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Drama Creative Nonfiction Romance


I have never hated blue skies as much as on that very day. 

   The entire ride was as smooth as sandpaper and it was thanks to the rock-infested road. My arms felt like threads on the verge of breaking as my tiny hands struggled to get a firm grip of the grab handle with my right and of the grey porcelain urn secured between mg thighs, with my left. It had been ages since I've left the airport and I silently prayed for this trip to end. The bitterness of bile was suddenly tasted in my tongue. Through gritted teeth, I willed myself to ignore it. 

   My eyes roamed to the adults in the front seat. A nearly-bald man in a white polo was driving. His eyes were focused on the road. The glasses lady with short curly hair in a sundress was on the passenger seat. I peered at the window and saw her eyes fixated to the road ahead as well. They were introduced as my aunt and uncle: my dad's siblings. Still, I'd kept my mouth shut keeping the vomit in and my heart was not beating any slower.

   Finally, the car went to a stop and my tiny body got off as fast and as carefully as I could. My eyes looked at the old two-story house in front of me. Involuntarily, my arms clutched the urn tighter. This was going to be my new home.


   As an only child, I was used to playing with inanimate objects. Dolls and stuffed toys would be my playmates. I would often talk to them and imagine what they would say back. 

However, sitting alone on that bamboo bench while my cousins played tag felt sad. 

   My ears perked up, desperately trying to understand what they were gleefully saying but it proved to be a hard thing to do. The frustration made my eyes sting and I quickly hid my face with the book I had with me.

"Hi! what're you reading?" A young boy sat beside me. I tried to say something but I didn't know what to reply.

"Hey," The said boy gently nudged me by the ribs. My head went impossibly lower and my fingers trembled around the hardbound edges of the book.

"Why're you crying?" He spoke in my native tongue.

The book fell to the ground and sniffling, my mouth began to form a reply.

He was my very first friend.


"Hey!" My eyes found him by our usual spot. It was midday and the summer heat brightened the restaurant more than ever. With light steps, I neared him and took the seat in front of him this time. 

"Hey you, too. What's up?" His left eyebrow lifted in question.

"I just had the most incredible day!" I must've looked dumb with that smile on my face. My lips would usually be in a frown but this was a rare occasion. I took a larger bite on my food to hide it.

"Oh really? Do tell?" Intrigued, his chin was now nestled on his right hand as he waited for me to answer.

"I am in love!" My voice spoke louder than I would've liked it. Bits of burger bread and fries scattered on the table before me. People were giving odd looks and I bowed my head in embarrassment. Heat prickled my skin all over. Over my head, I heard him say something in a hushed clipped tone.


   Still stupefied at what I've done, my eyes sneaked a peek at his face but only saw his mouth. I saw the widest smile he has ever made. It felt too wide for a normal smile. I was about to return it when he abruptly stood up and left.


My lungs were threatening to give up on me but I still ran. My school shoes collecting the specks of dust from the dried-up ground. The drumming of my pulse rang through my ears with every step I took. 

"Hey stop! Please!" I shouted as loud as I could to the figure who was casually walking ahead of me. 

   His shoulders were wider now but limper. His arms stiffened at his sides whilst hands balled into fists. He kept on walking like a robot. He kept on going as if I wasn't there.

"Hey... hey.. HEY!" 

   At last, I took a hold of his shirt. His movements stopped as my arms tugged hard at the fabric. 

"What is wrong with you?!" I asked my eyes searching for answers. The edges of my eyes were stung from unshed tears.

   As much as I recalled my words earlier, I have never said anything bad. All I could clearly see was the faint worn out laundry marks on the broad expanse of his white uniform. His arms where still motionless by his side.

"Please, look at me." I panted whilst tugging harder at his shirt. 

"I don't want to be friends anymore."

   Suddenly, my lungs stopped working and in the next second, it puffed with more air than it should have. The heat from panting turned into rage as I stepped in front of him. My arms on my hips in an agitated fashion.

"What did I do?!" I bet he felt all the frustration in my voice. My eyes saw him flinch at the high-pitched question.

"Who are you in love with?"

"What is wrong with falling in love?! That's unfair, big brother! You have your own fair share of it! Heck, you even have an ex-girlfr----"

"I broke up with her because I'm in love with you!" Were the words he spoke that caught me off.

   My knees felt like soggy noodles. My eyes never left his face. He wasn't looking away. His eyes begged me. A chill ran down my spine despite the sweltering summer.

"That is why I don't want to be friends anymore..." It was a very small whisper but my ears heard it loud and clear.


I was a seven-year-old again. Unable to speak, unable to talk to my very own cousins. I am back on that bench with only my books as company.

The horrible laughter of my first classmates when I spoke in my native tongue.

What is she saying? I don't understand. She sounds funny. HAHAHA!

No one was there to talk to me. I am an outsider again.


" You're right." As in a spell, I found myself saying those words. 

" We couldn't be friends anymore." 

  My fingers trembled as they tugged at the hem of my own skirt. With a deep breath, I stared him in the eye. All be damned.

"I love you."

   Everything happened in lightning speed. Suddenly, he pulls me to his chest and his lips were on mine. I could feel the teardrops fell to my cheeks as I pictured the boy I fell in love with. Only that I see viridian instead these hazel brown eyes.

October 01, 2020 18:22

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1 comment

Lourenço Amorim
11:59 Oct 08, 2020

You wrote a good minimalist story. If I could give you a piece of advice, you could write some more words to get a body to the text. It's a good love story, but I don't think that match with the prompt suggested.


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