Is anyone out there?

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt

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Dear friend,

I write you finally from my home. I arrived yesterday from Nairobi, in the last evening plane. It was a very long flight but I was happy all the time, because I was returning home after so long as you know. I ate and slept very well for the first time in all this years of jumping from one plane to the other. Sometimes I was so tired that I didn’t even realized in which country I was landing.

I arrived home to find a decreed quarantine period though. It means I will be alone at home for the next fourteen days. I prepared a stock of food and I have a ton of work to do so I will not be bored. But please keep in contact, so we can share our adventures, in this very peculiar times.

Best from this dear friend of yours




Dear friend,

This is my second day home alone. I wanted to share with you how it has been. I wake up every day very early and start with my meditation. Around 9 am I seat in the balcony where I can get some sun. Then I work all day, in front of the computer, preparing reports, writing my book and also coordinating with my colleague’s and clients.

I miss my coffee in the neighbourhood coffee shop. It is really a very dodgy place but I miss it. Do you know that old man here go there to start drinking wine at 10 am?  I don’t like very much the smell of the place, but the coffee is excellent. I even miss the strange dog that every day goes there, completely alone, just to get a free rice cake from the owner. I still didn’t figure it out yet, where this dog is coming from? It’s a very old dog with short yellowish air. I really think that is some kind of sage reincarnated.

Hope you are doing well in your reclusion. Let me know how it is going.

Hug from Bia



Dear friend,

It is day 6 of quarantine. I’m getting tired of not doing much except work and cleaning the house. I wake up at 5 am and wait for the sun to come up so I can get out of the bed. I don’t want to be moving around with the lights on. If I do it would look like a crazy person.

I started drinking coffee again. I was planning to change this habit, but suffered from a constant headache from morning to night. I don’t plan to start smoking again though. This is a habit that I will make sure to change has you recommended.

Work is doing well, as usual. I was already doing mainly work from home, hotel rooms or airports, so not much changed there.

I do miss seeing people, and listening to their conversations. Do you know that thing they say.. “people seeing”?! I like to observe people and imagine their stories. Nowadays I seat in the balcony and try to what the people living in my street are doing. For instance the old couple in the window in front. They come to the window sometimes, look at the street but retrieve when they see me. Or the family in the next building, with two children. They play the piano and yesterday the tow kids where painting in the floor.  At night I listen to my own building, the living beings here trying to continue their lives in a normal way, breathing, cooking, washing and playing.

I started to read a book about the life of Lawrence of Arabia. How comical, don’t you think? I’m yearning for the desert now.

What about you? Do tell me something. I’m getting worried about your absence.

Wish you well




Dear friend,

Day 9 of the quarantine. I realise today, that my house is a mess. I need to do some work, paint the walls and fix the pipes in the kitchen. I also want to change my furniture. Tired of all of it. Maybe I should sell my house and move to the country side. What do you think?

Why you don’t answer me? Don’t you have an opinion? I remember how opinionated you were in the past. You always had something to say about me and how I should live my life. Remember when I was planning to go for holidays in Vienna and you said I should go to a place with a beach? I change my ideas and went to a resort in a touristic country. Let me tell you… I HATED IT. I got sun burned, was cover with mosquito bites and also got a serious case of diarrhoea. I was sick the all-time. I told you that I loved it, but it was a lie.

So why wont you write to me?




Dear friend,

I want to apologize for the last e-mail. I was a bit emotional and I also drunk a bit. This thing of being home alone is quite challenging. We miss contact and communication so we talk with everything possible: the plants, de computer, the TV or even the fruit! Human brains are amazing and scary.

Work is doing great, but I’m already attending skype meetings in my pyjama. My director already told me to get a grip and fix my hair. I try to keep my daily hygiene honestly, but I’m very demotivated. Did you know that nails grow very fast?

My neighbours in the buildings in front of mine, yesterday put a very embarrassing poster at the window. It quote: “Lady in the window in front, stop watching us. That is a crime!” I know I should be comprehensive and understand we are living difficult time but could not help myself and wrote back: “It is not my fault you bought a house in front of mine. Move so I can see the sun.” I regret it immediately and I will take the poster out tonight.

It is not their fault or mine. I just miss human contact and communication. Sharing the space and getting some spit from noisy people.

I miss moving around in the street in the evening, observing the trees moving with the wind and the dogs jumping after toys. I miss the bus that usually takes me to office and the very bad tempered driver. Where is he now? Probably also at home, waiting for better days. Or maybe working, as so many do, because they are so important in and for our lives.

I miss most of all the next airport that takes me to a far strange place. And the excitement of meeting new people. Like I met you.

Dear friend, I miss you and your wise words. Is day 11. My quarantine will be over soon. I would love to hear your wise words.

Love Bia



Dear friend,

You are the worse friend I know. Whyyyyyyyyy you don’t write??? Whyyyyyyyy??????

I can’t stop crying today. I don’t have any chocolate in the house. My best friend stop answering me on whatsApp. She said she needs distance and wish to focus only on her family. She says that I’m too complicated and needy. I told the old couple in front. They said that friendship now is so difficult. Probably was the best to happen. Did you know the old couple is together for 50 years? Is so lovely.

I miss Africa so much and I miss you. Maybe I should change my life too.

I can’t stop crying ahhhhhhhhh





Dear Bia

How are you? I lost my phone when running to the hospital. I have been trying to find your contacts. I’m worried about you. Where are you? And how are you? Please let me know. All is fine in Kampala but work is very intense. I hardly have time to sleep. My family say hello and ask you to come back as soon as you can.

Take care and be safe.




Hello David…

Your e-mail is not

All is good. Quarantine is over. I will go for a walk now. I will tell you everything when I come back. Please wait. I just need to get some fresh air for a while.

Love. Your Bia. 

March 27, 2020 12:17

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1 comment

Belle Kachtori
11:07 Apr 06, 2020

This is really, really good! There are a lot of intricate details and your character, Bia, is really well-characterized! The emails are written very realistically-- with typos and everything. And I absolutely love your focus on side characters!! The interactions between them and your main character are very interesting.


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