The Haunted house that is filled with shadows.

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: Set your story in a countryside house that’s filled with shadows.... view prompt


Crime Thriller Drama

     It all started on a hot ,Sunday morning and  I was getting ready to go and visit Aunt Louise that lived on the countryside, which was twenty miles away from my house. My brother Leroy decided to come since Uncle Vas house was nearer to hers. On my way we stopped at Edwardsville to pick up a few things for her since we have not seen her in a long while. Aunt Louise had a  poultry and vegetable farm that she would normally sell to the nearby markets and public schools in the area. Grandma’s plantations  and house was the only thing she had left. While driving to country we spotted a beautiful meadow with little, white bunnies sleeping. We arrived at Aunt Louise house, it was  big consisting 7 bedrooms,5 bathrooms, a small porch and antique furniture. Aunt Louise was the only resident in the area, people who lived in the vicinity does not stay longer than three to five years. Aunt Louise was not there anymore perhaps you could say she passed away  says the farmer that use to live near her. Leroy and I decided to stay for a couple nights since we were planning to stay over with her; so I  decided to clean the house and spread new sheets on the bed because they were dirty. As I began sweeping I heard strange noises coming from the basement, so I decided to go see what was making that noise; surprisingly, it was just an old 90s television playing a thriller movie. After cleaning the  house I took a warm bathe, but something did not feel right. I felt like I was being watched ;I thought it was my brother playing around but when I moved the shower curtain I saw a shadow ran past the door . I got out and went to look but nothing was there . Leroy and I took a walk to Auntie’s  plantation where we came about the idea of building a house there. The sun was  going down, so we went back to the house. Being at the house by myself  was very lonesome so I invited some friends over. As they entered the house the lights started flickering . What a coincidence! said Leroy. I did not really pay any attention to it  because the house was old,  and it needed new bulbs. After putting in new bulbs we decided to watch a horror film named ‘Lights Off’. While watching the movie Sasha glimpses two shadows running around the back of the television, we all started to laugh because we thought that she was making up an  excuse to watch something else because she was scared . While we continued watching the movie Bella also glimpsed some shadows on the wall . The shadows looked like two girls, with cornrow hairstyles , sitting  playing a hand game. We all turned eyes to the shadow on the wall but before you knew it the shadows disappeared . We switched off the television and ran towards the light circuit breaker and the lights started flickering,  while at the same time the radio started to make weird noises. We have decided to separate and search for flashlights and look for the shadows. We divided into six since there was twelve of us in the house. Sasha, Leroy, Maddison, Jacob , Natalie, and Trudy went with me. Mikayla, Briana, Simone ,Jacob, Bella, and Alecia went with Jada. My group and I searched the basement looking for the shadows; suddenly we heard strange noises . At the same time we had turned around  the door was locked . I ran up to the door beating the door hoping that Jada and her team would hear us. We flashed our lights up against a wall hoping to find the key that was hanged up on the keyholder. While looking for the key Trudy spotted a tall shadow  . We all stood in shock looking at the shadow coming towards us. I ran to the door calling Jada when I heard a loud bang and Brianna’s scream. I was so terrified after hearing Brianna’s scream . In the basement there were three doors, the first door leads to Auntie’s bathroom, the second door leads to the washroom and the third door leads to the kitchen. We all stood their debating on which door we should enter. We decided to open the third door ,as we stepped into the kitchen Trudy was grabbed by a shadow and taken through the wall. We all started screaming and running around the kitchen .We all separated and went our different ways. I went to the bathroom looking for Leroy and my rest of friends, but I could not find them all I heard was screaming. I ran into my room looking for a flashlight until I saw a dark shadow it kept on following me around until I reached the front door ,the things in the hallway started moving , the radio started playing and I could hear Leroy screaming from Aunties Bedroom. I ran up the stairs speedily until I felt something dragging me back done. I heard Simone yelling for help. I tried to go and look for her but every time I go to the main door got pushed back by an evil force. I went to the master bedroom and under the bed were four keys each key has a tag on it .The first tag on the key said house, the second tag said Elmor’s car , the  third tag said Leeward’s  dog pen , the fourth door said Palmer’s treasure key. I did not understand what it was saying but I remembered that grandma use to teach us a little secret code if we are in need of help write a sentence and use the secret password top to bottom. After remembering that I looked at the first letter of each word and it said Help. I ran down the stairs and out of the house to Auntie’s plantation where I remember seeing those same words that were  on the tag .I saw Leeward’s dog pen, and I used the third key and open it .I was in shock when I saw Auntie’s body in the pen rotting. I started  smelling smoke coming from the house I ran to the door banging on the door until this black, tall shadow came behind me .I ran out of its sight and ended up on the roadside. I saw a black van driving and I stopped it ;the gentleman offered me a ride back to the city. I hoped in and was reflecting on everything that was happening and that the house was haunted. While I was in the car something about the driver did not feel right as soon as you know it the driver hold a knife at my throat and sliced my throat off. There were no survivors if u did not die in the haunted house you will die someway or the other.

                                                 -By :Trishanna Byfield

May 08, 2021 02:54

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