and waited for Daisy to wake me, rather she would mean to or not.

At least Milo got his wish and if all went well his truck would get a Nobel prize, or something, had to be some reason he wanted to show it off I guess...point is Daisy would be letting him keep the truck.

*Clang!* Bang!* SQUEAK*

The sounds woke me from my cat nap as the truck was being pulled over, Milo trying not to lose control of it as other cars whizzed by.

Next thing I knew I was pulled from the truck and Daisy was mad as Milo tried to defend himself, and his beat-up truck. We were on the side of the road smoking. We’d broken down clearly.

Daisy was holding me, still in my carrier, to her chest.

“I’ll call Jane, I guess we won't be bringing Lu Lu to her work today. I just hope the airport has another bring you pet to work day next year.” 

April 13, 2023 19:05

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