Kids Sad

The florid orange sun was peeking from behind the shoals of clouds, shining softly. The sun gradually rose to envelop everyone in its tender warmth. The blazing sun splashed an igniting bloom all over the horizon. The golden streaks of the sun's rays were visible in the sky, uplifting the whole place. Even the lake which was still as ice, but brilliantly blue reflected the rosy hues beatifically. The peaceful weather, the bright sun, the serene brutality of the lake, and then the Rocky Mountains surrounding the enormous lush trees were enough to mesmerize anyone. 

This was all so overwhelming for Pearl, She had never imagined a day before that, that she would be sitting here with the most amazing person on earth, but then she also never thought that her brother would leave just in 24 hours. She put her head back down and drew a long breath, taking in the moisturized air and the scent of salty water. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. It felt so beautiful, so peaceful. Serenity washed over her and she felt like the happiest person on earth. Her blond hair glowed in the sun, her face flushed. All the sadness, the sorrows, the regrets, the guilt, every bad feeling was creeping away from her. She felt refreshed and at zeal. She sat up and opened her eyes, she couldn’t help smiling. She cast a glance at the perpetual sky that had now turned forget me not blue with a twinge of reds and oranges.

Percy sat alongside her, pleased to see his sister so cheerful. It was his last day with her so he wanted this day to become a memorable one therefore he brought her here and as expected pearl just loved the place. He could see the happiness radiating on her face.

Pearl really was bursting with happiness, she laughed out loud and her soft titter echoed around her, she glanced around her and felt like that everything had smelled her happiness and they all joined to celebrate with her. Even the sun wasn’t radiating its scorching heat instead there were gleaming golden rays that brought the flurry of early morning. There were whispering winds everywhere spreading the news of Pearl's happiness. Even the lake stirred and increase the cheerfulness in the environment. Flowers bloomed and blossomed immensely, spraying their sweet aroma and their rainbow color everywhere. The trees swayed and swung like they were in a melody. The birds sang and chirped soothingly. Pearl didn’t want this to end. If it was in her hand, then she would have stopped time right there. She didn’t want this to end nor did she want to go back to her previous life: LIFE WITHOUT PERCY. She was the luckiest person on earth that she had gotten a brother like Percy. She shuddered as she thought that there would be no Percy after today, no fun, and no entertainment. There would be no get-together in which Percy and Pearl lived the time of their lives, making fun of each other, making each other live's a lot better. Getting each other gifts and the best thing was when they both hysterically laughed their asses off. They called each other names, but never hurt each other's feelings.

As her mind realized that it her last day with Percy and she didn’t even know when she would see him again sadness overcame her and it came like a storm is brewing inside her. She lost the glint in her eyes which were sparking just seconds ago. She instantly turned into a sad soul that had never seen happiness or ever felt cheerful. She felt like a wilted flower, a broken soul, all the hopes crumpled. She didn’t want to go back to her old life; where no one liked her, no one gave a heck about her. She always wanted to live with Percy but unfortunately, they had that chance; when their parents died she was sent to her mother’s friend’s house where she was treated like an animal, but then things got out the hands and her mother’s friend also got fed up of beating and tormenting her, and left her forgotten. As Percy was older than her so he just simply refused to live with anyone and after a year or two, he reached the age that he could live independently with Pearl but then he got married unexpectedly and lost the chance of living with his sister.

Pearl was just unable to describe her feelings, Percy was her everything, she didn’t know what would she do, plus she didn’t have any friends, she never found a person accurate for herself, she tried once but no one understood her, they weren’t to blame cause they had their whole families and everything and until one doesn’t feel it themselves they wouldn’t know how it feels. Anyway, she stopped making friends, besides she was too shy to reveal her deep feelings with anyone.

‘Whoa!’ She started, she was so engrossed in herself that’s she didn’t notice that Percy was sitting beside her, staring at her like a hawk.

‘You scared the shit out of me!’ he laughed out loud at this and mumbled,’ sorry.’

‘Whatever, where were you lost? I was continuously calling you, but you were not present here actually.’

Pearl blushed and turned her head down. ‘Nowhere. Why were you calling me?’

‘Oh, that. Forget it. Aren’t you hungry?’

‘Nopes.’ She mimed.

Percy looked at her face and he knew something was wrong. He knew how she was feeling at the moment, he tried his best to console her; ‘Listen, I know you will miss me very much and you should know that I will miss you too. You are the one whom I love the most and no one can take your place, yes, not even Emma. Pearl,’ Percy bored his eyes into her, but Pearl was on the verge of tears and she just couldn’t meet his eyes, she didn’t want to cry in front of him, ‘hey! Pearl, please, my girl look up, I know it is hard for you, but you have to understand, okay?’ Percy took her by the shoulders and made her face him. ‘See, I will do my best to come back as early as possible, but till then you have to stand right. Never forget that I am always here for you, ALWAYS, so never ever hesitate to ask me anything, I am here to listen to your troubles, and I am here so you can share your feelings with. I am just a call away, right? So then what’s the issue? I know you will miss me terribly, but then one day this had to happen, I am sorry that I didn’t tell you before, I know you weren’t ready for this, but this all happened so quickly that I am also amazed. I have to go to the UAE, my wife, and then my first child is waiting for me. And……….that is all.’


Pearl just couldn’t imagine how fast time passed by, the pale crescent moon was shining like a silver claw in the night sky. Her heart felt heavy, as the time was ticking by, her heartbeats were getting faster and faster.

It was 8’o clock and there were only four hours left for Percy to go and she knew these four hours would pass like an arrow.

The whole time, Percy talked, but finally in the end, Pearl could no more swallow the tears and she cracked up and after that, she talked endlessly, Percy listened to her patiently, as he didn’t know when he would listen to his sister talk like this again.

The night cloaked everything in its chillness and darkness. The cold weather sent chills through Pearl, she tried hard not to cry at least not in front of Percy again.

She tried to ease herself thinking about the time when he would come back with his son/daughter in his arms and the next time she would meet his brother, he would have become a father.

At least she had something to look forward to, she continued to fabricate her dreams as she glanced at the lake where the shining moon was reflecting off the lake.

November 18, 2020 14:56

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Echo Sundar
19:22 Dec 16, 2020

Love this story!! Just wow.


Amel Parvez
19:25 Dec 16, 2020

Thank you so much! I am so glad that you liked it:)


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Bareera Samra
16:10 Dec 09, 2020

Woah Amel. This was an Awesome story, I am literally speechless. I don't have words to describe this story. I started the story and the descriptions blew my mind. Believe me, i read it more than three times just because it was sooo...... Consoling and magnificent and fantastic and gorgeous. Thank you for rewarding us with such a wonderful story. Keep treating us! Seeing you as an awesome story teller....... ;) P.s. I loved the idea of the story too, the pain, the loss, all was wonderfully described!


Amel Parvez
16:28 Dec 09, 2020

Bareera, Have I ever told you that I love your comments PLUS your stories. Seriously, I was waiting for your comment:) Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH for such a heart touching comment💜


Bareera Samra
07:46 Dec 11, 2020

U R welcome. U deserve them! ❣️❣️❣️


Amel Parvez
14:21 Dec 12, 2020

You are sweet❤


Bareera Samra
14:26 Dec 12, 2020

<3. ❤️


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Ammara Bibi
12:21 Nov 22, 2020

its beautiful and amazing..master piece ..fantastic..keep it up


Amel Parvez
13:37 Nov 22, 2020

am glad that u liked it! thanku anyways.


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Aafia Hanya
11:16 Nov 19, 2020

its a beauty. magnificent piece.


Amel Parvez
13:12 Nov 20, 2020



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Hoor Amin
03:30 Jun 04, 2021

Amel!!!! This is so good!!!! Like seriously!!!! I don't know why, but my eyes became watery. The story is that good! Wow! Amazing!!!


Amel Parvez
03:39 Jun 04, 2021

Ahh. u just made my day:)


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Unknown User
16:39 Jan 18, 2021

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Amel Parvez
19:33 Jan 18, 2021



Unknown User
01:39 Jan 19, 2021

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Amel Parvez
01:49 Jan 19, 2021

You did a great favor to me by reading my stories 😄


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16:34 Jan 19, 2021

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Amel Parvez
16:43 Jan 19, 2021



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Wirda Bibi
12:47 Dec 06, 2020

OMG!! such a good one!!


Amel Parvez
18:16 Dec 07, 2020

Thanx! 💜


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