American Romance Happy


“Rey where the hell are you?” was the first thing I asked my best friend, Aubrey, as soon as she picked her phone. 

“Hey Candy, just coming you know how Tinder can be in the mornings.” Firstly, my name is Candice, Candice Cabell but as a considerate best friend Aubrey decided to call me Candy and secondly, Tinder was her cute female golden retriever who can be quite tiresome at times. 

“Ok just come to the shop as soon as possible.” With this, I ended the call.

 I currently work at my grandma’s bakery, The Sugar Encounter. It is nothing humongous but is very spacious and cosy, it has a homely aura around it with brick textures on three walls and the other wall is decorated with numerous posters and cute pictures and the glossy wooden flooring. There are small chandlers just above the display cabinet which in turn is just beside the cash counter.

My grandmother died two years ago due to illness and I have been handling the bakery since then. My dad never wanted to do anything with the shop and my mother died when I was just three years old. After her death dad changed, he used to overwork and rarely stayed at home because of which I used to spend plenty of time with my grandparents. I used to spend hours watching my grandmother bake the crunchy cookies, beautiful wedding cakes, fruity tarts, sweet doughnuts and so many different and delicious desserts. The bakery was like my second home.

But after my grandmother died no one was there to take over the responsibility of the bakery so I stepped up. I surely was nervous because managing the entire bakery was new to me but at the same time, I felt fortunate to continue our bequest. At that time, I was fresh out of college. My dad never liked the idea of me being a baker, we had many arguments but later on, dad just backed out but we still quarrel sometimes. We barely talked, nothing more and nothing less. At times it felt like I was living with a stranger and because of such things, sometimes I wish my mom was here with me. 

“Good morning! What you are thinking about?” Rey said as she entered the bakery. It was her personality; she has always been the cheerful one, looking the good in everything. And at times I do get annoyed by her jolly nature but sometimes I do need that positivity in my life. She always knew how to brighten up my mood “Good morning to you too but you are late.” I said.

“Don’t worry babe. First, I need to complete my yesterday’s work and then today’s. I know the drill.” she said winking. Though I have always had a passion for baking I could not take it up to the mark. It’s like there is always something missing or I am lacking something somewhere which can be easily pointed in my recipes. That’s why I might lose my sanity at times and I often get sad.

“John has already prepared a batch of chocolate pastries you need to take care of the icing.” I said shaking my head.


The day finally ended after working my fingers to the bone. I was packing up my things when I saw Oliver Nielsen through the glass window. He is the owner of our rival bakery, The Danish Bakehouse. He and his co-workers were decorating their store for the annual holiday festival. Oliver had started the bakery one year after I took over grandma’s bakery. He came to Florence from New York. He is the typical jerk-but-handsome-type of boy. The ones with azure blue eyes, slender and athletic body, soft facial expressions, sharp jawline, blonde hair and a height of five-eleven. 

I still remember our first meeting. I was on the counter and he was sitting on one of the seats near the counter along with another boy who I later came to know was his cousin, Blake. They were eating Blueberry Danish. “I think the blueberries are giving a stale taste and it’s overcooked.” I still remember his remark. I felt offended and as a five-year-old, I started a big argument then and there. I started disliking him from that moment and the next day I saw him working across the street in the new bakery. Soon the sales of his bakery started increasing and so did my dislike for him. 

Like me, he was also passionate about baking. You could point it out from just seeing him while working in his bakery; the way he concentrated while decorating cakes, the joy with which he would high five when he got something correct and the way his eyebrows would rise a little when he was doing something new or difficult. 

I didn’t know how long I was staring but Oliver caught me looking at him and smirked arrogantly to which I just scrunched up my nose and turned around. He was one cocky boy.

 “They have already started; we should also start planning.” Rey said, referring to Oliver’s bakery. “I was also thinking the same thing but this year we will have to tone down the decorations because the income is not up to the mark.” I sighed.

“It’s going to be ok. We still have the annual festival to win, don’t lose hope.” 

“Yes Rey, yet another year to come at the second position while they get the first, isn’t it?”

“Believe in yourself Candy that is what will help you. By the way, Oliver is looking cute in that apron!”

I just rolled my eyes at her antics. She always tries to set me up with Oliver because according to her, ‘There is a very thin line between hate and love.’ God! Sometimes she is just too much of a hopeless romantic, I swear.

“Ok now let’s go before it’s too late.” With that, we again started packing up.


While walking back home, I saw the posters on the walls about the Florence Annual Holiday Festival. I stopped by one of them to check it. The Annual Festival of Florence has always been a tourist attraction. Most of the town folks either take part or cheer the participants in the various events that are held. This time it will be held for four days. The annual festival was important to me because of the baking contest, The Baker’s Destiny.

I was stepping back and turning around when I bumped into someone’s chest. I looked up and saw the familiar deep cyanic sky-coloured eyes which were difficult to read. His arrogant smirk again making an appearance.

“Saw something you like?” he asked.

“Nope, just thinking what’s there to like Olli.” I replied sarcastically. 

“You wound me babe! But not your fault Ice, everyone wants to have a piece of this.” He said with a sly grin gesturing to his body. “But that’s beyond the point, I see you have read about the contest, preparing to come second again this year?” I don’t know what fascination he has with that name. He always calls me ‘Ice’, saying that it suits my cold heart. See this is what I was talking about he always knows the write buttons to push. He makes me want to punch him hard in the face to knock some sense into him.

“Whatever just move out of my face or your handsome jerk face won’t be handsome anymore.” I was fuming with anger now. He would most of the times bring up the competition and try to get on my nerves. He thoroughly knows how much it means to me and attempts to take advantage of it.

“You are one feisty girl, aren’t you? I didn’t know that you thought I was handsome Ice.” he said looking me into the eyes.

“A feisty girl who would not hesitate to damage your baby-makers Olli.” I chided. Our glaring match began and once again my attention was specifically drawn to his eyes which were gazing into mine. It held admiration, amusement and determination. Oh! those strikingly attractive eyes. No, what am I thinking? He is an inconsiderate jerk. I think I have overworked that is why I am getting such absurd thoughts. Now I surely need to rest. Gosh! 

The eerie silence was broken by Blake. “Oliver I was looking for you; let’s go we have a lot to plan.” It seemed to break the spell in which we were.

“Yeah, coming in a moment.” He said to Blake. The latter was now gone.

“See you next time Ice, take care you look stressed.” with that he went away leaving me dumbfounded. 

That nincompoop is even more annoying than Tinder.


When I reached home, I saw the glowing of the lights through the window. That means dad is at home. Sighing I started walking towards the front porch. Once I entered the house, I could hear dad talking to someone over the phone.

“Candice, I wanted to tell you something.” He said with no emotions.

I merely nodded in his direction and sat in front of him. “Before you interrupt me, I want you to listen to what I am saying. So, I was talking to one of my friends and he said that he could get you a job at the Press in which he works. The pay is good. I want you to work there and sell the bakery.” 

“And why would I do that? I have already told you that it’s not what I want to do.” I said shocked. He took a deep breath and said the words that I was not at all expecting. “Then I am afraid that you will have to leave my house.” I was standing dumbstruck. There was pin-drop silence in the entire living room. 

“You cannot do that. What about my ambition, the upcoming competition? There are hardly two weeks left.”

“Don’t talk to me like that young lady. I am giving you one last chance. You have to prove yourself and get the first position in the competition but if you can’t then you will have to give up your bakery and work where I say. If you are ok with this then well and good otherwise you are free to leave my house and I want your answer now.”

I was not ready for this but now I had to make a decision. If I leave the house then I can’t go to Rey’s as her family was not exactly a peaceful one and I will eventually end up on the streets so this option is a no-no. This leaves me with only one option. “Ok, I am willing to prove my capability and if I am unable to do so, I will work at the Press.” 

He nodded in confirmation and then I went to my room and locked the doors behind me. There was no one for me except Rey but I can’t contact her all the time. She has her own set of problems to deal with. It had become my routine to wake up, argue with dad, go to the bakery, work my ass out, get taunted by Oliver, come home, again an argument and then sleep with all the pressure. I don’t know what to do anymore. 


 Two weeks have passed in a blur. I had told Rey about the offer dad gave and being the jovial girl she is, she gave me a big speech and motivated me a lot. I also told her about how Oliver told me to take care of myself and she immediately started fangirling over how much he likes and cares for me and like every time I just rolled my eyes and ignored her.

. So here I am currently waiting for the contest to begin. I was excited but my level of excitement was much less as compared to the anxiousness I was feeling. My team consisted of four participants including Rey, John and Aaron who were the other workers in the bakery and me as the captain of the team. In front of our booth was Oliver's. He had Blake and a boy and a girl. Seeing the girl close to Oliver was kind of weird. I shook my head to get rid of these emotions.

The Mayor, Mr. Smith came and started reading the instructions. “Welcome to all the participants. Every year we have been doing the same thing so I think all of you are familiar with the rules, aren’t you?” he asked with a lot of energy. The entire crowd assembled for the Baker’s Destiny started cheering with zeal and enthusiasm. He again started, “But this year there are certain changes and new rules! This year there will be two rounds. In the first round, teams will be formed by clubbing by two groups but you need to be careful any problem caused to the committee in any way will lead to disqualifications and once the teams are formed it will not be changed under any circumstances. The list of groups will be announced before the competition. The qualified teams will go to the second round and then battle individually for winning.” 

After five minutes all the instructions were given and we were in our respective booths. Everyone with their teams and guess who got lucky! Yes, it’s me. Our team got paired up with The Danish Bakers, Olli’s team. Just my freaking luck! Uhhhhh.

Before the competition began, I dragged Oliver to a secluded area. “Listen Oliver, I don’t know what you are thinking of doing but I need to win this time and we have to keep our rivalry aside for this round.” I said with full seriousness.

“I don’t know what gave you the idea that I won’t be serious but this is important to me also. So, for this round we can work civil but don’t boss me around.” he said.

“Very well then. Let’s go.” With that, I was ready to go when he held my wrist and turned me around, pulling me close to him and said earnestly, “Candice I can see that you are worried but whatever it is you have to keep yourself calm and peaceful otherwise it will create problems while baking, trust me. You should try taking deep breaths.” with that he went back leaving me in my thoughts. My name sounded sexy when he said it. 


The first round finished and our team was qualified. Throughout the competition, Oliver and Rey had helped me a lot. I was not expecting that from him. He tried calming me when I was frustrated and on the verge of crying. I don’t know when he started for me and a part of me liked him for doing it. Rey had already started planning our ship name.

Half an hour was left for the final round and I wanted to compose myself down before it began so I went for a walk to the deserted park. When I got there, I saw Olive sitting under a tree. I walked to where he was sitting and sat beside him.

“Thank you for helping me there.” I spoke.

“You are welcome.”

“Why did you actually help me Olli?” I questioned.

“If you want the real reason then listen Candice. But it might sound a little creepy. When the first time I saw you through the glass windows of your shop, you were working on a wedding cake. You were very concentrated on the cake as if it was the only thing that mattered to you. I saw myself in you, the same passion, fascination and the same devotion for baking. You were amusing to me, in an encouraging way but then we had that fight in your bakery and later on we were like rival bakeries it was like the spice to my sweet life. But because of the rivalry, I didn’t ponder much on my feelings however they never died. It started growing over time. But now I cannot ignore it anymore. I love you Candice. I just wanted to tell you please don’t overthink.” 

I was not that surprised because I also felt some kind of attraction towards him. “My dad gave me an ultimatum, either win the competition or leave the bakery, he never supported me being a baker.” I said looking ahead.

“I have often watched you working, you shouldn’t do baking just because it was what your grandmother used to do, no offence. Try to do it as if it is your passion, your dream. Give baking all your attention and love, it might help.”

His words helped. It was because of him that I understood what exactly I was missing. There were difficult tasks in the final round but never did I once lose hope because I knew that this is what I want and I have to achieve it, because of him I was able to put my efforts in the right direction and because of him I was finally able to win the competition. I was so happy and relieved it was the best experience ever.

But all the cheering stopped when Oliver came on the stage. “Candice, I have already told you everything and I hope you don’t have the same feeling towards me as earlier. I know it’s risky but Candice please will you give us a chance? Will you go on a date with me?” he asked nervously. Everyone was waiting for my answer.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I brought my mouth close to his ears and whispered, “Thank you and yes, I kinda love you too.” The smile on his face was enough for everyone to know my answer.

Rivalry be damned! But just the right amount of sugar and spice and you will get the perfect recipe for ‘Bakery Love’.    

December 11, 2020 16:14

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