Escape The Tripling Fate 3.65

Submitted into Contest #84 in response to: Write a story that spans exactly a year and takes place in a single room.... view prompt


Horror Fiction Suspense

March 15, 1999

I heard sirens blazing. Something made me go into a daze, like I was watching a building go up into flames. 

April 15, 2020

I now question whether I will make it out alive.. Will I? Because really I am starting to question if this is a true fairy tale divine.

February 28, 2020

I woke up. It felt strange. It was like the whole world decided that today, it would cave. I had walked out into the living room, my feet cold on the hard tile. I was watching as my father cried when he saw the madness that was going on. The madness that had gone on during the peaceful midnight sky.

There was nothing ever good in the past. It seemed in the 95 decades of my family’s human lives, nothing nice would ever be gracefully cast upon us. Sneaking outside, all I could find were my books that I like to think of as symbols of my future lives, hidden in a deep cave I found, when I was just hoping I would waste all my time.

I took a wrong turn when I was walking on the unfamiliar terrain, trying to explore what I could before it would be considered too late. I found this inviting nice cabin, with an old lady dressed nicely, waving kindly. Magnetic energy. That’s all I felt when I saw her. She had purple tulips in her garden and I wanted to add them into a spice mix I had been dying to complete before I had wasted all my seemingly endless time. I walked up to her inviting smile, and asked politely for one of the beautiful petals that were right next to her diamonds. Her diamond roses, mesmerize, everyone, so don’t look or you will die.

I took one and was surprised. It was a beauty, and I had this undying urge to bring it to my little old house, directly in the middle of a floor, and I could not understand why. I climbed back through into my window, finding my father asleep on the sofa in the living room as I had stepped to check if he was inside. 

March 14, 2020

“You foolish little girl.” I swore I heard a voice talking into my ear. “Are you ready to escape?”

The strange giggle was sweet but scary, and when I heard it, I jolted up. My door had slammed shut.

“Escape your tripling fate. Tulip three had been plucked and placed. Escape your fate. 365, 365, when will you get out and, survive the night? 365, 365, all you’re getting is 365.” I felt a shiver climb up my whole body. There was a voice of a young girl singing a rhyme in a very unsettling way. A paper floated down onto my lap. I was petrified. The lights were out, and all I could hear were cries.

Suddenly the lights flickered on. I had a paper and I saw an unfamiliar notebook. I picked up the paper and desperately flipped it around to try and find what I was going to do with my life. It was an old paper. It was stained yellow, and I managed to read: “Notebook of escaping universe tripled by number 9. Find a pen, scribble down, important times. March 15, 2029. Hear a siren, write down, pray, and cry. Only 4 times. Do spontaneous things, you will survive. 365. You only have 365. Write down every time. Only 4 times, as I get smaller throughout the night. Crack the code, you’re free, so never let yourself give into easy defeat.”

April 15, 2020

I heard a siren. I still can’t crack a code and I can see the room getting smaller. Only by about half an inch but it is still torture. Shadows are always in my room. The ink is a strange dark red. I could hear music and giggles of young girls playing around. Right at midnight the lights would start to flicker. I never got any light, only darkness except for the flicking spooky fast swipes. Wasting time was always my goal in this life, but I can see how special it is as I write this at the strange time of midnight. I saw an orange under my bed, I had this urge to throw it at my wall instantly. I did and I felt more peaceful which was nice. I wish I could just escape this torturing time. I look at the world still moving as I glance upon the big city. When I could have the courage to open my eyes and not fall to my knees and cry. Crack the code I must, I will crack the code.

July 24, 2020

Universe tripled by 9. March 15, 2029. I first felt a weird daze on the same day of March 15 except it was 1999. Everyday I would hear different voices. I heard a whole world. A universe. Is this a universe? Am I in a dead universe tripled by 9? I will try to remember why I was in a daze. The question still remains. Why does it die? I can find a page in this book and I wrote it. I do not remember that time. Does my memory get erased every time I pick up this pen and start to write? I have been in here for days now. Do my tallies I scratched on my wall even mean something?

November 1, 2020

It has been days now and I am in pain. The walls seem to be so thin, I could hear things that are making me break. I hear gunshots. I hear yelling. I hear ones in pain. I can hear the screams and I could hear crackling fire. Then it would become silent. For some time. I would try and curl up in the middle of the room just so when it all gets smaller, I could not suffocate. It goes through everything. I feel I will not survive. I will write my final time. My tallies are days and I have been alive here for long. Do I only survive 365 days? Only a year? I feel next time, I should write all my findings. I have been through pain. I had forced empathy brought upon me. Both emotional, mental, and physical pain of the ones I could not even see. The fate of the poor universe multiplied by 9, I am sorry you had to go through such a suffocating end, and now you have to take revenge.

April 15, 2021

I am writing so fast and my eyes are blurry. My tallies are gone. The walls are closing and my lungs are going to fall. 365 days in this place, and I can not find the code. I hope those who make it this far, will not find such painful ends. Do not waste your life time. I can not even write this pen is falling, it is failing. The last thing I will ever see is the things I write. Torture was my last feeling, my last year of life. I hope nobody makes it this far into this trap, considering how easily I fell. Anyone who reads this, consider changing your minds. Or you will be very desperate, and wish you would have taken my advice.

March 15, 2029

“This is dark…” stuttered a pretty blonde boy. “Yeah and I feel this person was me. I can’t believe I found this book… Escape the tripling fate? This is strange because you helped me find this tulip the nice little old lady gave us! This is a cool coincidence. Come on, let’s go home!”

March 07, 2021 18:40

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Harlow Jones
18:02 Mar 18, 2021

Hi Kim, what an interesting read! This might sound strange, but I really enjoyed how I felt like I was going crazy with the main character. It reminded me of "Life of Pi" and "The Yellow Wallpaper." At times, I was confused as to what was going on. I might just need to read it again to understand. Lastly, I also wrote a story for this prompt AND in diary format! You can find it here: Again, great job, and keep it up! Best, Harlow


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Mustang Patty
15:33 Mar 14, 2021

Hi, Kim, Great use of the Diary format. Thank you for sharing this story, ~MP~


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