
"The art museum was a lovely choice for a place to meetup," Becca said with a charming smile. 

Vaughn did feel charmed. He was nervous, but Becca seemed so confident. She had agreed to be there with him, hadn't she? There was no reason to be nervous, he told himself. 

"Yeah, I come here all the time," Vaughn said. "I don't actually know anything about art, but it makes for a pleasant atmosphere." 

Becca giggled, and Vaughn's ears got hot. 

"I don't know much about art, either, but I like the way it makes me feel," She winked. 

Vaughn's heart skipped a beat, but he held his composure enough to say, "So tell me about yourself."

They strolled by the exhibits at a leisurely pace, stopping briefly to examine whatever piqued their interests, though they were only partly paying attention to the art around them. They held themselves at a comfortable distance from each other. They were practically strangers after all. 

"Well, I'm a teacher, which is usually more wonderful than terrible, but sometimes the scales tip the wrong way. I teach 2nd grade. I adore the kids, but the pay is wretched. So I do this to supplement my income." When she said this, she gestured at Vaughn. "Oh, and I'm engaged! Planning a fall wedding. I've always wanted a fall wedding."

"You're engaged? And your partner is ok with this?" Vaughn gestured to himself. 

"Yep. He's very supportive. Real stand up guy. He's in seminary right now, studying to be a preacher. I'm going to be a preacher's wife. Imagine that." Becca laughed easily. 

"Seems a difficult thing to reconcile. Christian faith and sex work." Vaughn was still trying to work through his shock. 

"What do you mean? Jesus loves sluts." Becca gave him a beaming smile. 

"Well, yes. Right. Of course." Vaughn chuckled. 

"What about you?" Becca asked. 

"Oh, I'm a pharmacist," Vaughn said, "It's good work."

"That's important work," Becca said with a nod. Then she asked, "Are you married or partnered?" 

"No," Vaughn responded with a shy smile. "I was so focused on school for such a long time, you know?" 

"That's understandable," Becca replied. 

They had circled back to the front of the museum. Becca stopped and clicked her heels. "Well!" she said, "Would you like to go to your place? 

"Yeah, if you're comfortable with that," Vaughn responded. 

"Certainly," Becca said, "I share my location with my partner and a few close friends. No one is going to come after you or anything. It's just for my own safety."

"Sounds good," Vaughn said. 

Becca took his hand then, and they left the museum together. They continued to chat as they walked the few blocks to Vaughn's apartment. They both had family nearby. Vaughn visited his parents about once a month and got along alright with his sister. Becca used to be close with her family members but differences in religious and political opinions had been a source of tension as she'd gotten older. 

Vaughn's apartment was small but sweet. The living room was only large enough for a loveseat, a bookshelf, a coffee table, and the tv. Becca glanced at the video games (mostly RPGs) and books (mostly sci-fi) on the shelf before following Vaughn to the bedroom. He'd closed the curtains and turned on the salt lamp on his bedside table, so the room was dark but warm. Vaughn sat on the edge of the bed. Becca set her purse down on the bedside table next to an envelope of cash. She checked the amount, and then went to Vaughn for a kiss. 

It was a slow, gentle, exploratory kiss. Her hands lightly grazed his neck. His hands tentatively traced her waist. She pulled back slightly and then gave him another peck of a kiss before saying, "I told you before we met up that I'm on my period. I have to go change my cup before we get started, ok?" 

"Your cup?" Vaughn asked. 

"Yeah, I have a hard cup in right now, but I change to a soft cup during sex. You haven't heard of cups? I guess they're not as common as tampons or pads, but I prefer them, especially since I can wear a soft cup during intercourse. It usually keeps things less messy. I brought a towel with me, too, though. Just in case." She produced these items from her purse while she spoke. 

"Becca, I need to tell you something," Vaughn squirmed a little. 

Becca sat next to him on the bed, but she turned so that she was facing him. She placed her hand over his and gave it a slight squeeze. "What is it?" she asked? 

Vaughn took a breath, and then said, "I'm pretty inexperienced with women. I've only been with a handful, and I don't really know what I'm doing. And - And I - I come really quickly." 

If Becca was surprised, she hid it well. "Oh that's not a problem at all," she said. "I think it's flattering when men come quickly. And I'm happy to answer any questions you might have or try things with you that you haven't done before."

Vaughn was visibly relieved. "Cool. Thank you," He said with a smile. Then he added, "Can I watch you change your cup? Is that too weird? That just seems like kind of a large object you pulled out of your bag, and I want to understand." 

"Sure!" Becca said with a laugh. "It's not a very sexy thing to watch, but I can understand your curiosity." 

She stood and unceremoniously undressed, casually folding her clothes and setting them on the floor next to the bedside table. She grabbed the soft cup and laughed again, saying, "It does look precariously large, doesn't it?" Vaughn laughed with her. 

They went to the bathroom together where she carefully pulled the hard cup out of her vagina and showed it to him. "It holds a lot of blood, right?" She said. 

"Impressive!" he nodded. 

She dumped the blood into the toilet, rinsed the hard cup in the sink, and showed him how she usually folds it up in order to get it to fit inside her vagina. Then she set the hard cup on top of a piece of toilet paper on the counter and began to open the packaging around the soft cup. "They look big, but they're very flexible. And soft cups are disposable." She held the soft cup up for him to look at before she folded it and inserted it into her vagina. Vaughn watched all of this with great interest. 

"Women are fascinating creatures, huh?" Becca said while she washed her hands. 

"Yes!" Vaughn agreed. "Thank you for being cool about my curiosity." 

"Thank you for being cool about periods. So many guys are grossed out by them." Becca was drying her hands. 

"Really?" Vaughn said, "But it's 2019!" 

"Yep. You'd be surprised by the asinine things that men are still saying about periods in 2019. So seriously. Thanks for being cool." 

She kissed him lightly and then went back to the bedroom with him. She went to her purse and pulled something else out while Vaughn undressed.

"Would you like a blowjob with a flavored condom?" She offered. "It might help you last longer. Most guys say it still feels good, but the sensation is dulled just a bit, you know?" 

"Oh that's a good idea. I've never tried a flavored condom before. You don't mind them?" Vaughn was getting into the bed. 

"I don't like every flavor, but I do like strawberry daiquiri!" Becca beamed. 

She got in bed with him. They kissed and explored each other's bodies further, smiling little smiles at each other during particularly enjoyable sensations. Then she pulled her hair back while he put the flavored condom on. When she lowered her mouth onto him, he shuddered with pleasure. After a few moments he said, "Yeah, this feels really good." Another few moments later he said, "Oh, I'm coming." When he was finished, Becca snuggled up to him and said, "I'm so glad it felt good for you." Vaughn held her for another moment before he went to the bathroom to clean himself up. 

When he returned, Becca said, "Well, you've got me for three hours. How about naked snuggles and video games until you're ready for round two?" 

"Sounds great," Vaughn said with a smile. 

They agreed on a game and then cozied up together on the loveseat, laughing and chatting as they played. The hours passed in a breeze, with each of them genuinely enjoying each other's company. It felt like hardly any time at all before Vaughn was ready for sex again, this time choosing intercourse. It was another lovely experience, and he stayed in his bed for a little while to bask in it while Becca cleaned up. 

While she was getting dressed, he motioned to get up, but she said, "You don't have to see me out. It's alright. Stay cozy." She tucked the cash-filled envelope into her purse, and then leaned down to kiss Vaughn one last time. 

They thanked each other for a pleasant evening and agreed to do it again sometime.

February 20, 2021 01:54

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