
Blair Madison woke up at ten in the morning on December 31st with a stretch and a groan. The dull wintry light shone through her sheer curtains hanging up just at the foot of her bed. New Year's Eve was one of Blair's most favorite holidays, especially living in the city.

She climbed out of her bed and her feet met the cold hardwood flooring as she made her way to her bathroom. She ran a brush through her thick copper waves and ran the shower. Steam soon filled the bathroom as she undressed and let the water stream down her muscles. Normally she would have gone to the gym below in her apartment building but today was a holiday--well pre-holiday--so she decided to take a day off of working out her muscles to stay slim and fit.

She dried off and wrapped a fluffy white towel around her hair and body and began to moisturize her dried white skin. Winter was always unforgiving to her complexion.

Her cell phone rang from across the room and she raced to answer it, knowing that it was her best friend letting her know what the plans for the evening were.

As soon as she answered, Lila immediately began her ecstatic babbling. "So I talked to Jimmy and Teresa and they said that the party of the decade was going to be happening at the Ryes tonight. We don't even have to provide our own alcohol or anything. Just bring ourselves! What are you planning on wearing? Teresa told me that of course it was going to be a glitzy black tie affair, complete with confetti at the drop of midnight. It's happening outside the city at the Ryes' estate so anything can happen."

Blair rolled her eyes, listening to her bubbly tone as she put the phone on speaker and dressed in her underwear.

Blair interrupted her friend in attempt for her to slow down and stay on one topic. "I have a gold cocktail dress and black tights with some gold heels to match. What are you planning?"

Lila squealed. "That sounds so cute. I have a flapper style dress, black with gold adornments and a black feathered headband. I figured that was the best move in ringing in the Roaring 20's all over again!"

The conversation continued as they began talking about how they were going to wear their hair when suddenly Lila brought up something that Blair thought she would have known the answer to.

"Are you bringing Tom tonight?"

Blair audibly sighed and was silent for a moment. Tom was her "longest" fling that she had. It lasted about six months but nothing was ever official. Of course he was handsome, charming, smart, and a ladies' man. But that was the problem--he was a ladies' man, not a one-woman man. Not that Blair was ready for commitment quickly either but it would have been nice to date consistently and loyally until they were both ready. Tom just wasn't that guy. So they parted ways without speaking again.

"No, Tom is no more," Blair said more confidently.

"Oh, duh, I'm sorry, Blair! But, hey! This could be your chance to bounce back! Find a handsome stranger and dance the night away into the New Year with him. Who knows? Anything is possible on a night like tonight!"

After agreeing on a time for Lila to pick Blair up, she began to get ready for the evening. She painted her eyes gold and black with thick lashes and cat eyes for a more dramatic effect. She curled her long red hair and pinned half her hair up in a wrap around braid.

She added a little gloss to her lips and dressed in her gold sequined cocktail dress. She sucked in her stomach and pulled up the black stockings, then slipped into her platform gold heels. For the finishing touch on this cold, wintry New Year's Eve, she added a faux fur black stole to go around her shoulders.

She looked heavenly, like a red-headed angel and she knew that her looks would attract all the right kinds of attention, which was exactly what she needed.

Around 9 PM, Lila called Blair outside of her apartment building and she made her way down. She met Lila sitting at the curb in her white Mercedes, touching up her blood red lips. Lila looked like a sultry blast from the past in her flapper get up. Even her black lacy shawl had sparkled dotted all over it. They were ready to ring in the new year with style.

They drove out of the city and into the suburbs just less than 45 minutes away. Blair had only been to the Ryes' Estate once for Tammy's bridal shower and, even then, it was extravagant.

Their estate sat on several acres of property with iron clad fencing around the property. The only way in was through a large gate with a security building attached to it.

The security officer was checking IDs and invitations through the long line of cars, eagerly waiting to start partying with the Ryes.

The security guard finally reached the white Mercedes that fit in with the rest of the luxury cars.

"Invitation, ladies?" he asked as he shone a low-resolution flashlight in the car. Lila smiled and handed him the invitation.

He nodded and waved the car along through the line that was rounding around the large estate, turning the front lawn into a parking lot.

They had a valet service running and Lila took the opportunity to take advantage of this offer. They pulled up to the valet booth and ticket exchanges were made. Lila tucked the red stub into her small silver cocktail purse and wrapped it around her shoulder as they exited the vehicle.

There were small crowds of guests pouring in the large, grandeur front entrance where there was a waitstaff waiting to take coats and stoles from the guests.

They handed their belongings to them and began walking about the crowded home. Lila immediately snatched a flute of champagne for herself and for Blair off a silver platter that was being carried around by handsome men and women wearing all white.

Blair tentatively took a drink out of her glass, letting the flavorful bubbly tickle her mouth and throat while Lila downed her glass like a shot.

"Lila!" Blair scolded quietly.

"What?" she giggled, tapping her red lipstick, "I plan on getting absolutely wasted tonight. We need this, especially with the weird year that we experienced."

As they mingled and drank and laughed at bad work jokes, Blair felt the hairs stick up on the back of her neck--not in the bad kind of way--but almost like there was a magnet pulling her.

She turned around and away from the circle of conversation and the heat turned up in her face and through her body.

Across the room she met eyes with the most gorgeous man that she had ever seen. He was almost inhuman the way his icy blue eyes shone, glinting off the glitter and glitz that surrounded him. His hair was her exact color and cropped short, slicked to the side with suave. He wore a simple black tux with a gold bow tie and gold painted roses as his boutonniere.

His strong chin had a dimple and his nose was straight and up-turned at the tip. She was so enticed with his beauty, it was almost like a match made in heaven.

He gave her a sly smile and of course he had dimples. She returned an innocent shy one and looked away, out of breath and needing another drink with the way her blood pressure was headed. She excused herself and went immediately to the bar across the room to order another drink--this time a scotch straight.

She sat down on the leather-clad bar stool while she sipped on the harsh, burning liquid that warmed her insides. She immediately felt more relaxed than before.

The feeling soon subsided as the magnetic feeling returned and a visitor sat down on the stool next to her and ordered the same drink in a baritone voice.

She looked over and it was the red-headed stranger from across the room. She felt her cheeks flush as unseen vibration ran through her body with his close proximity as the root of the problem.

He flashed her a dazzling straight smile with those deep dimples. There was something about him that was so absolutely familiar and comfortable. It was unlike anything she had experienced before. The mixed emotions bounced through her head and she had a hard time keep her buzz over the instant sobriety.

"Hi," he said lowly, closer to her.

She gave him a smile back and greeted him with a "Hello."

"I'm Blake Berkshire, friend of the Ryes." He held out a porcelain hand and she slowly grabbed it. A warm buzz passed through her bones like she had met him before, she could have sworn it.

To ease her own tension she replied, "Blair Madison, also a friend of the Ryes."

It looked like Blake had become lost in thought for a moment, realizing that the two not only had common physical features, but names as well.

He chuckled and spoke. "I don't think we've met before but I could have sworn that we have."

Blair shrugged. "I see a lot of different people all the time moving around and working in the city. It may be possible," she lied to herself. She felt exactly how he did, not knowing each other but somehow feeling like they've been closer than they think.

"Where are you from?" he asked, taking another drink of his scotch.

"The city, I live in Manhattan."

He nodded. "Then I don't think we've run into each other in this city before. I'm from Boston, I went to college there and decided to settle down and work right in that beautiful town."

She smiled and felt a little eerie. "I went to Boston College! Boston is quite beautiful, sadly I took a job in the city and couldn't stay."

He pointed at her knowingly. "Wise words from a well educated woman. I went to Boston College as well, with a major in Finance."

"Boston College Law School." She smiled proudly.

He raised a thick red eye brow and let out a low whistle. "So it's Miss Blair Madison, Esquire, huh? Don't want to mess with you. Or maybe I should and always have an insider."

They both laughed in unison and it sounded like a melodic stream that actually made heads turn.

Blair took a drink and asked him some more questions. "So how do you know the Ryes? Is New Year's the only reason that brings you into town?"

He set his drink down. "I am an old family friend of the Ryes, handled their finances as the family's accountant. When I'm not handling things for them, I handle other accounts for several other families. I travel quite a bit. What about yourself?"

She pursed her lips. "I work with Tammy Ryes at the Hodept and Moscine Firm. We are associate litigators. Boring stuff I know. I was hoping to get into something more interesting but right now this field is where the money is at."

"Honesty, at least you can be honest and say that you hate your job."

She laughed and playfully slapped his arm, starting to really feel the effects from the alcohol. "I don't hate it but I don't like the subject. I like law. Just wish there was a different in for me sometimes. What about you? Don't you ever hate your job?"

He gave a wide smile. "Yeah," and nodded while he spoke, "yes, I guess sometimes it does have its downfalls. But I meet interesting people along the way. Just like you."

Their eyes held each other's smoldering gaze. It was taking Blair's heart rate to the next level. She shook her head and ordered another drink.

"Where are you from originally? Many people are from different places around here. What are your roots?" Blair asked boldly.

He finished his drink and set the glass on the little black napkin on the bar. "Well, I was raised in Ipswich, Massachusetts and moved to Boston when I was older. I have no siblings but I had lots of friends along the years. My mother was a teacher and my dad own a grocery store. Pretty humble background and nothing too interesting before that. What about you?" he asked as he ordered another drink.

She raised her eyebrows, unsure what to say. "I was born in Cold Spring, New York to two very caring parents as well. My father was an electrician and my mother was a writer for the local post. I didn't have any siblings either. I didn't really have much friends growing up but college changed all of that. I became best friends with my roommate Lila. She was really the only good friend that I've ever had." Blair pointed over to a drunken Lila dancing with some random guy. "She's crazy, but she balances me out."

She smiled, proud of her past and her best friend. She looked back at Blake who was sipping his drink, admiring Blair and her features.

"One hour 'til midnight!" someone from the party announced. It was followed by cheers and hooting, excited party goers ready to ring in the New Year.

"So, Miss Madison, do you have anyone to ring in the New Year with?" Blake asked, motioning for the bartender to bring them another round of drinks.

She blushed and shook her head. "Sadly, no. What about yourself?"

He shook his head as well and grabbed his drink. He handed Blair her drink and stood up. "Would you care to walk with me?" He held out his arm for her to take.

She was confused at first. "Walk where?" She let out a nervous laugh.

"Around the estate, if you care to join me. No pressure or anything. There's a lot of history around here you know and I know the estate pretty well."

She tentatively looped her arm in with his and chuckled. "Okay, just as long as you have me back by midnight," she joked.

He returned a laugh. "Oh, I don't think you'll be the one turning into a pumpkin."

They made their way through the crowds of people and outside to the garden where Tammy would host summer parties when it was warm enough to swim in their large pool.

Only now it was a little cold outside and the tree were decorated with lights from Christmas. The landscape was barren and dead and the pool had long since been closed up.

They talked about really nothing in particular as they rounded the outside gardens and back inside the large mansion. They entered the east hall where there were no guests. She had never been in this part of the estate before. The halls were covered in portraits that looked and dripped with old money and deceased relatives.

"My father used to work with the Ryes, like his father before him and his father, and well, you get the idea."

He showed her paintings of battles that happened during the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, accounting detailed stories that made Blair wonder if he was actually a historian rather than an accountant. He told her stories of his family coming here from England just before the Revolutionary War and what England was like back then.

His family had wanted a better, less crowded life than that of living in a coal filled smog that was London at the time. After telling a story about when his great-great grandfather was a boy during the Great Depression, he stopped before they reached the last painting around the bend in the hallway.

He turned to her directly and gave her a sly look. Her watch beeped that it was just five minutes before midnight.

"I want to try something, before the end of this year," he said softly. His eyes made her insides feel like mush and immediately she was willing, whatever it was, she was willing. Here stood a man, most charming, delicate, smart and sophisticated. A man like him came along once in a lifetime and she didn't want to be stubborn about it.

He placed a rough but light hand on the side of her flushed face and leaned in. He planted a soft kiss on her lips. When they parted, her heart was beating so fast she felt as though she couldn't catch her breath. They hungrily kissed each other again until her watch's alarm went off, signaling midnight was here, bringing along with it a new year.

They pulled apart and suddenly Blake was flustered.

"Can you give me just a moment? I really enjoyed our time but there is something I have to do." He was short and abrupt and Blair's heart sank.

Of course this would happen to her, she thought as she watched him curiously, as he walked down the hallway and around a sharp corner. She furrowed her eyebrows together. She thought that the hallway ended at that bend.

To her worst judgement, she decided to follow him, heels clacking on the marble floors.

"Blake?" she called out as she rounded the corner and was met by a dead-end wall with a portrait of two men hanging on them. At first she was shocked, thinking that maybe she had too much to drink, until her heart nearly stopped.

She dropped her glass and it shattered, scotch and ice everywhere on the marble as she stared at the painting in disbelief. It was Blake, shaking hands with the first Ryes. The small nameplate at the bottom of the portrait read "Jonathan Ryes and Blake Berkshire, 1762".

December 31, 2019 17:33

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