Coming of Age Crime Teens & Young Adult

           Two teenagers jumped out of a white van, they had bandanas over their faces Lily’s was red and Jason’s was black. It was a cold winter day, no snow or ice just the chill in the air enough to see your breath. Lily ran into the bank first; she grabbed the cold metal handle and threw the door open full force and ran towards the banker. Jason quickly followed with a pistol in hand. The banker, who was in shock, reached for the landline. Jason waved the gun and warned against touching the phone. Lily told the banker, a small old woman, to put all the money into the bag she was holding. The little lady, panicked, opened the safe nearby and started taking the money and putting it into the bag with tears running down her face. Jason was pointing the gun at the old woman’s head the whole time she was getting the money. It was very early in the morning so there weren’t any other people in the bank yet.

           The two teenagers had been planning this robbery for months, they knew people’s schedules at the bank and they knew that on this day the little old lady would be working. They also knew that she was always early to open the bank an she would be alone for at least a whole hour before anyone showed up. They had prepared to do a quick grab and go so that they can stay on the run. They were tired of their mundane jobs and the drab day-to-day routine. They even got some of their best friends to join them in their getaway from normal lives. They figured they would need this money in order to stay on the run for a long time. They knew they would have to do it again someday but figured that this would be enough to keep them going for long enough to plan another heist.

           Once the old lady finished putting all the money in the bag, Jason grabbed her arm and lead her to the security cameras and told her to delete the footage. This poor woman told him she didn’t know how to. He groaned and rolled his eyes, then looked over to Lily. She looked back at him and told him it was okay since their faces were covered and they could get rid of the clothes they were wearing. Jason looked down at his shirt and told her that it was his favorite shirt. She told him he will have to find a new favorite. Jason sighed and checked to make sure the old lady didn’t have a cell phone then took her and locked her in the janitor’s closet. After that, the two robbers started grabbing some of the items that look valuable around the bank. They grabbed a couple of snacks that were laid out, Lily stuffed some cookies into her coat pocket and Jason grabbed a cup of coffee. Then they headed towards the door.

 Right as they got to the door a man walked in. He saw the two teenagers with bags in hand and bandanas over their faces and reached quickly for his cell phone. Jason saw this man reaching for his phone and dropped his coffee onto the floor, he ran over and slapped the man’s hand aside then aimed the gun at him while Lily ran and ducked behind the desks. The man’s face went pale since he hadn’t noticed the gun before. The man told Jason not to be too rash. Then a moment later he swiftly maneuvered and got the pistol from Jason. He got it out of Jason’s hand pointed it at his side and pulled the trigger. Jason fell to the floor with a loud thud and his right side started gushing blood. He groaned in pain curling up into a ball on the floor in agony. Lily goes up behind the man who just shot Jason and smashes him in the back of the head with a potted plant that she had found, knocking him out. She then collapsed to the floor next to Jason and put pressure on his wound. Jason made eye contact with Lily his brown eyes wide with fear. He told her that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. She told him he will be alright and that they have first aid in the van. He smiled at her wearily and nodded, that wasn’t what he meant but it was still comforting to hear that he was going to be okay. Jason reached cross the floor to grab the gun and winced in pain, he tried to tell Lily that they can’t leave it there. Lily understood and picked it up off the floor. They stumbled as Lily helped him up and the two hobbled out of the bank as quickly as possible with as much as they could carry.

           They shambled up into the white van that rolled back up to the bank and were pulled in by the other people in the van. The van then took off very fast down the highway. Jason laid down on the floor breathing hard. His friend Linus asked Lily what happened as he grabbed the first aid kit. Lily told him that the man came in unexpected. Lily was holding Jason’s head in her lap and stroking his hair gently. She told him that he is going to be okay. He breathed heavily, eyes fluttering a bit. He looked up at the roof of the van wincing in pain when Linus started to clean the wound. He then got wrapped in gauze and was given some pain killers. Once Jason was starting to feel okay Lily gently set his head onto a rolled-up sweatshirt and went to sit in the passenger seat. She looked out the windshield and watched as the sun started to rise. The driver took a turn onto the interstate and Lily put her sunglasses on. Jason sat up slowly with the help of Linus and looked out the window to watch the sunrise too and that’s when they knew that they would be okay.

November 14, 2020 22:34

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