

There is a brisk knock at the door. Devi is at her work desk busy surfing on the web. She  is a middle aged woman, with slightly greying hair with an austere appearance. She is slender and about five and a half feet tall.  She  has an unsmiling face and an aloof posture, enough to disconcert anybody.

She immediately puts her laptop aside, walks to the hall and opens the door. A young man is standing on her doorstep. He is holding a notebook and has a brown satchel on his shoulders. He looks very alert and sturdy. He was somewhat taken aback by Devi’s stern look but he mustered all his courage and presented himself.

 “Good morning, Madam. My name is Marc. I come from City Journal.  I am really sorry to call on you so abruptly, without giving you any prior notice. I know that you are very busy but I am writing an article on the renovation of the city project. I have thought that an interview with you would bring great light to readers on the project. I know that you have been militating to preserve the city from abrupt transformation. ”

The young man looked very resolute and confident. He was determined to get the interview. He appeared  not to be discomfited by Devi’s severe composure.

Devi showed some irritation and stepped a few steps back. She said in a rather irritated  tone, “ My dear Marc, you barge in, without even giving me a call and now you want to do an interview. This is not proper. I have my own schedule and other appointments. I have to carry out  lots of research and prepare papers. You should have given me a phone call . ”

The young man apologetically pleaded, “ I am really sorry Madam. It is not my intention to make you angry. I want to support you. My article on the city renovation projects will be published in  tomorrow’s edition.. ”

The reporter was full of determination and was not going to retreat. He insisted, “ Madam, I believe that the interview will really help you in your movement to preserve the integrity of this city. It will disseminate information and sensitise people. You know that the success of your movement will depend to large extent on the  support and participation of people from the city. ”

He continued, “ Madam, the article which will appear tomorrow will help to mobilise public opinion, I am sure.”

On listening to the reporter, Devi’s mood changed. She  became a bit complacent and agreed to have the interview. She said, “ Come in. Bear in mind that I can spare only  30 minutes for you. And make sure that you write a good and convincing article without an distortion of whatever I will say during this interview. ”

Marc followed Devi in the living room. He took a seat, took out his notebook and recorder. He started – “Madam, You have been working so passionately for the conservation of the natural aspect of this city. What are your motivations? How did you start  the movement for the preservation of the city ? ”

Devi explained that she has been militating for many causes throughout her life. She was born and bred in this city.  

She said, “This city has a character of its own, shaped over more than hundred and fifty years by its inhabitants and by those who governed the country. It embodies part of our country’s history. It is infused with artistic creation, delicate craftsmanship and architectural excellence.”

Actually, the city was built during colonial times. Houses were built with their base made of rocks and with the main structure built with wood. They are architectural marvels, with unique designs and symmetrical configuration. The town hall itself is an example. It is an imperious building, located in a park in the city centre, with large verandas and tall white pillars.   It is surrounded by a green lawn, has beautiful stone statues, reminding us of the history of the country. A small pond is found behind the building.  

At the outskirts of the city, there are houses built more than hundred and fifty years ago. They are all built with solid wood. They have sprawling  gardens with centenary trees and endemic plants.  Throughout the city, the environment is green, lush with plants and trees, allowing fresh and clean air.

Close to the city centre, there is a botanical garden with myriad of exotic and endemic plants, imposing palm trees and a great variety of ferns. Inside the garden, the atmosphere is serene, with birdsongs resounding from the trees and the sound of a stream of fresh water. The lanes and alleys in the garden are permeated with the aromatic scent of eucalyptus trees.

Devi continued, “I have no problem with change, but it should be for the better of the city and should be done with the consent of the city’s inhabitants. I have learnt that there are plans  to entrust the responsibility for the transformation of the city to private investors. The future of the city cannot be left in the hands of investors, whose priority motive is always  pecuniary.”

“I shall stand against this project and vehemently oppose any project which would stifle  this city with high rise buildings, huge malls, increase traffic and pollution. You see this city has its own beauty combining old and new, tradition and modernity. It is entrenched in history. This is what endows it with a uniqueness and an exquisite beauty.”

Devi pointed out that she would insist that the city should not lose its identity. She wants the environment to be protected.  In these times of environmental degradation, it is more than necessary to respect the monuments and historic buildings, the greenery and to preserve green spaces, she claimed.

 The reporter asked , “ What if the projects are concentrated in the city’s  outskirts?”

Devi explained that the first contention of her movement was that the city centre should be left untouched. None of the existing buildings should be demolished or obscured by the construction of new edifices.

She said, “ The outskirts are very special. They are full of colourful houses. Some illustrate ancient architecture and others look represent a mixture of traditional and modern architecture. At the farther end of the city, there is lush vegetation and  plantations held by small farmers. These parts of the city cannot be  jeopardised.” 

Devi affectionately said, “This  city could be named a garden city because it is the only town in the country with abundance of plants and trees, vegetation and greenery. Because of its cool climate, this city is a haven for plant life, a sanctuary for birds and offers a clean environment for human beings. It should remain  a green city and not be engulfed in the search for so called modernity.”  

Marc  said that the fight will undoubtedly be very difficult as the opponents are powerful  decision makers and influential financiers. He enquired whether she was optimistic about the cause that she is fighting for.  

Devi confidently replied, “ I have started a movement with some dedicated people. We share the same ideas. We  will continue to militate for our city and sensitise as many people as possible. We will call for discussions at the City Council meetings. We will  gather as many signatures as possible for a petition to the Government.”

“I know that the inhabitants of the city will not be insensitive to the cause and we will do everything possible to stand against any project which would disfigure this place. ” With this, Devi said I have to leave you and proceed to the City Council to make a presentation of our arguments for the conservation of the city.

March 19, 2021 18:12

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