Definitely NOT Love At First Sight

Submitted into Contest #44 in response to: Write a story that starts with two characters saying goodbye.... view prompt



"Bye! Let the door hit you on the way out!"I yelled.

"Bye, Vic,"Hunter stated. I watched from the living room as Hunter walked away and out the front door.

"Mom! Why is that Hunter guy always here?"Cadence called. I walked upstairs and into Cadence's room.

"I've told you, C. He wants to marry me, and he's been asking for years now. But every time I say no because no one can replace the wonderful man your father was,"I replied. Cadence nodded and put the book down that she had been reading.

"Can you ask Bebe and Ariana to come in here please?"Cadence asked. I nodded and walked out of her room and into Ariana and Bebe's room.

"Girls! Big Sis wants you in her room,"I stated. My girls looked up at me from their phones, both of them obviously video chatting with someone.

"Mom! We're both video chatting with...uh...Fine. Come on, Bebe,"Ariana said. I smiled as I walked away while listening to the twins sign off.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I had already put a pot of water on the stove, waiting for it to boil so I could start making spaghetti for dinner.

"Do you want Texas toast or plain buttered bread?"I called.

"Texas toast, please!"Bebe yelled. I went over to the freezer and pulled out the frozen Texas toast.

"Mom! We need you up here!"Cadence said. I let out a sigh and walked back upstairs. The girls were in Cadence's room, so I walked in.

"What's up?"I asked. Cadence, Bebe, and Ariana all shared a look before looking back up at me. They were sitting in a circle on the floor.

"Come sit with us. We want to talk to you,"Ariana stated. She patted the floor next to her, so I sat in between her and Cadence.

"First question. Why do you think Hunter keeps coming back?"Cadence asked. I looked at her, tilted my head, and raised my eyebrows.

"I'm not answering until you tell me what this is about,"I said. Bebe let out an annoyed sigh.

"Mom! Just answer the questions. Please. We think it'll help you. Like, maybe you won't be as upset and stuff,"Bebe reasoned. I turned my attention to her and shrugged.

"Fine...Um...I think he keeps coming back because he is a disgusting person who is for some reason obsessed with me,"I said. Cadence covered her face in her hands and shook her head.

"No, no, no! He keeps coming back because he's in love with you and will do anything to win you over,"Cadence explained. I didn't believe her, so I shook my head.

"I don't think so. Ariana, give me the next question,"I instructed. Ariana held up a finger as her phone rang. It was her best friend, Lola, but Ariana told her that she was busy. When she was done, she trained her focus on me.

"What is so bad about Hunter? Why don't you like him?"Ariana asked. I leaned back and let myself lay down on the floor.

"I don't like him because he keeps coming back! What's so bad about him is that he's arrogant, only cares about himself, and is lazy! Plus, he doesn't take care of himself, and he still lives with his parents!"I exclaimed. Bebe leaned over and grabbed my hand, pulling me back up into a sitting position.

"Mom, you've got it all wrong. He's not arrogant. He doesn't care only about himself, he proves that by coming back. He's not lazy, he takes the time to come here, and he has a job. He does take care of himself, he looks his best every time he's here. He lives with his parents because he's trying to save up for a nice house and doesn't need the bill for an apartment that only he's going to be using,"Bebe gushed. I let go of Bebe's hand, got up, and walked back downstairs.

The water was boiling, so I broke the spaghetti noddles in half and put them in the water. I took out a pot and started the sauce.

They can't be right. He's always been horrible. And, and, awful! He keeps coming back because he's a psycho. He lives with his parents because his job at that fast food restaurant doesn't give him very much money. But what if they're right? NO. They're NOT RIGHT. They're not right. But what if they are? No. They're not, I thought. I kept on going back and forth as I cooked dinner.

When I was finished, I called the girls down and we ate dinner in silence. I could tell that they had been talking more about Hunter and me after I left.

Once the girls finished eating dinner, I sent them back upstairs to get ready for bed. It was already eight o'clock at night, and a school night. Cadence had her protests, but ended up giving in.

I cleaned up the kitchen and then sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. I went to the shows we had recorded and turned on The Bachelor. I fell asleep in a matter of minutes from the stress of the day.


I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door. Great! Hunter's back. I rolled my eyes, but got up and walked to the front door. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door. As I had assumed, it was Hunter.

"Hunter, look. You're probably a nice guy, but I'm just not thinking about dating right now. I'm sorry,"I stated. I started to close the door, but Hunter stuck his head in the gap.

"Just...hear me out. I want to talk. I'm not going to ask you to marry me again. I've given up on that. But, I do want to talk to you. Explain my actions. Okay?"Hunter asked. I opened the door and motioned for Hunter to walk in. He walked over to the dining room table and sat down. I went and sat down in front of him.

"I'm so sorry if I have annoyed you. I know you think I'm a scum bag who does nothing with his life. I know that you think I'm a maniac who's obsessed with you. I'm not. I promise,"Hunter started. The rest of his words were a blur to me, just a mixture of "I'm sorry's", and "please forgive me's". While he was talking, I noticed things.

I noticed how he was in a nice polo shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. He had put gel in his hair and put all of his hair to one side. Hunter used his hands when he talked. He had an attractive face in general. A muscular build. He spoke like a gentleman.

"In the end, I want to marry you, but know you're going to say no. So, this is the last time I'll be coming here. I apologize again for the inconvenience,"Hunter said. He got up and walked towards the front door.

"Hunter! Wait!"I cried. Hunter whipped around and looked at me.

"Yes, Victoria?"Hunter said. I got up and walked towards him.

"Maybe I won't marry you yet. But do you want to go out for dinner sometime?"I asked. Hunter stood there with his hands in his pockets for a second before responding.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Friday, I'll pick you up at seven?"Hunter answered. I nodded, we said our goodbyes, and he left.

Closing the front door, I leaned up against it. I felt like a teenager again; asking a boy out and going on dates.

After recovering from Hunter and I's conversation, I walked upstairs to make sure the girls were at school. It was nine in the morning, after all.

I checked both of the rooms, and all three of them were gone. Good. Dang it! That means that they had to take the bus to school 'cause I was sleeping. Eh. Cadence is smart enough to get straight on the bus and then straight off at school.

I went back downstairs and made myself some eggs for breakfast. After, I got ready for the day and left to run some errands.

The whole day I was looking forward to Friday night.

June 02, 2020 15:53

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Pragya Rathore
15:57 Jun 02, 2020

What a sweet , realistic story! I loved it..


15:58 Jun 02, 2020

Thank you so much! You are so kind! :D Stay safe and healthy! -Brooke


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B. W.
13:35 Sep 21, 2020

Okay i also really liked this story as well, i'm still trying to go see all of your stories on here. so this is still gonna get a 10/10 :) i see ya still have the thing in your Bio about being down-voted still, maybe me and you could go on a upvote spree for each other?


00:23 Sep 22, 2020

Thank you so much! I will tomorrow for sure!


B. W.
00:28 Sep 22, 2020

Hmm tomorrow? thats my bday still, remember? ^^


00:29 Sep 22, 2020

Yes, I remember. Consider it as my birthday gift to you.


B. W.
00:30 Sep 22, 2020

aww thanks ^^


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Roshna Rusiniya
08:09 Jun 04, 2020

This a simple story—written in a sweet, realistic way. Great job!


11:14 Jun 04, 2020

Thank you so much, Roshna! I appreciate it more than you know. Stay safe! -Brooke


Roshna Rusiniya
11:50 Jun 05, 2020

You are welcome. Please have a look at my story too whenever you have time. Thank you. ❤️


16:17 Jun 05, 2020

Of course! You're welcome. <3


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Agnes Ajadi
20:55 Jun 02, 2020

That was a nice story! I so much love it.


01:44 Jun 03, 2020

Thank you so much, Agnes! Stay safe! -Brooke


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נιмму 🤎
20:18 Aug 12, 2020

There's something so cute and romantic about a boy always waiting and coming back to try to win the girl. "Fine...Um...I think he keeps coming back because he is a disgusting person who is for some reason obsessed with me,"I said. Cadence covered her face in her hands and shook her head. (that part made me laughhh lmaoo poor hunter) I can't wait for their date, you should make a part 2!


20:28 Aug 12, 2020

Thank you so much! Maybe...I have two other sequels to do, so if I get those done then I will! I will let you know first if I come out with it!


נιмму 🤎
20:31 Aug 12, 2020



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02:07 Jun 08, 2020

Awww...such a sweet story, Brooke! I enjoyed reading your story till the end! GREAT job!! Keep writing and have a nice day!❤️️


02:13 Jun 08, 2020

Thank you so much! :) Have a nice day as well! <3 -Brooke


04:04 Jun 08, 2020



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