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"It's a beautiful day today" said Marie Finnegan, while swimming with her husband Obadia, son Daniel and the rest of their large family. "Yes, I agree" said Obadia. "Now, let's make sure that we all stay safely together to enjoy this wonderful day"

Marie gasps, then screams "DANIEL!" "Yes father" responds Daniel. "Where do you think you are going", asks Obadia. "Well...I was just trying to"...Marie says "Son, we've told you a million times, we MUST always stay together". Daniel, frustrated, responds

"There are so many cool places to see and other fish to meet but the whole group doesn’t fit or they run away! I wish I could do things on my own for once" exclaims Daniel.

"If I can get to the surface before anyone notices, I will be a legend" says Daniel. "DANIEL"! "Where do you think you're doing young fin?" yells Marie. 

“How many times does your father and I have to tell you how dangerous wondering off is. You can get seriously hurt", emphasized Marie. 

"But Mom! We never do anything exciting and I was just swimming to the top. What's so dangerous about that" asked Daniel. 

"There are things about life you just don't understand yet Son. Dangers out there that we must protect you from", explains Marie.

"Mon and Dad have no idea what they are talking about! What dangers? I'm tired of always being with the group...I want to be different" sighed Daniel.  

"Look Daniel, the importance of moving as a unit is not just for your safety but for the safety of the entire shoal. If one fish is exposed, we are all exposed", explained Obadia. Of course, Daniel seas sarcastically then continues to argue with his father. "But Dad! I'm one of the fastest swimmers in our shoal. I want to see what’s out there for myself", begged Daniel. "I understand...but you have to stop thinking only for yourself if you ever want to lead your own family one day", says Obadia.

Obadia calls out to Daniel and says, "We have a Surprise for you". His mother further explains "Since it is raining today and a tab bit safer, your father and I have decided to take you to the surface." Daniel, looking shocked he says "really"?! "Come on, let's go!" says his parents.

As Daniel is swimming around, he thinks to himself "I have to find a way to escape everyone and be on my own for once". "Yesterday was awesome but I want more" says Daniel as he figures out a plan.

"I'm free!" yells Daniel as he swims throughout the Amazon where he pleases away from his family.

"Daniel, where are you?" yells Marie. "This isn't funny anymore Son. We NEED you to come out now" says Obadia panicked. Both Marie and Obadia continue to ask other fish in the shoal if they have seen Daniel.

As Daniel wanders further out, he begins to notice that things don't quite look the same. He begins to ask "Where is everyone?" Confused he thinks, "oh no, did they leave without me?" He starts to panic and says "What am I going to do? My parents are going to kill me!”

As Daniel continues swimming alone, he starts to get hungry. "Where am I going to find food?" All of a sudden Daniel hears a loud screech. "Wha, what was that," he asks himself scared. Feeling worried, he continues swimming and struggles to find food and a place to rest. Yuck! exclaims Daniel as he eats plants.

As Marie's eyes fill with tears, Obadia says "I can't believe we've lost our son". Obadia swims over to Marie to comfort her as she says, "We have to find him...we just have to". As Obadia looks down at his wife, he feels heartbroken and decides to take half of the group to go out and look for Daniel a dangerous move. Marie happily says, "Oh thank you my husband! Now please go find our son and bring him home".

As Daniel swims in solitude he realizes that he should have listened to his parents. "I wish I would have just stayed in the shoal. Now look at me! Stranded and afraid", Daniel says. He hopes and wishes for someone to help him.

Obadia puts together a search party to look for Daniel. He instructs everyone to search everywhere and everything. "We must find Daniel. So, spread out but don't go out too far" instructs Obadia.

As Daniel tries to make friends, he begins to start questioning other fish around him. "Why won't anyone talk to me? It's like every time I smile, they run away".

As the search continues, Obadia comes along a marshy area of the Amazon. He notices a flicker in the corner of his eye and yells, "DANIEL"! "Dad...is that you? Dad! I'm over here", Daniel yells back to his father. Obadia swims as fast as he can over to Daniel and tells him "I am so happy to see that you are ok my son". 

Daniel and Obadia swim over to join the rest of the search party. "We have to get back to the rest of the shoal and your mother" Obadia tells Daniel when all of a sudden a few of the piranhas start screaming. "We are under attack by dolphins! Swim to your mother Daniel, while we distract them", shouts Obadia. 

Daniel hesitates as his dad yells at him again to swim towards his mother. As Daniel turns to swim, another dolphin swoops in and attacks his father. Daniel swims to his father and yells "Dad are you ok? Come on Dad, wake up. We have to go." As Daniel speaks to his father another fish yells out "We have to leave now or we won't make it." Daniel yells back to the shoal, "leave me here!" and the remaining members of the school flee the ambush.

Daniel finally decides to head back with the rest of the shoal and sees his mother. Marie says excitedly, "Oh my goodness Daniel, I'm so happy that you are alive." She cautiously asks, "Where's your father"? "I'm so sorry Mom but he didn't make it", says Daniel. Marie speaks sternly to Daniel and says, "Do not let your father's sacrifice be in vain. Soon it will be your time to lead the shoal and remember…your family always comes first." THE END!

July 19, 2020 17:29

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1 comment

Barbara Burgess
16:07 Jul 31, 2020

I enjoyed your story very much. I was intrigued to read about talking fish! A great take on the prompt. Just one or two errors. I think you might have put Daniel's response twice at the beginning - Daniel, frustrated, responds and exclaims Daniel. There are one or two other grammar errors. Can I suggest that you write the story in one go and then leave at least 3 days before looking at it again with - fresh eyes. Make sure you don't miss the entry deadline though. Writing short stories helps with our writing in gener...


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