My Life Surviving The End of Times.

Submitted into Contest #84 in response to: Write a story that spans exactly a year and takes place in a single room.... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult Fiction

Day 1:

  I must have good luck. I was just hanging out with Nancy when suddenly sirens started blaring like crazy, and Nancy grabs my hand and pulls me down into this weird bunker thing and shuts the door. There was a blast and then silence. We’ve been in here for a day now and we still haven’t heard anything. I’m not that worried, someone will come and get us. Nancy says there is 360 days worth of food and water in here so we should be good for a long time. I just hope my family is okay. Nancy’s family is in London right now, so they should be okay. 

Day 7

 It has been eight days after the blast and there has been nothing. I asked Nancy about why she had the bunker and she said that her parents always wanted to be prepared. There are games to be played down here but we’re honestly tired of each other. The bunker is only one big room with a mini kitchen, sleeping area, and living area. There’s a bathroom, but it doesn’t actually have a door, just a privacy curtain. We’ve settled on sitting on opposite sides of the bunker and not talking for now. 

Day 20:

 Nancy thinks it will be a while before anyone comes and gets us, but I have hope. She thinks we should go up and check things out. Apparently, if it was a bomb, all the radioactive fallout should be gone by now. Nancy went alone. I wanted to come but she said one of us had to stay here. God, I just want out of this bunker. I’ve been reading to past the time, but minutes feel like hours down here. There’s a T.V. down here but I can’t find any DVDs. 

Day 42: 

 Nancy hasn’t gone back to the surface after the first time. When she came back, all she did was shack her head. I hear her muttering, “Everything gone,” sometimes. She’s starting to scare me. There is good news, though. I found DVDs! There’s at least three dozen different shows and movies to watch and I’m so excited. Nancy didn’t seem to care much about my big discovery. All she does is sit on her bed and read. 

Day 59: I've been keeping busy with all the DVDs I found. I even got Nancy to sit and watch tv with me. I don't think she's actually paying attention, but at least she's trying.  I miss the old her. She used to be the most talkative person, but this has changed her so much.

Day 100:

 It’s been a hundred days. This doesn’t feel real. This can’t be real. I’m starting to realize I might not get out of here so if someone finds this, here’s some information about me. My name is Sylia and I’m seventeen. I live with my mom and my younger brother, Stefan. My best friend is Nancy and we’ve known each other since we were seven. I found this journal laying on the table when Nancy and I came down here and it thought it would be nice to pass the time. 

Day 132:

  I miss life outside of this bunker. It feels like years I've been here. I’ve basically given up on seeing my family again. Nancy has been starting to talk again. It’s not a lot but it's enough where I don't feel like I'm going insane anymore. Unfortunately, I’m getting to the end of my DVD collection so I’m not sure what I will do next.

Day 160:

  Nancy decided she wanted to go back up to the surface, which I disagreed with. I just started to get her to talk again. I begged her, but she said that we should see what is out there. Just like before, she told me to wait in the bunker. She was gone for hours, and I started to worry. However, she returned smiling. “Somehow these survived,” she told me as she pulled out five DVDs. I was so happy and I can’t wait to watch them. 

Day 200: 

 It is starting to become hard to really think about life before the bunker. It feels like we’ve been in here forever. Nancy is actually acting like her old self and smiling a lot. We remembered that there were games down here and have been playing them all day. I don’t why she’s suddenly so cheery, but I’m not complaining. Honestly, I feel like this is the first truly good day I’ve had down here. 

Day 230: 

   Nancy’s still in a good mood, except for the fact that something is on her mind. I’m not sure what it is. She’s been going in and out of the kitchen a lot recently. I tried to ask her what was wrong and she just brushed it off. I didn’t want to ruin her mood so I let it be,  I’ve also been rewatching some of the DVDs to pass the time. 

Day 284: 

   Nancy isn’t even trying to hide her worry anymore. She’s been crying all day, and whenever I try and talk to her she tells me to go away. She’s kinda scaring me. I just want to know what is wrong, but she refuses to say anything. She had been so happy, and now it’s all gone. It doesn’t help that I’ve basically run out of things to do.

Day 300:

  Nancy confused what has had her worried. We only have 60 days left of food and water. I had completely forgotten about it, and now if we can’t find any food or water in the next 60 days, it’s over. It feels like such a long, yet short amount of time. I believe we can do it though. There has to be some food out there, and maybe we’ll even be rescued. I have so much life left to live and I’m not ready to give up yet. 

Day 341: 

  As the days go by I get a little more worried. Nancy is returning to the surface again, to look for food and water. I have hope that she’ll bring back something. I’ve been reading to distract myself from everything. I’ve also been praying, which is something I’ve never done before but now seems like a good time to start.

Day 360: 

  I woke up this morning with dread. I woke up to a note from Nancy, she had left before I woke up. I ate the last bit of food and drank the last water. I don’t even know what to do. I watched TV since it was the only thing really left to do. I don’t want to go outside because I don’t want my last days saddened by the destruction that is out there. I’m all alone now. I’m going to die alone. I have no idea how long I’ll be able to last, but I honestly hope it is not long.

Day 365: 

  I’m still alive, but I know today is it. I can barely write, let alone get up. There is no way to make things better. I can’t say at least I lived my life to the fullest because I didn’t. I can’t feel grateful or happy at all. I spent my last year in this godforsaken bunker. I always hoped I would die in my sleep happily and peacefully, but this year has taught me that being hopeful does not do much. I wish my story had a happy ending, but it won’t. My one last hope is that someone will find this and I’ll somehow be remembered. So if you are reading this, thank you and goodbye.

March 13, 2021 02:00

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بش بش
08:09 Mar 21, 2021

God please I want to know what the end I hope it's so good no one Worth this


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14:28 Mar 18, 2021

Oh my gosh yes! Suspenseful and It made you question each characters personality and hidden motives. Great writing style breaking it up into days. Great job!


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