Fiction Friendship Drama

"Heyy step aside a bit!! Don't block other people's paths," angrily a man named Zack. Liz frowned. "I'm standing near the edge of the path. It's not like I'm blocking your path," Liz scolded Zack back. Zack rolled his eyes. "You make a lot of noise. You're on the sidelines. But you're fat, still blocking people's way," said Zack. Liz gasped. She shook her head. "How dare you. From now on, I don't want to hear anything more from you." Liz ran to leave the place.

Liz is not as fat as expected. Zack deliberately wanted to play with Liz but accidentally shattered Liz's heart. He feels guilty. Liz's friend hit Zack on the shoulder. "It's bad of you. Pity for Liz. She's thin but you said she's fat. She must not want to be your friend after this," said Liz's friend. "I didn't mean to," Zack said guiltily.

"You should apologize to her," said another of Liz's friends. Zack shook his head. "Ah, I don't care. She wants to be friends or not, that's her problem. Who told her to feel," said Zack and left, leaving Liz's friend who was angry with him.

“How can he say like that? He supposes to apologize,” said one of Liz’s friends. “Do you think Liz really taken back of his words?” asked Amber. The question invited a shrug from his friend's friend. “I guess,” said Sean. They all returned to their homes before dusk.

The next day...

Liz walked past the 5-3 class. "Liz, wait!!" Zack shouted from inside the classroom. Liz ignored Zack's call. She kept moving to her class without looking back. Zack sighed. "Should I apologize? But it's not my fault either. She's the one who take serious my joke," Zack said, not wanting to blame himself.

Liz always avoids colliding with Zack. Same with Zack but every time they try to avoid meeting, they always collide. There is one attraction that draws them both together. They were also puzzled. They don’t want to meet but destiny always unites the two of them.

On graduation day...

Liz and her friend looked happy chatting at the dining table. Zack and his friend come to Liz's dining table. "Hi everyone," said Zack. The smile on Liz's lips disappeared. "Hi. Please, have a seat," Amber said. Zack and his friend sat down with them. "Have you thought about where you want to continue studying?" Sean asked everyone at the table. "I think I want to work. Easy. Find money, can support my family," Liz replied. The others just nodded. "How about you Zack? Want to continue studying or work, like Liz," Sean asked.

Zack just shrugged. "I don't think about this. If it's really hard, I'll work instead. There's no need to think long," Zack replied, looking at Liz. Liz averted Zack's gaze. He sighed. "Are you okay, Zack?" Amber asked. Zack nodded. "Yea I’m okay," Zack replied indifferently.

"Apparently, today is the last day we can chat. After this, everyone will split up in their respective directions," said Keyna. Gloomy faces began to fill the space. "I don't want us to lost contact. So, we must always call when we have time, understand?" said Liz. Everyone nodded except Zack. All eyes were on Zack. "Zack?" Zack looked at everyone. "Ah, yes I agree," Zack said. They took pictures together for the last time. Zack and Liz stood side by side.

5 years later...

Liz stood in front of the flower shop door. She watched the store next to her. "It looks like there will be a cafe next door," said Liz and entered the store. She opened a flower shop during those 5 years and her shop was well received. She is proud of her success.

She sniffed the scent of flowers in the morning. "It's fragrant, so fresh," Liz said as soon as she stepped into her shop. She received many flower orders. She didn’t hire workers because she wanted to do it alone. She enjoyed doing the work.

The next day, a man comes to Liz's store. "Welcome," Liz said. "Is there anything I can help with?" Liz asked politely. She followed the man around the store. "I want to make a reservation. I don't know how to do it. I hope you can help," said the man while scratching his neck which did not feel itchy.

Liz led the man to a seat. "Please have a seat. Can you tell me in detail what kind of flower do you want?" Liz asked. The man was silent as he looked at Liz's face. Liz is weird. Is there something on her face? Liz turned to the mirror to examine her face. "Liz??" Liz looked at the man. "You know me?" Liz asked back. The man opened the face mask he was wearing. Liz paused. "Zack..." Liz stood up quickly. Zack also stood. He looked at Liz. "You've changed a lot. You're more beautiful," Zack praised. The compliment made Liz unhappy.

Liz coughed. She looked at the paper she was holding. "So, what kind of composition?" Liz asked. “I wanted the right flower for the opening and inauguration of the cafe,” Zack said. Liz looked at Zack. "So, the cafe next door, your cafe?" Liz asked again. Zack nodded. Liz jotted down what was on her mind. "Well, tomorrow morning you can pick up your order," Liz said. Zack nodded. He said thank you and left the store. As soon as Zack came out of the store, Liz proceeded to pick up some flowers and compose them as appropriate.

The next day...

Liz stood in front of the cafe that was about to open. In less than 5 minutes, Zack arrived. "It’s still early you were standing in front of this. The cafe isn't open yet," said Zack while unlocking the cafe. "I came to send your order yesterday," Liz explained making Zack nod. "Come in," Zack invited. Liz walked into Zack's cafe. She observed the condition and decoration of the cafe. She placed the flower on the counter table. "So how? Beautiful?" asked Zack as he saw Liz staring at his cafe.

Liz nodded. Her eyes blinked a few times making her awake from reverie. "My work is done. I'll go back to the store first," Liz said and left Zack's cafe. Events during school came back fresh in Liz's mind. She snorted. She remembered the incident and tried not to communicate with Zack. So is Zack. They try not to talk to each other.

A month has passed but they are still not trying to get better. Since Zack opened the cafe next to Liz’s flower shop, he has felt calm. Honestly, Zack already feels comfortable with Liz. He wants to always be by Liz's side. Liz did too. But they are so ego. Their ego is too high causing them to deny that feeling. Each of them does not want to express feelings and ignores those feelings. Despite the fact that they need each other, they are willing to deny that feeling and live that way.

May 19, 2021 08:23

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