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As I walk into the coffee shop, I see a handsome man. "How may I help you?" Asks a cashier, which makes me jerk my head to look at her. "Can I please have a iced coffee with sugar free creamer?" I ask, still staring at the handsome guy sitting in the booth. "Of course!" Ava, as I read on her name tag, said as she turned to grab a cup. "I'll call you up when its ready".

I choose this moment to walk over to the handsome guy. He looks up from his phone screen and smiles at me. His pearl white teeth were so shiny they could have blinded someone. I reach him and force myself to speak.

"Hi." I say blushing.

"Hi? Who are you?" asks the man. He stands a little taller, maybe he likes me!

"616-839-9110" I say, not really thinking.

"Cool, i'm Levi."

"Levi." I say dreamily.


"So, i'm Jasmine. What are you doing, Saturday?"

"Lacrosse practice, sorry."

"You. Lacrosse. Play?" I swoon. Lacrosse!

"Yes, Sunday?" Levi asks.

"Yes. Free. Me. Sunday, WOO-HOO!" I respond. Everyone stares at me and my face goes beet red, but before I go purple he saves me.

"Great. Meet here." He waves to someone in a distance. I look behind me to see who he's waving to and panic. Here comes Camilla. She is my arch-nemesis. And I have avoided her ever since I ruined her birthday party.

"Iced coffee with sugar free creamer!" Ava said. Yes! Saved by the Ava! I sigh, relieved and hurry over to the counter.

"Thats mine. See you later!" I yell to Levi from the counter as I grab my coffee.

"Bye." he yells back to me.


I got a date.

I walked out of the coffee shop and walked back in when I realized I had forgotten that Clarissa was picking me up.

"Why do you look like that?" Clarissa asked.

"Levi." I respond, dreamily.

"Who? Ooooh. Is it a boy?" Clarissa asks, smiling evilly.

"Maybe," I say, coming back to reality. "But it's none of your business!" I add, giving her a playful shove.

Were both laughing by the time we remember about soccer practice and were 10 minutes late. But neither of us care. As I walk out the door I glance back at the same time Levi looks at me. I smile. He smiles. I feel a connection.

As I fall asleep, I could see his golden hair. How it moved so swiftly as he moved his head. The robin eggs blue eyes, that were almost laughing. But never at you, but the way that makes you feel safe. And his always, perfect posture.


After I order my bagel, I walk to an open booth and wait for my friend, Camden Lane and his girlfriend, Camilla. A few minutes later, I look up from my phone screen and see a super cute girl walk toward me. I try to act natural as she reaches my booth. I smile. She looks like she's going to explode of either nervousness, or happiness. I almost laugh, but I catch myself.

"Hi." She says, blushing. Which makes her look even cuter.

"Hi? How are you?" I say, trying to sound polite. I stand up taller to act cooler and she almost faints. One point for Levi.

"616-839-9110" She says, smiling. Must be her phone number. I make a mental tab and add that in.

"Cool. I'm Levi" I say, hopefully naturally.

"Levi." she says, looking off to the side.

"So, i'm Jasmine." Jasmine is such a cute name. "What are you doing Saturday?" she asks.

Darn. Lacrosse.

"Lacrosse practice, sorry."

"You. Lacrosse. Play?"

"Yes, Sunday?"

"Yes. Free. Me. Sunday, WOO-HOO!" She goes red. Wow! She must be very confused. It's kind of cute.

"Great. Meet here." I say as Camden walks in, holding hands with Camilla. I wave them over. Jasmine seems to panic.

"Iced coffee with sugar free creamer!" Yells somebody, probably a worker. She sighs, relieved and hurries over there. Weird.

"Thats mine. See you later!" She yells from the counter as she grabs her coffee.

"Bye" I reluctantly say as I wave to her and I turn to Camden and Camilla.


I got a date.

I look back behind me outside to see that Jasmine looked at me at the same time I looked at her. She smiles. I smile back. I feel a connection.

As I fall asleep, I could see her long, wavy, brown hair. Her perfect brown, that felt like if you fell in, you would never come out. Her amazing, angelic voice. Her kind, caring self.


"One donut with chocolate icing, please." I ask to the cashier. David. As his name tag reads.

"One donut with chocolate icing, coming up!" He exclaims as he turns to go grab it.

I walk over to a small open booth and look for Clarissa. We were gonna ride together to soccer practice. Ding! I here and check my phone. It's Clarissa.

-Running late. Be in 5-


I look up to see a brown haired, blue eyed, guy walking towards me. He had on geek glasses that he kept pushing up on to his face nervously. Cute.

"Hi. I'm i'm Jake." He stammers, extending out his arm to shake. I look at it and he puts it down, embarrassed. Geek move. Adorable.

"Cool. I'm Lila." Hopefully, naturally.

"Lila." He says, looking off to the side.

"What are you doing Saturday?"

"Visiting my parents, Jasmine Hook and Levi Hook."


"I'm visiting my parents, Camden Lane and Camilla Lane. What about Monday"


"Meet here"

"Donut with chocolate icing."

"Thats mine."

As I walk out of the store, I look back to see, Jake looking at me. I smile. He smiles back. I feel a connection.

1 year later:

"Yes. I will marry you!" As Jake slips the ring on my finger I think about the life that is coming. A new path. A new journey. A new life. And I smiled.

I was ready.

July 08, 2020 19:38

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1 comment

Dilan Abdah
21:51 Jul 16, 2020

The setting was to the point, you didn’t flirt around with overt descriptions and it was economical enough to set the scene beautifully. The main driving factor was truly the characters, including sight nuances, for example when Jasmine spoke to the pearly whites, she forced herself to do so. Due to the believability of your characters and their dialogue, some of the adverbs may not be necessary as it can be quite clear in intention of their words, ‘evilly’ being one example when Clarissa asked if it’s a boy. Great, natural pacing, kep...


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