Dear Congress its hot

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about another day in a heatwave. ... view prompt



Dear Congress

I am an American citizen born and raised to believe in the truth. Especially with God, government, state and community necessary as they should be under God's will first. There is a truth about my life and the people who have been torn in and out of it as most people in the world except my life has ties involvement and a heavy red hand of the government that has until now remained out of light were the truth exsit. My parents have not made the best decisions for allowing me a normal childhood do to the choice made by my father when I was four on July 27 1981. For $9,000 dollars he agreed to kidnapp Adam Walsh in Hollywood Florida at a shopping Mall and used me to lure him to the bathroom were he grabbed up Adam before he walked in and ran out the mall to take him to Ottis Toole in another parking lot not to far away. Pete Mims his boss was there and took a picture of kidnapping as he was grabbed and ran away. I was given as a free sacrifice for an alibi to be more believable. From Ottis Toole and his accomplish given to a person I already knew as a person that worked with the government and it's agencies that has been nicknamed the diplomat. We flew across the Atlantic ocean to Africa and landed directly on wildlife refuge land. Were a rhino was to play a role in the death of Adam Walsh and a piecing of the skull to me all on film for some unreasonable request I'm sure. The rhino was tracked down with me attached to the horn. Sedated and put on a flat trailer and pulled to the nearest runway were a mobile trama unit used in head injuries for citizens injured outside the United States of some funding with ties to religious organizations. I lost a piece of skull on the side of my head were the horn poked thru the top and out above an ear. There was a European human trail going on near enough to be considered by the diplomat for a bone replacement that was needed for reconstruction of my skull. The human trail involved baboon bone used as replacement in actual bone damaged or lost grafted on to original human bone at damaged area. The baboon bone would now grow naturally with the bodies on healing after breakage. They also had to remove two pieces of my brain that had been damaged due to the rhino's horn puncture. I and Adam Walsh's body and head started back continuing around the world heading to Australia for a stop at cuber pebe for the diplomat to make an appearance with the child who was struck by a rhino still wearing bandages from operation. There was a military photographer from United States and a Australian government related photographer that both took pictures of the diplomat and me sitting at the underground bar. Then somewhere over the Pacific ocean the smell of death had became overwhelming causing the request to place the body further back in the plane. Adam Walsh's decapitated from the attempt to attach his head to the rhino and film the body hanging limp perhaps in some kidnapping scheme for explaining his death with video evidence went horrible wrong as his body quickly detached due to violent thrashing of the rhino. Now into the Pacific ocean his body fell. His head did make it back our return. It was dropped in to a urban cannal in Florida to be easily found. I was being kept at Ottis Toole house while my obvious scalp issues were healing. It would give every thing away to have it noticeable. Hence the mobile trama unit used in surgery. Ottis Toole was to find a replacement torso that would fit Adam Walsh's best resemblance to be burned at his mom's house in her backyard. Several attempts were made before the FBI watching him came back after Ottis as he was being arrested under obvious signs of wrong doing in his house I showed a passer by to convince in an effort to get a local deputy. It succeeded and Ottis Toole was being helped by the FBI and was latter released on a technicality. Before being caught officially a couple years later to be tried and convicted of serial killer status. He was put in prison and I was asked by the FBI who came to my high school to go with them to take part in his biography before his death in 1996 from pancreatic cancer. I was returned to my parents in Louisiana and no mention of kidnapping was to be talked of with FBI influence for restricting information. Pete Mims my father's boss again knocked opportunity to my door when Barry Seal requested water service help to increase water pressure for a shower bath in demand due to the Contras and Columbians training for military operations to be taking over land in South America that would be backed by United States if it was to succeed in creation due to the contras and Columbians failing to succeed at unity the attempt failed and a new country changing the map in South America ran by democracy never became Regan's administration accomplishment. So they settled for destroying Pablo Escobar's cartel housing and drug production platforms as many as they could get information on at the time of Pablo Escobar's involvement in government operations going on at the time that he was a key player in for reasons known to CIA. He came to Mena Arkansas at Barry Seals land given to him by the CIA for operations. Were Pete Mims had brought me that day and flew me out the country to see his place in Columbia that I might tell the CIA personal Stephen Shaffer what I saw Shaffer was afraid he would be killed and refused to go. I was flown there and back that day and Stephen Shaffer asked me if I would come back after school started that year to show him every were I went and seen on a picture taking trip that president Ronald Regan was going to see some of the pictures. To a child this was unable to refuse. I was left in Columbia and Stephen Shaffer told me it would be like a vacation for a couple of weeks then he would find some way to get me back home. No vacation for only enjoyment. Later my pastor arranged for my release and I was flown to Barks Dale AFB left to hide in a plane till my pastors return. Found by base personal brought to the commander of the base asked of my cargo which contained human body parts and documents containing information that the military considered important to be kept out of the wrong hands which I swiped from the cartel killers that showed me were they kept these documents for leverage against the government if needed. I wanted to let the proper people know they had these documents so I took a few with some of the propaganda the cartel killers gave me you will know as quiet weapons for secret wars. The base commander accepted the documents and the FBI kept the body parts. Stephen Shaffer took me to meet with some of the CIA on government land we had to sign contracts in a building before being let on the land. After a long road we finally came to a cross roads the size of two pipe lines meeting together there about. On red clay dirt was a stage and microphone with chairs while out in front was set up rows of chairs with higher sitting swivel chairs out to one side were I was told CIA officials from the Pentagon and people involved in planning operations like the one I was left on to suffer in South America. The field officer leader for the east coast was speaking to the crowd and suggested improper things that I as a child mentally was not prepared for. Early Stephen Shaffer had also mentioned improper things that resulted in the death of the field officer and 💯 FBI agents that were assigned to me as a child when I became captain of the Suicide Squad. There was an offer of 5000 dollars a month and my choice of any city in America to become a serial killer. They were to assist me and help me get started and established in the area of the country I chose. I refused and the 💯 FBI agents committed suicide in front of me in two mounds of fifty men that climbed on top of each other after each group of six men were shot in the head by contraptions I remember seeing as a younger child at the diplomats house. Once dead a eighteen Wheeler came with specific looking vans that they used to put the bodies in, but first there was a special device used for cutting the heads off of the bodies that worked very fast. The FBI had me load the heads and they loaded the bodies. The truck and vans went to a government building in the middle of a metropolitan looking area. Were the storage of dead bodies from all over the country go that come from places and people like the serial killer they tried to get me to become. These containers of bodies would be used to identify any missing person who had been murdered or taken to one of these pickup places after they were murdered. In a very efficient way of keeping track of any person than you could believe. I was told less actual missing persons exsit in America than reported. After all this Stephen Shaffer took me back to the ceremony for the plaque to be put on the wall in a CIA building that Stephen Shaffer work at. The award was symbolizing that I was the first child recognized by the government for helping CIA operations after my award other kids could now be recognized and awarded as well. This was to much for me to mentally take as a kid. I was and have been tramatized ever since. As if any time before wasn't enough. First the kidnapping with Adam Walsh then Pablo Escobar and the deaths of the South Americans that stayed in Oklahoma on the Indian reservation then the 💯 man Suicide by the FBI. Anyone of these experiences would be enough to tramatize a child. I am that child that suffered all three and grew up in silence of the truth now as a Man I demand the truth be told. I thank Congress for hearing my involvement in these unfortunate circumstances and ask for a presidencal pardon for all Americans involved from the very first kidnapping to any and all broken laws that happened during this process of hiding the truth that now as a Man I can no longer tolerate. Thank you very much and my prayers and respect will always be for our healing country that must be freed from the oppression of lies one truthful eyewitness at a time.

Dennis Homer Love JR

July 1 2020

August 07, 2020 01:16

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