African American Teens & Young Adult

Ms. Jackie, the sweet librarian that we all knew and loved, had left the building in that moment because she busted through that door like the SWAT TEAM! She was not playing and she came to let them know that she was NOT THE ONE and that most certainly was NOT THE DAY!! The disrespectful little trolls were doing what they always do, talking loud, cursing, bragging about how they turn up, and disrupting the entire computer lab. Without any warning, the door of the lab flew open as if a tornado had hit the building and she screamed at the top of her lungs. She yelled and said that is it, you have been told three times to keep it down and stop disturbing other people. I had been going to that library for over five years had many encounters with Ms. Jackie, I even observed her getting upset, but never had I seen her in this kind of rage! The young people were also surprised as she demanded that they log off of the computers, gather all of their belongings, start calling their rides then screamed at them to get out of the lab RIGHT NOW! One of the ladies working in the lab reminded them that they showed no respect or care for the other people in the library who may have been working on something very important. These kids just acted like she did not say anything and went back to trying to argue with Ms. Jackie, the librarian who made it very clear that their time was up. They had plenty of chances to keep the noise down, but decided they were going to do keep turning up and have a good time. Ms. Jackie told them that they were acting like little immature children who could not be left alone because the did not know how to act. That did not sit well with the kids so an argument pursued, one of the young girls told her that she was doing way too much and she needed to lower her voice. That statement only made this made the situation worse, because it set the librarian into a rage as she told the young girl that she needed to learn to respect her elders. This crazy little girl jumped up on the table and started screaming about how the elders did not deserve to be respected because they do not give it. Her friend began to agree with her and screamed that they should be allowed to do what they want to do as long as they are not bothering anyone. This statement was extremely confusing to me and the rest of the people in the lab, because they were most certainly bothering us. There was not one person who did not complain about the loud talking, the disrespect and the fact that they were acting like it was a party in there. There were quite a few of us who asked them to please keep it down, or to please respect the library and people working. They did not pay any attention to the things we said and ignored the fact that we were choosing to address them in a polite manner. It was because of us that Ms. Jackie had to keep coming in there to talk to them, since we we kept going out there letting them know the kids were still acting up. There was an elderly gentleman who asked the kids to keep it down, they immediately snapped and just cussed him out so he went to report them to the people at the front desk. He tried to explain to the young people that the library used to be a place where you could go to find peace of mind because there was a mutual respect for definite and deliberate silence. He shared with them that when you walked into a library, it seemed as if you could hear the breath of each person in the building, most conversations were held in a whispering manner so you heard almost no talking at all. Making any kind of noise in the library was completely unheard of which made it the perfect place to go and study or do difficult assignments. Those disrespectful kids looked at him like he was from another planet then bursted into a sea of laughter while telling him how out of date his thinking was. Ms. Jackie had calmed down for a quick second but was so amazed at the disrespect for the elderly man, that she snapped again! Things were happening so fast, now she is yelling at the first girl to get her butt down off of the table, while telling the other one to watch her mouth, because the young girl was cursing. These children were between the ages of twelve and fifteen and they would bully other kids who were at the library just trying to do what they were supposed to be doing. There was another lady in there wearing a very cute blue head wrap and matching tank top who jumped up out of her seat to help because she thought the second little girl was moving towards Ms. Jackie. The scene went from bad to worse when one of the young boys decided to call the librarian a sellout because she was harassing her own people. That set off another grown man who had already checked the kids earlier that day, he proceeded to tell the young man to shut his mouth, he was one of the one the kids did not disrespect. This man had to stand up out of his seat to restore order in the lab and he was instrumental in helping Ms. Jackie walk them out of there one by one, as he made sure none of them got close to her. This situation took a total of twenty minutes to calm down and get them out of there, which was extremely unacceptable since they had security on the grounds. I was very annoyed at this point, because the so-called security who should have been handling that situation was missing in action. The last time I laid eyes on him, he was smiling because he was being entertained by something on his phone, he always had his face in that phone. I am not sure why they kept him on staff, he is the type of person who should not be working security at all because even if he would engage the children, he would be COOL WITH THEM. I was there trying to get some work done, finishing up a book to be exact and these kids were working on my last good nerve. I would literally drive miles to other libraries that kept this kind of thing in check, because the truth is some of these employees are afraid of these kids. They do not want any smoke, as the young people say, I would get sick watching the way the workers at certain libraries would just let the kids act up instead of keeping them in check. I can say on this day Ms. Jackie was not having it, I am also thankful for the gentleman who stood up like a real man and stayed by her side to make sure that she was safe. As for the security, if only he cared about living up to what his badge said, this would have ended quickly. I am sure that he was somewhere smiling and liking pics on Instagram when he should have been handling this situation. Once again, thanks to that Real Man in the lab who stood up, things were handled without any violence. The disrespectful kids were gone and after around thirty minutes, there was finally Peace And Quiet!

April 25, 2021 17:48

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