Mystery Drama Romance

"Yeah I'll be fine. Thank you for tonight, text me when you get home okay?" I said as he kissed my forehead. 

He smiled sweetly and nodded. I started walking back to my hotel as he open his car and drive off. Before entering the building I turn around with an uneasy feeling. I could feel a pair of eyes behind me. I look both ways but nothing, only darkness and a faint sound of cars driving.

'Maybe i'm just paranoid' I thought as I enter the building. 

The receptionist welcomed me and gave me my room's key since I left mine in the room. 

After greeting the people I pass and having small chit chats I walked towards the elevator and pressed 7.

As the number above turned 7 I grabbed my keys and went inside. I'm in a five-star hotel and the owner is a close friend of mine so that's way the whole seventh floor is mine. I took off my shoes and placed my bag in the couch.

The walls are painted in s light shade of grey with picture frames from all around the world. The living room looks simple yet classy. Grey, white, black and a hint of gold is seen.

There are two guest rooms, a mini game room, a huge kitchen, a bathroom, a mini bar and of course the living room and my room.

This room was my friend's gift since I helped her with her depression. Even though I said no she still insisted on giving me this room.

I walked towards the biggest room here which is my bedroom and unlocked it. The bed can fit at least five people but it's not that important. There is a walk in closet , a mini library, a bathroom, a mini eighty-seven inches Tv and other things I'm lazy to mention.

"Finally a break from everything." I mumble as I relax my body in the hot tub. I turned on the tv in front of me and took a sip from my wine. The bathroom inside my room has a mini tv that's like sixty-eight inches.

It's been two weeks since my fiancée died and everything went downhill. A lot of people paid their visit and his family was the most affected. He was an only child and he was such an angel. He would take his mom shopping or play golf with his dad. 

We we're both highschool students when we met. Ever since that day we became the "School's Couple". Technically we are both famous in campus that's why people kept pushing us to be together. 

He was the mvp of their basketball team while being top 1 in their class. I'm famous for being a good dancer winning competition around other schools and being number one in my class.

My dream was to be a well-known dancer because ever since I was a child I fell in love with music. I told him that after college I was planning on going to Korea and become an Kpop idol. I may not be a pure korean but my Mom is half and I can speak korean quite fluently.

Our first date as I remember, we went to a convenience store and bought snacks and then we went to the beach and had a nice walk while staring at the sunset. We danced and talked till the sky went blue and the stars shines beautifully. 

It was simply amazing. It may seem simple but it was somehow magical for the both of us but sadly before the wedding day, he died. He left his family, friends and me.

People loved and idolized him. He was like a gift sent from above. 

He proposed to me when I were twenty years old. Both our families we're there and all of our friends. A lot of people was watching since he proposed in public. The props and the way he asked for my hand seems like it was straight from a movie. Of course I said yes.

*knock* *knock*

I went back to reality when I heard knocking from the door.

"It's eleven pm who could it be?" I asked no one in particular.

"I'm coming just a minute!" I shout.

I dried myself and grab my night-gown. The knocking seem to quiet down as I walk near the door. 

I opened the door to show nothing. There was no one. 

"Hmm? Was I imagining it?" I mumble.

Before going back inside I saw a note below. I picked it up and it said-

>The receptionist wants to talk to you>

'In the middle of the night?' I thought. I just shrug it off as I took my jacket and went downstairs.

I walked towards the front desk to see no one.

"Uhmm? Hello?" I asked. 

Nothing but pure silence was heard. 

A sound suddenly destroyed the silence. It was coming from outside. I walked towards it but to my dismay it was still pitch black and the only light is from the lamp in the other side of the road.

I was about to walk inside when I saw a guy standing beside the lamp. 

"Good evening mister! Are you perhaps waiting for someone?" I asked politely. 

He just stared at me.

"Why?" I heard him whisper.

I looked at him confused and was about to ask him what's wrong when he suddenly smiled at me. 

"No... N-no! Nooo!" I shout.

There he stood. 

A guy with a bloody shirt.

The same shirt he was wearing the night before the wedding.

"Was it worth it?" He asked and suddenly he was in front of me. He grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall.

"Y-you're a-alive?"

There he stood my fiancée who I thought died.

"Was your dream worth more than me?" He asked.

"P-please l-let me go..." I begged but his smile just grew wider.

I felt as if it was just yesterday. The scream, the blood, the beg for mercy. I could still feel the cold metal in my hand and the blood that stained my shirt.

He looked at me as his smile grew wider. 

"Did you love me?" He whispered.

As tears fell from my eyes I nodded. I wanted to speak but I couldn't breath properly anymore. My vision is getting blurry as I feel my head spinning.

"I guess..."

There in front of me was my fiancée, the guy I killed before our wedding day because he destroyed the dream that I took years to reach.

I felt a metal stab my stomach as I close my eyes.

I gasp for air as I quickly stood up. I'm in my room. I looked at my reflection to see tear stain.

'It was all just a dream' I thought.

I walked towards the window and saw a guy staring at me.

He was smiling.


"Till death do us apart." He said looking up at me and vansihed in thin air.

And with that two armed robbers enterd my room and stab me to my death.

-sorry for the errors I made this an hour or two before twelve and i'm really tired so I couldn't re check it-

July 31, 2020 14:22

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Hannah Trico
18:45 Aug 06, 2020

The premise of the story is interesting; however, the grammar and verb inconsistencies were distracting. With some clean up, the meaning would be more clear. Otherwise, I like the idea of the person appearing out of the blue. Very creative!


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Gene Gryniewicz
13:16 Aug 06, 2020

grammar and punctuation are your paramount concerns ... that can be cleaned up comfortably ... I like what you've done with the story but it needs some expansion ... some clarification. good work -


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