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Sad Crime Suspense

It is so nice out today, the weatherman said it was in the eighties, it was not humid out. I like summer days like this. But today is a day I will never forget. Three years ago July 14,2003, I went to a dealership called Cylde Subaru. I was trading in my 2000 purple Volkswagen bug. I needed to buy a bigger car. I was eight months pregnant. I did not know if I was having a girl or a boy. I went with my husband Jake to pick up our 2002BlueSubaru Outback. I never knew something was going to happen when I was waiting to leave in my new car. Every year on this date I always think about what happened.

"You are still thinking about what happened three years ago at the car dealership,? "Jake said. Yes, I am. Why don't you put Grace in the stroller go to Pablo Park? When she falls asleep, sit on a bench and write about what happened three years ago when you were was eight months pregnant with her." You think she will read about what happened when I was eight months pregnant with her?" I said

I think so don't girls like to read stories about that had when mommy was pregnant with them?

Grace, do you want to go to Pablo Park and maybe you will see some white swans in the lake? Grace, she shook her head and gave big smile, and said yey. I put Grace's stroller in the back of the Mazda CRV. I made sure I had a pen and paper. I do not have the Subaru Outback. I will never sit in an Outback. I arrived at PabloPark, I took Grace's stroller out of the trunk. I started walking with Grace, and she did fall asleep. I sat on the bench and took out the pad and pen from the back of the stroller that has a pocket.

Grace this story is going to tell you what happened when I was eight months pregnant with you.

Dad and I were going to pick up our new 2002 blue Subaru Outback. It was July14,2003. Before we went to the dealership Clyde. Dad and I stop at Starbucks I order my caramel frappuccino with whipped cream and a butter croissant and dad had a tall peppermint frappuccino. You might find it silly that I am telling you about dad and I going to Star bucks. I thought I had to tell you what dad and I did before going to Clyde Subaru.

Dad and I went to the dealership at 10:00a.m when they first opened up. I was happy no one hears. This is why I go to the dealership early I do not know how many people will be here. I do not know how long I would have to wait until Vinnie to done with a customer This should be quick. Vinnie the salesman that sold us the Subaru." He opened the door, Hi Gary, Hi Debra are you ready to drive away in your new car"? Vinnie said. Yes, I am Where is the car? I will go get it. When I drive the car up to the front, do not forget to give me the cars to your Volkswagon Bug.

I looked out the window there were two guys that were outside. They were not here when Gary and I came into the parking lot. One noticed the first man has brown hair and he wore it in a ponytail, he had on a black t-shirt and yellow shorts. He looked to be in his twenties and I saw an ax in his hand. The other guy had short blond hair, a red t-shirt with number 84, and he had blue jean shorts. He looked to be in his forties, He has the body of a football player. The other guy had a body like your uncle Ken. He has a backpack. I saw the football guy go in his back and take out a spray paint can. He started spray painting the cars in the parking lot. I took a picture of one car that said BAD. Then he just sprays painting the cars some with words, and others just put paint on them. The other guy with the ax. He started smashing windows . I was hoping to get better pictures, but your father was afraid that these guys will see me looking at them. He was afraid of what they might do. A salesman I saw lock the door . He said I do not want them coming in here , another salesman is locking the other door.

I asked the salesman where is the bathroom? When I came back from the bathroom. I looked outside the window , I wanted to see what else these guys will be doing.

I saw a salesman go to his car. "I thought salesmen park in the back of the dealership," I said to your dad." I think because this salesman is older, "your dad said. I agree he looks to be in his 70's. The football guy I saw put down the spray paint can. He went into his backpack and took out a knife. He walked over to the salesman he did look like he was in his 70's, I saw a lot of wrinkles on his face, and he did have some fat on him. Before he could get in his car, he was grabbed by the football guy by the arm. He took the salesman to an Impreza car. I wonder why he is doing this I said. I could not make out what the football man was saying, to the salesman. The salesman said something, to the football man. Whatever he said made the football man mad. I then saw the football man put the salesman on the hood, and he was holding him. I then saw the football guy, take the knife he is holding. Kept stabbing the salesman, until the guy with the ax, walked over and grad the football guy's arm to stop him. I then saw the salesman fall down to the ground. The guy with the ax said something to the football guy. I wish I knew what everyone was saying outside. Then the football guy took off his shirt and wrap the knife around it. He then put it back in his backpack. Then he took out another spray paint can. He continued spray painting the cars, and the other guy smashing more windows.

I heard the salesman say to another salesman. that guy just killed our boss. Did you hear what that salesman say I said to your dad? Yes, I heard it. I asked one of the salesmen when are the cops going to be here? Hopefully, soon, they are about a half-hour away.,and

I saw Grace move in the stroller. Are you waking up grace? I guess not I saw her just turn her body to the side. A lady was walking by and said I love your daughter's blond curly hair. How old is she? Three years old. Then the lady kept walking

Now to continue the story.

I asked one of the salesmen where is Vinnie? I am guessing he is with the mechanics. I think the receptionist told the mechanics what is happening and not to come into the store. There is no one for them to have their car fix. I am sure Vinnie is fine and your new car.

Gary said," to me, Debra come look outside there is a car coming towards the dealership, I think they feel it is ok to come into the dealership ".I went to the window, the man is driving, to come inside the dealership. Can't they see cars are painted and windows are smashed? I hope he is smart and turns around. I see the football guy wave his hands, to tell him leave.

The man in the car backs up and then drives straight for the football player guy, He jumps out of the way. The guy with the ax comes over the car. He smashes the window to the side the woman is one. The man stops the car, and he turns around to see how bad the woman is hurt. When he turns around, the football guy goes into his backpack and takes the shirt off the knife. He then stabs the man in the back of the neck, I think six times,

Vinnie, have you been with the mechanics all this time? Yes, I have. I did not know how to tell what I am going to tell you and Gary.

I need you two to sit down. Gary and I sat down. This is not easy to tell you. I know those two men outside. How do you then?I asked They are my brother's. My brother Billy is the one with the ponytail, and Tony has short blond hair. Billy and Tony started going to different car dealerships. We want to buy our mom a new car. She said to us at one time she wants to buy a 2000 Impreza. Billy, Tony, and I thought for her 70th birthday we will buy her an Impreza. We will pitch to pay her loan each month. I went to one dealership, and then I went on vacation.

When I came back Tony told me part of what happened with this dealership. Billy told me the rest. He said Ed the salesman waited on him. Billy said to Ed he did not need to test drive the car, he already did at another dealership. He is just looking for a good price for a 2000 Impreza for our mother. Ed went to the manager and told him the price he wanted. The manager came out to greet Billy and Tony. Billy said he was my brother. He told Billy the best he could do is $11,000. That is with the discount that I get for when a family buys a car. Billy said, "I thought because the car has 15,000 miles on it I would get the price I asked for". My manager said there is a used car dealership Maro down the street, that might give you a better price on a car. My mom wants an Impreza and she deserves that car. I do have a Honda Civic 2000 that has 20,000 miles on it.I will give you that car for $9,000. I will think about it and call you tomorrow. Tony wanted to go back in and say yes to Honda and thought the price for the Impreza was a good price too. Billy called this dealership and asked for Ed. He put Billy on hold, he went and talked to the manager. He told Billy sorry, Honda was sold. We still have the Impreza "How could you sell the Honda,I thought the car was for me to buy "Billy said. Ed said you did not put the car on hold.

Billy was very mad about this. This happened the day before I came back from vacation. Billy thought I could get a better deal on the Impreza. I told Billy I can't, I told him you have to a car dealership will let them know you might want the car. Billy did not talk to me for a couple days. My mom did not catch on what happened. I thought Billy was fine, he said sorry to me . Now he had to go do this. I have been working here for ten years. I can not work here anymore. I was told he murder our boss. Then he had to kill two innocent people. I surprise Tony helped him. I am very sorry Debra and Gary. I do not know what I will do now. Vinnie had a tear in his eye. Vinnie the guys don't blame you for what happened. Thanks, Frank. The cops are here and ambulance. Vinnie, I do not blame you for what happened today.I do not blame you either your dad said to Vinnie. Thank you, Frank, I need the keys to open the door up "Frank gave him the keys Vinnie what are you going to do"asked him. Vinnie opened up the door and said bye.

I want to be with you guy's Billy you ruined my life. So I will finish what you started. Ok, assholes you have all three brothers and we are not going to jail . I saw Vinnie take a can and spray paint a cop in the eyes and then Billy took the knife and stab the cop, and Tony took the ax to another cop and almost hit him in the chest. One of the cops said stop." No way I am not going to jail "Vinnie said. All three brothers were shot down. I can't believe what day this was. I feel bad for their mother. Now she has to find out what her two sons did Billy and Tony, and then find out that Vinnie had to join his brother's because feels his life is over with for what his brothers did.Clyde Surbru dealership gave me back my Volkswagen bug and I went to another dealership and brought my Mazda CRV in Blue 2003 had only 8,000 miles. Grace time to go home, maybe the swans will be there now when we go by the lake.

Grace I hope you liked this story, Now you know what happened when I was eight months pregnant with you




June 26, 2021 01:53

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1 comment

Kees Chan
00:02 Jul 02, 2021

I like the concept of something wild happening during such an ordinary time, but I got a little lost in what was happening. Try to separate people's direct dialogue from the narration through quotes and make sure that they're in the right place (right after the punctuation of the spoken sentence). Try not to put to many "I" sentences in a chain unless you have stylistic or emphatic reason to--syntax variation helps keep the reader interested. It was hard to keep the characters all aligned since the bulk of their description was physical and...


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