
I am calling a friend today but I guess she is to busy wiht her work nad the other stuff that she do that is why she is not answering for the nth time. Last night, I had every time to think about the changes that I have gone through to achieve what I am today. I have changed a lot. That could mean in every state you could think of. Some changes worked well while tohers did not but still I believe that I am better now than before. Yeah, I can say that.

I am planning to get my friend out for some food but she is not available right now so I might just do it alone. I also these times, being alone. Losing from your own. It rarely happens so I might just take it and enjoy myself today.

I went out for a walk in the park. It was a long walk before I felt thirsty and hungry so I am walking my way to a nearby grocery which I can already see from where I am. Looking from afar I saw this young woman, probably about my age, struggling with the bags she bought from the store. And being me, I just had to run to her and offer my help. 

“Oh you don’t need to that. But thank you so much for helping” she said with a question at the end. 

“ Your Welcome! How come your alone with all of these stuff?”

“Oh my company went out to get the car, so I need to handle all of these. But she’ll be here any moment,” she said.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes of course,” she confirmed.

“If you said so, I’ll go inside the store.” I told her.

I sat beside a glass window which allowed me to see the girl I helped earlier. As I consumed my food, thoughts from the past visited my mind. The what ifs that I have asked for many years are coming back.

What if I did not opt for a change? If I chose to stay the same? Will I ever be happy? I am not confident to the answers of these questions except one.

Will she leave?

If I did not change, no, she will not leave. Maybe we are still together by now if it didn’t happen. But it did. It did.

Back to reality. I am almost finished with my food when I glance through the window and saw the girl still waiting under the sun. I decided to finish my food and walked towards her. But five steps before I got to her a car stop in front of her letting out a stunning girl dressed in maong pants nad oversized shirt.

“I am sorry Jen, let’s put those in the car,” she said without throwing a glImpse to me.

“ Where have you been , you are so late!” complained by the Jen girl.

“ I was stucked from the road on my way here. I am really sorry. I’ll make it up to you,” she said that wiht the most apologetic I have ever seen.

They started packing the bags into the car but I can not stop myself from looking at the girl with the oversized shirt. She looks very familliar, definitely someone I know. Someone from the past. Patrick probably met her. I tried hard remembering. And when I remembered who she was I cannot stop myself from telling them. She changed, a lot too. That is why I had a hard time thinking who she was.

“Excuse me, you are Mica, right?” I asked. 

She looked confused by my sudden approach but still managed to reply.


“How are you? We have not seen each other for years! You are still beautifully gorgeous,” I said that with too much excitement probably because is really high like I am squealling.

“ You knew each other?” Jen asked. 

I said yes and she said no at the same time which made things too complicated for us.

“I am confused, we know each other? Are you sure you are not mistaken?“ she asked.

”I am sure, we have met and have done things more than just meeting,” I told her.

“I ma sorry, but I don’t remember,” she said.

“Don’t you remember me? From highschool?” I asked.

“I definitely not,” she firmly said.

“I am Patrick. Your classmate?” I hesistantly told her. 

“ You are kidding, you can’t be him! He’s to handsome to be a woman.” Throwing a glance at me.

She is thinking hard and when she remembered she said, “Fuck with the classmate, no you are not! You are that ‘ex’.

“I missed you. I really do. Believe me or not you are still the last person I have been with,” I said.

“Do’nt you remember why we broke up? We broke up because you said that you found the one that will make you happy. And I am not ’the one’ so you need to end things with me,” she said it as a matter of fact.

“And this is it. I have chosen this over you,” I said while gesturing my hands to myself.

“You mean to say, it was not a third party?”

“No it is not,” I calmly said.

“But you—,”

“Yes I allowed you to think that it was. Because back then I thought it was easier for you to accept things if that is the case. If it is my fault. We were young and immature so we take things for granted,” I said.

“You took things for granted. It was never easy for me to move on from you but I eventually did. I really do not know what to say. I ma lost for words. I am so shocked right now. To be frank I really do not know you. I know Patrick but not — what is your name now?”


“—not Patricia,” she said. 

“Can I introduce you to her?” I asked.

“ You mean friends?” she asked and I nodded. 

“Of course, I have got no problem with that but you need to meet my girlfriend first.”

She then held Jen’s hands and smiled at me.

August 12, 2020 16:13

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