
He was eleven years old and had to leave his birth country to go and live in a foreign country for better life prospects.

Life changed as a light switch from on to off he didn't have a clue of what to expect in this foreign land. At first, he lived with family in a small town. He was not familiar with this family and lived in a small house. Each day was a nightmare to go out with friends and to meet boys of his age group to behave as an eleven-year-old boy.

The eleven-year-old boy thought lots of his childhood he had left behind and could not get over that experience. In his mind one day he would return home to the past experiences and happy life he had.

All his years spent in a different place has led the boy to feel unhappy in his life.

It was hard to be away from his mother and other family and life in the past was not fruitful and John knew that life and no other life.

His father passed on when was ten years old and everything else slipped by this boy’s life. The only life he knew did not exist anymore for this boy.

The life he was born into was the only life he lived and the move to a foreign land at the age of eleven made the boy feel lost in himself.

New surroundings and new people confused this boy in a small town.

Many years passed by and the once eleven-year-old boy had grown into a tall dark and handsome young man.

He met and married a woman a year older than he and had two beautiful children a son and a daughter. In this lime he longed to visit home the place he left when he was a boy.

The childhood years flew by without a doubt the boy’s heart was half-filled living in a foreign place.

His life was back home and nothing or no one could keep him home from going back to the life he enjoyed

Two years passed by and John went back home to find his mother no longer alive and other families were not sweet-talking to him.

This was a disappointment and to think John had a life back home for himself as when he had left years ago as a child was a fantasy.

Little did John know of what life would be in his hometown after the war destroyed what once was his home and had not in existence.

The baron gray village had no appeal to John to look further for his mother was killed by savages in the war as most of John’s family, the destructive earth left John to figure out his life in a different place.

In both worlds for John everything felt strange, lonely and in a different place.

John and his family were not pleased with their visit to a place destroyed by war and felt no peace to live back in his hometown. This gave John a change of heart to stay in his hometown and went back to the place that gave him everything when he had nothing to live off.

To be back in his adoptive country and to live that normal life with his wife and children gave John a sense of direction to a better life than the one he had in the past.

Still, in John’s heart his home from his past felt the closest and the best for him. The adventure in John’s life was huge and gained the strengths from these adventures.

Back home for John and this time for the rest of his life.

John divorced his first wife when the children were much older and left his adoptive country to reside back home where his heart yearned to be all these years.

His arrival back home was not what he had expected. People were not the same toward him and John expected everything to be as he had left it.

Unfortunately, for john he did not get that warm welcome he wanted from family and friends.

Nobody welcomed John in open arms they did not accept John back as part of their community. John was back in his adoptive country where the people of his hometown were affected by the war. They experienced an awful time through the war and felt John was selfish for not being there at that time.

A returnee and hoped for a friendly welcome destroyed John’s self-worth. The whole time John wanted to feel welcomed and accepted people he once knew from his past ignored him and treated him as an outsider.

John’s second wife did not feel comfortable in the presence of the local people and John was torn between his family and second wife. A life that John felt would work well for everyone and for himself did not work well from the moment he arrived.

This life destroyed friendships and family relationships for john.

Family of John were not impressed with john’s return home.

The community shunned John’s wife and John was affected by other negative behaviors from the village people. A different place for John and family and the problem didn’t disappear.

Many issues affected John and these issues affected John and his immediate family. They couldn’t live their lives as husband and wife.

Other people intervened and wanted john and his wife to live as the locals lived theirs.

Comments about the international woman John married became a gossip in the neighborhood. People added on gossips and this carried on every day in the community.

Heads turned people talked and John ignored their gossips while the wife was affected, and she gave up on living there any longer.

They under false pretenses showed a friendly smile to John’s wife though Johns wife, Sarah knew there was no truth in that she had to leave John and go back to her birthplace.

Many years passed by and John wanted it no other way than to live in his hometown.

Even though nothing felt the same and nobody accepted John back in the community John wanted to have that past life for himself.

A life that no longer existed and people no longer were the same in their behaviors.

In john’s life he held on to the past and never let go of that life and that is all that mattered.

October 13, 2019 11:39

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Anna Luksha
18:25 Oct 24, 2019

If you don't mind me saying so, I think it could use some work. If possible, be more detailed. "John went back to his adoptive country, but he wasn't happy. John divorced his first wife when the children were older. John went back to his home country and remarried, but his second wife was not happy there." Or, "The life the little eleven year old boy longed for was crushed beneath his fingers. War had plauged the land and the people were no longer welcoming him with open arms. When the tall dark handsome man grew to love another, the woman b...


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Lizzy Wilson
12:30 Oct 25, 2019

This story is really good. Lots of emotions.


21:00 Oct 25, 2019

Thank you for that I appreciate your concern


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