"Are you coming tonight?" Randal asks me, a tone to his question. He knows me better than any other living Being on this planet, and then some. He is more than a brother or lover or anything of that old absurdity of our ancestors. He is that soul mate I have read about in old books and and heard about on something called a pod-cast. He is that one Being who completes my Being in such a way that, not having him in my life would create such a crevice, I would fall in for certain.
My name is Abrideen Beenzo, I am a 20 year old Being who stopped aging at around 23 year's old. The world went to shit 40 years prior to my awakening. The Virus took out half the population of the planet Earth, which pushed our ancestors in to action to get us off that dying rock and in to a different solar system. We have since evolved in to what we now call, Beings. Still humanoid in stature, but with big differences. You ever watch that old video thingy called Star Trek, or Wars, or The Orville? Pretty much any humanoid life form from those shows, now exist amongst what used to be called humans. I am sorry if that sounds incredibly corny, but the people in charge of evolution were hardcore nerds. So, here we all are.
There have already been turf and prejudice wars, luckily only lasting 7 years and ending peacefully. Our ancestors finally realized if any were to survive, they needed each other a lot more than not. So, 33 years later, here we are; Beings that co-exist and sit at a round table to decide the matters of the different Cortacts, what we refer to the different sects of Beings as. You still need your ruffians of course, those who like to cause mischief every blue moon. But all in all, we are a peaceful enough society. We have exploration through out other galaxies, flying machines and all that crap. We also still have social events and gatherings and get togethers, tossed in some fun mating rituals. You name it, we normally do it. Except I have not been joining in these events for about 2 months now. And Randal is starting to get concerned and a little miffed.
He sighs and gives my shoulder a squeeze, making me stiffen and he to remove his hand immediately. He covers a cough and shuffles his feet awkwardly, not knowing how to act around me still. Pictures of us flash between us, conveying the hurt and confusion after so many years of complete syncing. My eyes sting but I brush it aside, I had not let those pesky emotions get to me at the beginning, and I would not start now. I smile at Randal, "I promise you, good friend, that I am well, and will be better after a time. I am going through a change and wish to explore it fully." I catch his eyes, his beautiful, slanted green eyes. "Do you believe me Randal? Understand that some Being's just need some time to themselves?"
I fear any other Being might have ridiculed me for my serious composure, my mysterious vibe flowing off of me, but never Randal. He will always understand my random bouts of folding in to myself. Beings are known more for being social butterflies, to quote our ancestors, the Humans. But Beings are evolved and actually co-existing very well, without petty conflicts every day of the existence. I am one of the odd balls in our existence. And Randal lets me know that that is okay, and he accepts me. As he does again this evening, with a simple smile and nod. I wave him out the door, and race back to my investigations.
I am a purple hued Being, with black markings of such frailty, you would weep to see them all. I have them covering my entire body, head to feet. They swirl and climb, almost like they are trying to reach every direction. My wrists to my elbows look like tentacles flying in all directions, but not with those ugly bumps on them. They are elegant and regal looking, almost. My feet up to my thighs crawl vines of thorns and some flower I know not the name of. My neck down to my chest flows with ice-like vines, sticking straight out in all directions. These lead me to believe the most, that I do have some sort of ability to feel another being's vibes, to receive the pictures I receive when I am touched. They are collecting that information in to me, through these different markings.
I have interviewed only 2 others with similar quandaries about themselves. One can manipulate the flow of time around herself, in a 6 foot radius. She can slow it, or speed it up. But no further than herself. The other, a male Being, can read an illness in other Beings. We have evolved most illness out, but the Virus itself still lingers in some blood-lines. I interviewed a dozen Beings, whom, by word of mouth, were brought to my attention. The others showed no signs of anything. I have kept in contact with the other two, and we have decided to take things very slowly, no ill-intent is to be done with these abilities. Ill intent is not particularly a Being's strong suit any longer. The want to survive over-ruled those silly habits long ago.
That is why I have devoted my time to find more of those with abilities, to get them on the same level as myself and these other two. Things are changing again, and it is not always for the better. Humans feared what they did not understand, they destroyed each other over it even. Different sects of humans were terrified of others simply over their skin color! How absurd is that? If that were the case these days? Well, I fear to think the consequences of those happening ever occurring again. Which is why I feel so strongly about staying away from crowds of other Beings at the moment. It is overwhelming, to say the least. But I also do not wish to see one of us with abilities turned in to something monstrous. We are to lay low, and blend. We are not afraid, per say, but we are very cautious. We have no thoughts of battles or war. We wish for peace and to continue on with our lives. If necessary, we will even leave this planet to make those who live here more comfortable, if more abilities start to show themselves.
We are still a new evolution. Though there still remains some left over silliness from our ancestors, the Humans, we will over come them this time. We will love one another for our differences, whether they be abilities, or closing one self off for a time from others. We will be a Cortact of love and understanding, because we wish to live, not destroy ourselves. We will learn the wrongs of the Humans, and advance further than ever imagined. And I will be among the top pioneers to do such a thing.
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Hi Samantha - Learning from past mistakes is a social commentary told through the meandering thoughts of a human-like, presumably female, Being who lives on a planet other than earth. The story is set in the future - humans have evolved into unrecognizable creatures, but they have apparently retained the finer of human qualities when it comes to personal relationships and respect for life and living. The timeline is confusing. She's 20 years old but stopped aging at 23. There is a reference to another Being able to manipulate time in a six-...
Thank you a ton! That is some awesome constructive criticism. I greatly appreciate it! I used to love to write when I was younger. And it has been a good decade since I have tried my hand at it. :) This site rocks though, and I am very happy here. Thank you again!