

         When I open my salon door for the first time, I beam with pride looking at the flowers from loyal clients. I picked one message from the branch of purple lily” Dear Jess, my hair will always be under your care. Signed by Veronica, and another card “ Remember it was thirteen years ago when you curl this hair. Smiling sweetly to myself …..

I was forty then. I need to pick up a skill or works to keep the expense after my divorce. I have moved into my parent home, with my daughter. I have been always very passionate about Hairdressing. When my application for hairdressing course fund by government approved, I quickly withdraw some money to buy the types of equipment needed. Little I knew I will be going only four lessons then.

There are forty of us starting that day. The instructress was a very fashionable lady with rude and high pitched voice. We are instructed to put dummy head on the table and watch the demo on video. After the video stops, the instructress shouted for us to begin. All of us are very surprised and lost In our actions. “ You all think you are baby, want to learn and don’t pay attention” The instructress shouted. I managed to clamp my dummy on table and part the hair into 4 division and start to blow. I couldn’t get the bob right. I knew it is 45-degree hold and blows.” Wrong, you fool” She screamed. Then she snatches the brush and dryer from my hand and starts to show. All of us flocked to the table and watch her.

During the second and third lessons, we are divided into a group of two. I was partnered with this younger lady, Tess. She works as a Shampoo girl in a day job.” Why you want to be a hairdresser, Aunty” She asked.”It is skill right?” She laughed and went to join some other hairdresser. I got a bad evaluation from her that night. On the review, she wrote that I am too lousy to work as a teammate. I can understand she is discriminating me from start, I don't look the part of a hairdresser. I wear an old T-shirt with a dated skirt. My hair was woven black while the rest of them are looking very dated with coloured hair and the latest fashions.

Before the fourth lesson started, I was usher into the office. The principal, Mrs June Tan said to me” We find you unsuitable, so you don’t have to come anymore”. I was shocked and replied” It is only the fourth lesson and I have been practising “ She didn’t hear and care for I have paid for the lesson. I packed my equipment and left the school. I walk aimlessly street to the street that day. I account for myself to be a bigger loser in life. I blame God, blame everyone for my own existence. Sadly I return home that night with a bag of equipment and a heavy heart. I picked my snoring daughter from sofa and look at her for many minutes that night.

“ Mum, I want Audrey Hepburn bob, when you are ready” My ten years old girl shriek in excitement. On the wall, she has put up a poster of Audrey Hepburn and a note” Mum! You going to cut this “. I threw my dummy with all equipment in the drawer. I got a job as a Cashier for the next couple of months. No one asked about hairdressing classes and they probably think I quit.

At forty, It never easy to say the word “ quit” I was thinking. There are people who look up to you for the living model. “Quit” is not an acceptable norm for not believing in yourself. After many months of debating on the talentless look which the answer the principal told me, I walked up to another union for funding. I refused to accept the world only acknowledge pretty and talented people. I need skills to provide bacon on the table but not star stylist. I believe I able to make some people, happy with what I have.

“ What do you think you will be a good hairdresser?” the interviewer asked. “ I not talented or pretty. I work hard to practise every hairstyle and I took efforts to understand what my customer wants” are my very honest reply. These reply got me into school.

As I took my drive on the subway that day, I looked at the little note posted on the dummy head. The note was dusty but the messages are cleared. “ To mummy who embraced the toughest task. Be a wonderful mom and one who cut every one hair with passion and love. We will have a home salon and made it cheap. Everyone will enjoy the cut and look like Audrey Hepburn bob .” From this message on, I strived to work and work very hard.

I was the first person to arrive at the hair salon school every morning. I help the old lady helper to prepare the salons for the day. I clean all the equipment, tables and clean every corner and make sure the towels in the right places. The school principal even trust me to manage the cashier and put in my system of registering the clients. I delivered my learning and service to a higher expectation. In return, I gain a lot of trusts, learning and many more clients refer to me. Certainly, I make sure I got all the hair done right inspired by Audrey Hepburn poster on my notebook.

“ Hi! Jess, you finally got this salon” Veronica give me a hug. She is the first customer who walks in my home salon. My daughter plays an important role to start the home salon. She gives out flyers every day after school. She is the model for every cut. Sometimes I feel bad looking at her bad haircut those days. As I tossed the client’s glasses, I remember how well those clients have supported me. A fat hairdresser who loved to care for their hairs.

August 12, 2020 02:28

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Angela Palmer
16:02 Aug 16, 2020

Hi Jacklyn, Great story. I would suggest typing your story in a word processing app and using the spell check and grammar tools. That will help you with verb tenses and spelling errors.


Jacklyn Pang
22:50 Aug 16, 2020

Thank you for the advices


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