
                   "Can you keep a secret?" she asked in a whisper as they walked along. They were going back from the hospital, having finished their shift of duties. Carla was a nurse in the Operation Theatre and Daniel, a resident in the Surgery Department. As they were often thrown together in the Operating Theatre, they had become friends. The few free weekends they got, they used to go dating. They were not serious yet. But had something going on between them.

                                                           Daniel was a little anxious. "Secret, Carla?" he said, "What about?" Carla paused. As they continued to walk, she said, "Shall we go to the Starbucks near here and talk?"

                                                           They gave their orders and sat waiting. Carla went to the counter and got a Frappuccino for herself and a Cappuccino for Daniel. They started sipping as they talked. "Go on Carla!" said Daniel, "I am eager to hear your secret."

                                                           "Well. It is a little scary for me to share, but share I must, as we are getting serious about ourselves. Will you be able to bear it Dan?" she said as she held his hand. "Oh! dear Carla, your hand is trembling. What is the matter? Don't you have confidence in me?" said Daniel.

                                                           "This is about my childhood, Daniel. I come from a broken family back in Kentucky. When I was just sixteen, I had a bitter experience. I, I was reaped by a cousin who was on drugs and became pregnant. He just left me asking me to get an abortion done. He was so mean. I don't want to even name him. My Mom was also saying, "Go on get an abortion. It’s okay."

                                               Daniel left his cup untouched as he was keenly listening to her. "Go on Carla, what happened then?"

                                      "Meanwhile, Daniel, I had left drugs and the sleazy way of life and had found Christ. As I told you earlier, I had gone to a youth camp of a Church. Juliet my roommate forced me to go.

                                        There I found what really matters. Realizing my sins, I repented from them and sought the Lord Jesus Christ to help me. All my sins I felt dropped away as He poured His love into me. I was cleansed and renewed!  I felt joy and peace I had never felt before. But after I came home, I still had to decide. I was on the horns of a dilemma. Do I go on and have an abortion? Or become an unwed mom?"

                                               Daniel held Carla's hand and felt her sweat as she spoke. "I sought some help from the Pastor at the church I was beginning to go. Pastor Charles was clear. He said that it would be a sin, murder, no less if I abort myself. He suggested that I go to another place, give birth and give away the baby for adoption. He sorted out all the details for me. I listened to him and did as he advised. I had given my word that I will never ask for the details of the foster parents and I kept my word. I just wanted you to know this in case we go further in our relationship."

                                               She looked keenly at Daniel. He smiled. "My dear Carla! You don't need to worry. We are both saved by the Lord Jesus Christ who forgives all our past sins. I am so happy that you didn't succumb to social pressure and resort to an abortion, which I am sure is murder," he replied as he took her in his arms. "You did the right thing dear. I am proud of you," he said as he hugged her.

                                "My dear Carla! You don't need to worry. We are both saved by the Lord Jesus Christ who forgives all our past sins. I am so happy that you didn't succumb to social pressure and resort to an abortion, which I am sure is murder," he replied as he took her in his arms. "You did the right thing and I am proud of you," he said as he hugged her.

                                       Carla was very happy, "I never thought you will take it in this spirit, Dan," she replied through her tears, "I was wondering whether and how to share this secret with you for the past few weeks. Not everyone would have taken it in their stride the way you did. I love you, Dan"

                                   Dan smiled. "It's time for our secrets. Time for confessions for the two of us. Shall I tell you one of mine dear? Can I be sure you won't run away from me?"

                                   Carla became tense. "You have a secret too? I thought I knew you like an open book?" she said as she looked deep into his eyes. He flinched. "I have never talked about this with anyone Carla. But I feel I must share with you. I had a difficult childhood. My Mom was widowed, and we were for a while, homeless. My Mom used to recycle bottles and get us money for food." Carla responded, "I cannot imagine that Dan. You, a homeless boy?"

                         "Well, I was. My mom and I struggled for quite a bit. Only by God's grace, we got into a shelter run by some concerned Christian believers. There we found Christ and slowly could build our lives up.

                            I struggled with my med school as I had to pay my way. I used to work in cafeterias and supermarkets to make the two ends meet. I somehow managed to finish med school and get this residency, all by God's grace. I am ever grateful to God. Ans also to my dear Mom. She went through much hardship to make me what I am today."

                                   Carla smiled. ”Now I understand why you are so kind and compassionate especially to those who are less fortunate than us. I am so happy you shared this with me, dear Dan. I respect and love you more because of this," she said, as she hugged him.

                                   Days passed by. Suddenly one day there was a problem in the Operation Theater. There was a major slip up by one of the student nurses who were helping. The end result was that the patient on the table almost lost his life. Carla jumped in and saved the patient. But at the end of the day, she was taken to task by the Nursing Manager, Brenda.

                         Brenda called Carla to her room and gave her a dressing down. "Why did you give that slip of a girl the responsibility to monitor the patient's blood gas levels? She was doodling and drowsy I think, and we would have lost that patient on the table. You must take your work more seriously Carla. I am warning you." Carla's eyes smarted. She could barely keep herself from tearing up.

                         "Not a word, not a word does she say about how I managed to avert the crisis and save the patient. Not a word of appreciation. She only talks about the lapse of using the student nurse. How narrow-minded can people be?" thought Carla as she left the room and walked over to the Cafeteria.

                                   Daniel was relaxing after his duty. He was just sipping his cappuccino. Carla appeared there and sat in front of him. She looked at him. Tears flowed as she counted the day's events to him.

                                   He hugged her close to him and reassured her. "You are a child of God Carla. These people are always looking for ways to put down others. Your self-esteem is from God. God loves you and made you. So, don't you worry about this. Go on as though nothing happened. Be assured that you are worthy in His sight. People don't matter as much as God. What we are in the sight of God is what matters, in the final run. Remember that Carla."

                                   Carla wiped her tears. Dan went and got her a drink of lemon tea. She sat sipping it. She slowly cooled down. "I, uh,  I am sorry I lost control Dan," she said softly, "I was becoming mad with rage after I heard Brenda speak so unkindly."

                                   "I can understand Carla. Don't worry. We all have our ups and downs. Let us support each other and grow stronger in our faith

August 16, 2020 13:44

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