American Fiction Romance

Going on without my parents was hard. We didn't have money before they died and now I had to look after myself and my younger brother. I was glad that I had been able to finish college before the unfortunate car crash happened. I only hoped I would get the job I recently applied for as an assistant for a small business firm.

"John please hurry or we won't make it on time to Philips house". My 10 year old brother came stumbling into the living room.

John had been just five when our parents died. He had been quiet for a long while no longer the jovial little boy but Philip his best friend had helped him through it. I would drop him at Philips house before going to the store to get some groceries for us.

I was about leaving When I heard the landline ring. That was strange we rarely used it. Only my dad had used it he preferred it to cell phones only God knew why.

I picked it up answering the call.

"Hello, am I speaking to Leila Cole". A deep voice spoke through the speaker of the landline.

"Yes you are, how may I help you". I said.

"Your grand father just passed away a week ago mam, and we need your presence for the reading of the will". I was confused. My grand father had died when I was four. I had never met my mom's parents. They had disapproved of my mother's marriage to my father and had cut all ties with her.

"Are you still there madam". The man said. I must have zoned out.

"Yes I am. It's just I've never met him and I have no idea why my presence would be needed for the reading of the will".

"It was his last wish. He specifically required that you must be present for it. It's taking place at his estate. I'll forward the address to your mail". The line went dead afterwards.

Wow. I didn't know what to say to that. Why on earth would my grand father who didn't even want to meet me when I had been born now wants me to be present at his will hearing. I remembered when mom had called him when John had been born he had also refused to meet and yet now this oh well I guess I'd find out when I get there tomorrow.

I arrived at the big white mansion. To say that I was amazed would be an understatement. It even rivals the white house. I had dropped John at Philip's house while I came here. Oh well here goes nothing.

I went inside unable to stop myself from admiring my surroundings.

A middle-aged man stepped out and came towards me.

"Hello, you must be Leila. I'm James your grand father's lawyer". He stretched his hand for a hand shake. I shook his hand and smiled. He was the one who had called.

"Shall we". He said leading me into the house. I followed him and we entered the living room. Immediately I saw three other people a man and two women who I was sure were related to my mom judging from their looks. James introduced me to them. They were my mother's cousins. I took a sit across James. And the reading began.

WHAT. Shock and disbelieve filled me. Wow my grand father who I had never met before was trying to control and dictate my life even from the grave just like he had been trying to control my mother's. I was sure they didn't even know that mom had died. No one had come to see us, and now my granddad wanted to give me a half of his inheritance on the condition that I married the son of the man mom had refused to marry. How dare he even suggest that. I was enraged but I also couldn't help but imagine how John's future would be settled. I couldn't. I can't marry a man I didn't know.

"Leila what do you say". James said pulling me out of the myriad of emotions running through me.

"Sorry. Please who is this man that I'm supposed to marry".

"Me". A chilled voice spoke from behind me. I was startled but turned to see who it was that had spoken.

I was speechless. I had expected an ogre simply because which good looking man would need an arrangement of this sort to get married, but maybe just maybe I might consider this offer.

I cleared my throat just realising that i had been staring. I quickly looked ahead and he came to seat beside me at the same time keeping his distance from me.

"Adrian, I'm so glad you could make it. All we need is for Leila here to agree and we can sign the necessary papers".

His cologne whatever it was was intoxicating. If only we could have met through normal means not this ridiculous archaic means.

I hadn't had time for boys or men since my parents died seeing as I was busy juggling college and taking care of John. This was the first time in years that I have had any sort of reaction to a man, and it frightened me. I didn't want to agree to this just because of whatever it was that I was feeling but despite that I couldn't help but think of how this money would make John and my life easier. It was totally not what I would agree to if not for the situation on ground, and I wasn't even sure if I would get the job at the firm. Oh God what should I do.

"Leila What do you say". My aunt Matilda said.

"I'm sorry, but this is such a huge decision that I can't make right now, I'll need some time". I said standing on my feet and picking up my bag.

"Sure. I agree that you need to think about it but please contact me soon". James said standing up also and shaking my hand.

"Adrian would you kindly drive her home". My uncle Peter said.

He nodded and got up leading me out of his house and into his flashy ferrari.

The ride back to my house was quiet I wanted to say something to him but couldn't think of anything I was nervous and when I am nervous I do and say rubbish. So I kept quiet and by the time we arrived I had already made up my mind to accept the offer. I'd just have to pay down some conditions. I had to think of mine and John's future. My mind was made up I'd accept the offer to marry Adrian.

December 13, 2020 16:46

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