Fright, Food and Friendships

Submitted into Contest #202 in response to: Write about two people striking up an unlikely friendship.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Crime Funny

There he was, standing over me as I laid on my couch. His knee pressed on my chest, knife in hand pushing against my own to reach my neck. I had to think of something quick so I quickly scanned my assailant to see if I could see ANYTHING of use. It was in a split second of light that shone on a tattoo he had of sonic the hedgehog that I decided to go for something ridiculous. 

“P-please don't do this! I was going to see the sonic movie tomorrow and I was really excited!” 

To my surprise he actually lessened the amount of force he was exerting on me and his face changed from anger to curiosity. 

“Oh really, you're a sonic fan? Tell you what answer this Trivia question right and I'll leave you alone. Deal?” 

I couldn't believe it. My dumb infatuation with a blue rodent is going to be my do or die moment. Utter embarrassment aside I nodded in agreement, still a little too stunned to speak and afraid it might be some elaborate torture joke. My assailant paused for a second as he thought, still maintaining his advantage over me until he had thought of an adequate question. 

“How do you pronounce the name of the water level in sonic cd” 

My eyes instantly widen as I understand the trap that's been set for me. Of course I know the right answer, but will he? At this point it's a pure 50/50 shot I have to live so I might as well answer with the answer I know to be true.

“Well obviously it's Hydro City. Hydrocity isn't a word and the level is the ruins of a civilization underwater” I close my eyes and tense up expecting it all to come to an end when suddenly I feel him get off of my chest. And stand wordlessly in front of me. I quickly sit up on my couch making sure to not take my eyes off of him. 

“Wow!” He says. “I can't believe I was about to get rid of another sane person from this earth. You know what, my bad dude. Let me make it up to you?”


“Yeah, my bad dude. But you seem pretty alright to me. I’ll buy you some food or something. My treat, promise.”

As I slowly get up from my couch I decide if I'm really willing to take this risk with a nutjob like him. However in the middle of my brief contemplation my stomach growls audibly. I sigh and agree to go as my now ex-attacker laughs. I grab my keys and head for the door, motioning for him to come with me. As we both sat in my car I gave another big sigh then looked over at my newest and probably biggest mistake. 

“I'm taking us to Wendys, sounds good?”

“Oh dude I love Wendys I always get the spicy nuggets and fries, can't forget a dr. pepper too.”

“No way, that’s my exact order too! Maybe you do have some pretty good taste after all.”

We both laughed as I started the car and began driving off. I glanced at the time realizing I had no idea how late it was. Lucky for us it was only midnight so Wendys was for sure open. As we sit at a red light I look over briefly and ask him why he chose me to be his next victim.

“Well I kinda just go with the flow,” he said as he laid back in the front seat. “It doesn't really matter to me who I go after. I'm just in this game out of boredom really. And I can't lie, it's pretty cool seeing the police scramble to find me, heh.”

“Oh so you're just crazy just because? Cool, cool.” As the awkward silence grew thicker we pulled into the drive thru. Predictably it was empty so I rolled on through and placed my order.

“Oh wait, get me the same thing! I'm starving” he says as he pulls out a $50 bill and hands it over to me.

I roll my eyes and take it then drive up to the second window and get our meals. I thank the worker and we head back to my house. When we walk back in I turn on the lights and direct him to my small dining table and we sit.

“So.”  I say as I take my nuggets and fries out of the bag. “What's your name, or should I just refer to you as Mr Murder.”

“HA! Good one!” He shoves a handful of fries in his mouth and takes a big drink of his soda. “I'm Miles, and you?”


“Well it was a pleasure not killing you James” Miles holds out his hand for a quick shake, I shake it and take a bite of my nugget.

We go back to eating and I turn on my TV. “Got anything you wanna watch while you're here? I've got pretty much every streaming service you could need”

“Oh sick, let's watch Inception, it's my favorite of all time. I saw it for the first time not too long ago and fell in love with it.” 

“No way, that's MY favorite of all time and I've seen it like 15 times. You have some awesome taste in media!” I quickly load up inception to watch and we move over to the couch to be closer to the screen.

Three hours later we’re only halfway through the movie as we’ve stopped constantly to analyze things, or make jokes.

“Look Miles, I'm telling you they're in a dream right now, trust me dude.”

“Nah nah no way, when would they have even done it??”

“That's the point! Look, you'll see in a sec”

We didn't finish the movie until 6am.

Once the movie was over we both got up and stretched “oh man 6am? That's insane. This move is great man” I said while checking my phone 

“I gotta come back sometime for a rewatch, you're awesome at movie analysis man. Whatever you recommend, I'm totally down to watch!” Miles held up his hand for a high five and I reciprocated.

“Come back later tonight? I'm off work for the next few days so I'm so down! Just dont kill anyone before you come here, i really don't need cops trying to barge in here. I barely afford this place as it is.”

Miles stood up and made his way towards the door “Nah that makes sense man, I'll for sure be back though! Tonight was AWESOME. Thanks for hosting me!” He opened the door and left.

As soon as the door closed I collapsed on my couch, How did i get myself in this situation. And what kind of comic karma am I going to soak up from just existing around him. Oh well, that's a problem for future James to think about. Right now, I just happened to make a new friend and he's actually pretty dang cool.

June 16, 2023 00:10

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Ken Cartisano
05:04 Jun 23, 2023

Clever opening. We are dropped right into the action, not knowing how it started, but we assume it is a life-or-death situation. The mystery deepens when we realize that the mc does not know his assailant. I’m sonic curious, and I think I would like ‘Sonic the Hedgehog.’ But as of right now, I would not have known what the water level was called. So you (or he) picked an effective riddle to separate fans from phonies. This is a great sentence: To my surprise he actually lessened the amount of force he was exerting on me and his face (expr...


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Sylph Fox
06:27 Jul 09, 2023

Hi Charard, I can see how this is made into short film for a good laugh. I would personally name this story "Blue Rodent" for eye catching purpose :) I host an audio book podcast and looking for stories like yours for my next season. I'd really love to feature your work. If you’re interested in having your story read by me I'd really appreciate it if you'd contact me at I invite you to listen to my podcast and see what you think. Apple Podcast :


Charard Brown
16:46 Jul 11, 2023

This sounds lie such an awesome opportunity! I'm on board with this 100%


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